"Dad?" Suy asked, feeling extremely uncomfortable, "The words just now."

Shao Yao shook his head hastily, "Forget it, isn't that what the two of us are like?"

As a daughter-in-law who hadn't married yet, Suy couldn't say anything more at this time, so she had to leave directly.

Before walking into the door, Suy kept looking at the situation downstairs.

I saw Shao Yao standing there alone, seemingly in a daze.

Everything around him has nothing to do with him. At this moment, he must be thinking about what just happened.

"What's the matter?" Shao Liheng saw Su Yi's unhappy expression as soon as he returned home, "Did something happen?"

Su Yi nodded, "This afternoon, our car accidentally ran into Bai Yanxin."

Shao Liheng had also heard about this matter, but he didn't know anything about what happened between Shao Yao and Guan Shu.

"Unexpectedly," Suy muttered, "The two of them started arguing."

"Dad was also short-tempered for a while, and said some unpleasant things." Suy shook his head, "Tell me, what should the two of them do now."

Unexpectedly, Shao Liheng didn't take it to heart at all.

"It's okay, just get used to it." Shao Liheng responded, "The two of them are just talking angry words, nothing will happen."

However, it turned out that Shao Liheng was wrong.

At dinner, four people sat at a table, awkward as hell.

Suy tried to stretch out her chopsticks to go far away several times, but she couldn't continue.

Just seeing their expressions at the moment, she stopped her movements, which was a bit too oppressive.

"You guys." Shao Liheng tried every means to change the atmosphere, "Aren't you talking?"

"What are you talking about?" Official Shu said, "Could it be possible that the two of us should discuss when to get divorced?"

"If you want it, it's not impossible." Shao Yao said, "You can tell yourself when."

Wait, how did things develop into what they are now.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, neither of them dared to continue talking.

Shao Liheng even regretted it a little. He shouldn't have said so much just now, and he shouldn't have even opened his mouth.

"Okay." Officer Shu glanced at the calendar over there, "Look, how about tomorrow? Anyway, it's a working day, so let's do it directly."

"Okay." The two hit it off right away.

"Huh?" Suy suddenly became anxious, "Isn't this true?"

However, when the two looked at her, Su Yi realized that what he said just now was indeed wrong.

"Really." Shao Yao muttered, "Since there is always a knot in my heart, why do I continue, why not just get separated like this."

"You guys." Shao Liheng was thinking about how to speak properly, "Is it true?"

"At this age, spend the rest of your life well, won't you?" As soon as Shao Liheng said this, the two shook their heads.

"Is it because we don't want to live a good life now?" Officer Shu muttered, "I want to live a good life, but that person must do something."

Shao Yao didn't seem to want to continue arguing with her, so he simply shook his chopsticks and left from here.

The atmosphere at the scene was awkward for a while, Su Yi couldn't help but look at Shao Liheng over there, and seeing his reaction, he seemed a little helpless.

"What should we do?" Suy returned to the room and immediately asked, "Should we just let them go?"

"No, of course not." Shao Liheng responded, "But think about it, we want to be here, what should we do?"

"I" Suy also had no choice, "How about this, if they really go tomorrow, I will go with them, maybe there is still some way."

"Okay." Right now, it seems that he can only smash the jar.

The next day, Suy kept watching the movements of the two of them.

"Let's go?" Shao Yao said, walking towards the door at the same time, "Do you want to bring something?"

"Okay, I'm ready." Officer Shu also had a fearless attitude.

Seeing this, Suy immediately walked up, "I'll go with you."

Fortunately, they didn't say much, so Suy was able to leave here.

"Dad, Mom." Suy yelled, but she didn't expect that neither of them would continue to pay attention to her.

When the two arrived at the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, they went in without hesitation, "Wait, don't you think about it?"

"This happened in a flash." Suy felt extremely uncomfortable for them, "After going in later, there may not be a way to regret it."

"Why keep such a marriage?" Guan Zhang Shu suddenly asked.

When Shao Yao heard this, he quickly continued, "You don't even have to look at it, who was making trouble for no reason at that time, I think I have done a very benevolent and righteous thing."

"Extremely benevolent and righteous?" Official Shu quickly denied, "Is there anyone like you?"

"Isn't it?" The two people got closer and closer, and they were about to make a move when they saw it.

"No, of course not." Officer Shu said when he was so excited, his forehead even burst into blue veins, "Tell me yourself, why do you want me to pay off the romantic debts you owed yourself in those years?"

"You!" Shao Yao got excited, and he couldn't help taking a few more steps towards Guan Shu.

"What about me?" Guan Chang Shu just stood there, as if he was ready to accept everything at hand.

"I really don't know what you think."

The battle between the two has intensified. Seeing the situation in front of him, Suy thought about what to do.

"Okay, okay." Suy stepped forward and stood between the two, "Parents, look at you, don't you still have a lot to say?"

"We can talk about these words slowly at home." Suy muttered, "There is no need to occupy public resources here."

But Shao Yao and Guan Shu didn't want to give up, "Su Yi, this is between the two of us."

"Yes, let me settle the matter with him today." The official Shu stretched out his hand and pushed Su Yi in front of him, making it clear what he wanted to say to Shao Yao.

Su Yi was pushed aside at once, never expecting that the person walking beside her seemed to be a little anxious, and accidentally bumped into her again.

For a moment, Suy didn't stand still and fell directly to the ground.

Strangely, Suy felt a little uncomfortable with this feeling, and what appeared in front of him in the next second was darkness.

"Suy!" Seeing what happened over there, Officer Shu focused his attention.

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