Fortunately, the distance between these two people was not too close, so Yang Lei barely grabbed Su Yi's wrist.

"Suy!" he yelled, seeing the horrific wound on Suy's face at a glance, "You are"

"You don't let go."

Seeing the appearance of the two of them at this time, Bai Yanxin felt extremely uncomfortable.

But immediately, she smelled something burning.

"What?" Bai Yanxin looked towards the direction where the smell was coming from, and immediately noticed a fire slowly burning over there.

It turned out that when Yang Lei ran over, he was too excited and kicked over the cable on one side.

The ground is so dry, and the temperature is a little high, almost instantly.

"This..." Yang Lei also realized that something was wrong, when he turned his head to look, the sparks were getting closer and closer to him.

Su Yi's feet were already empty, she didn't dare to look down, she just wanted to grab Yang Lei's hand.

If Yang Lei lets go at this time, then Su Yi will also fall directly.

By then, she will have been.
Thinking of this, Suy used some force.

"Ah—" Bai Yanxin screamed when she saw the flames.

It's not that Suy didn't notice that there was a fire around Yang Lei.

Time passed by, but Yang Lei still didn't let go, but he was on the verge of being unable to hold on.

Bai Yanxin never expected that things would develop into what they are now.

Yang Lei could feel the fire crawling up his body little by little, and he felt that he was about to burn.

Fortunately, the rescuers came in time, and they came to rescue Su Yi one second before Yang Lei's nerve on Su Yi's body broke.

He had no feeling in his arms, and the pain in his legs made it hard for him to breathe.

As for what happened in the end, he didn't even have any memory.

Just remember, he was sent to the hospital with Sue.

After Shao Liheng and Shaowei heard the news, they rushed to the hospital immediately.

"Bai Yanxin is really crazy." Along the way, the official Shu Du shouted, "How could you do such a thing? It will be a dead body and two lives. If something goes wrong with Su Yi, I will I will definitely not let her go."

Shao Liheng was also very anxious. He thought he would see Su Yi in the detention center, but he didn't expect that there were only Shao Yao and Guan Zhang Shu who came to pick him up.

"How is it?" Seeing the doctor coming out of the emergency room, several people immediately surrounded him, "How is your lord?"

The doctor shook his head, "It's okay, it's just that the fetus is a little unstable, and we need to pay more attention to it."

"Fortunately, it was delivered in time, otherwise now" the doctor sighed helplessly.

The family's hanging heart finally fell to the ground.

"It's fine." Official Shu Ye finally breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the rescue room next door, everything seemed a little different.

"Who are the family members of the patient?" The doctor stood there and shouted, "We need the signatures of the family members."

Shao Liheng and Shao Yao looked at each other, thought twice, and walked forward.

"Excuse me, what's the matter?" Shao Liheng asked.

"The patient's legs have been completely burned and cannot be saved." The doctor took out a document, "Are you family members?"

"If so, please sign this document. Our suggestion is amputation to save life."

As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene was stunned.

"Okay." Shao Liheng nodded, and he couldn't find any other way at the moment, "I'll sign."

Shao Yao beside him has already stepped back, apparently unable to accept the current facts.

"Then do as you said." The moment the doctor walked in, Shao Liheng glanced inside.

Although he didn't see anything, he couldn't help but frowned whenever he thought of that scene.

In the United States, everyone has arrived at the venue of the wedding banquet.

"What time is it?" Someone noticed something was wrong and said to the surroundings, "Why hasn't the wedding started yet?"

Today is the day Sam and Luna get married.

"Yeah, why aren't the bride and groom ready yet?" The crowd became restless.

The old lady couldn't sit still, and called the people around her, "Where's Sam?"

"This..." The man was also a little helpless, "It seems that he didn't see it."

"I just said that I was a little upset and wanted to take a breath."

The old lady realized something was wrong, "Breath?" She asked, "Does it take so long to breathe?"

She stretched out her crutches and pointed to the surroundings, "Hurry up, find it for me."

"hurry up!"

When she gave an order, they naturally dared not disobey her order.

I don't know how long it has passed, but the guests at the scene became more and more restless.

"Sorry." The man came back, "We... didn't find it."

"Didn't he just have two legs?" The old lady was very angry, "It's impossible to go far, why can't you find them?"

The man shook his head, "We've searched all over, but there really isn't one."

"Old lady?" Many people around have come to test, "Is this wedding still going on? I think the time is almost up, why is there no movement at all?"

In an instant, the old lady changed her face and forced a smile, "I'm sorry, I won't waste your time, we can start right away."

"Go on, keep looking for me." At the same time, she didn't let them give up.

"Huh?" Sam felt that the surroundings were pitch black, "Where am I?"

He just came out to take a breath just now, but when he thought about the situation he was about to face, he felt a little uncomfortable.

"Where is this?" He asked repeatedly, but found that no one around him paid any attention to him.

"Is it ready?" Liu Peng, who was far away in China, immediately ordered after receiving the news, "If that's the case, let's release the news as soon as possible."

The subordinates rushed over in a hurry, and the old lady thought that Sam had found it when she saw the formation.

"Is someone coming?" she asked, "Hurry up, keep going."

The man shook his head, "Sorry."

At the same time, the man handed over the phone, "This."

The old lady looked down and saw the news above.

Show that Sam is looking for true love?Ran?
Love?Seeing these two words, the old lady's first reaction was Liu Feifei.

"Next" the subordinates were probing, without the old lady's order, they would never act easily.

The old lady still frowned, "What else can I do? Hurry up and block the news."

"Okay." The subordinate nodded, and immediately retreated.

To find true love?So, did Sam run back to Liu Feifei now?

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