When several people left here, Helan was still trembling there.

"Do you want to see it?" Sam asked. He was still a little shocked when he saw the numbers on it.

Obviously, Shao Liheng had already given a notice just now, but when he actually saw that number, he still felt that it was extremely unreal.

Liu Feifei on the other side couldn't help but leaned over to take a look, and when she saw this number, she took a few steps back in fright.

In just a few days, how could things have developed to this point.

Helan shook his head again and again, realizing that he seemed to be unable to escape.

Just then, the rescue lights went out.

The group of people immediately gathered together, and Sam walked directly in front, asking the doctor over there, "How is it?"

"Is my grandmother all right?" Som asked.

The doctor nodded, "Don't worry, you've been rescued. It's the patient's emotions recently. You should take good care of them. There are some things that the patient should not know."

Sam stepped into the ward first, but saw his grandmother's eyes remained on Shao Liheng who was behind him.

"Let's go in together." For this reason, Sam had no choice but to say this. When Shao Liheng stood there just now, he didn't feel that Shao Liheng was a little embarrassed to stay here.

Shao Liheng shook his head, "I'll just wait for you at the door. I'm also a little embarrassed to see what happened this time."

Sam replied, "If you hadn't raised the alarm for us, we might have stayed in the dark at this point."

"Come in." Sam gave Shao Liheng a hand, "Looking at my grandmother, I still want to talk to you."

Now, Shao Liheng had no choice but to walk in.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked in, the grandmother called out Shao Liheng's name, "Li Heng, come here."

It was obviously the first sentence after waking up, and logically it should be to talk to the grandsons such as Sam or Helan, but unexpectedly, he found him, Shao Liheng.

"Okay." Shao Liheng nodded, "What's the matter?"

Grandma's voice was a little low. After all, she had just woken up and was still a little weak.

"Li Heng, I want to ask you for a favor." Grandma said, with a pleading tone, "That's it."

"What?" Shao Liheng lowered his head and put his ears next to the old lady's, just to hear what she said clearly.

"I want you to save the company." As soon as these words came out, Shao Liheng immediately froze in place.

You know, this is not a simple matter.

"Save the company?" Shao Liheng repeated.

The old lady over there nodded, "Yes." She hardly made any more sounds, but mouthed the word.

Shao Liheng looked at Sam and Helan over there, and after a while, he responded, "This matter is really tricky."

"I don't dare to say that I helped, but you will definitely succeed." Shao Liheng explained, "I can only say that I will try my best to help you, but I can't guarantee what the result will be. "

Such words should be said first, for fear that the old lady gave too much hope.

"Okay." She nodded and looked at Sam and Helan over there at the same time.

Shao Liheng didn't stop, and continued, "But now, the property transfer is really powerful."


"And what?" demanded Som.

"And now most of the company's rights are actually with Helan. I'm just an outsider, so there may be some things that haven't been done well." The purpose of Shao Liheng's words is already very obvious. Helan's hands, taking away part of his rights.

"Why not." The old lady forcibly sat up, not caring about her own body anymore, "Sum, you take over the company. As for Helan, you should suspend all duties."

"Ah?" Helan was stunned when he heard this.

But Sam seemed to have some opinion, "Do you really want to do this?" He asked, trying to persuade the old lady not to have such thoughts.

The old lady nodded repeatedly, "Yes."

"But isn't Helan responsible for all of this?"

"Should Li Heng and I have to clean up the mess for him?" They could understand Sam's thoughts.

Helan wasn't very calm at all, but when he heard this, he couldn't help it anymore, "Sam, what do you mean?"

"You think I'm willing?" Helan was a little anxious, and walked towards Sam, "I don't have any rights offline."

"You think I want to be crushed by you?"

"Helan!" The old lady roared, but then coughed, as if she had exerted too much force just now.

"Do you still want to talk about this now?" The old lady adjusted her mood, the yell just now was a bit too exhausting.

Helan hurriedly stopped talking. If he continued talking at this time, it would only do him harm but not any good.

"You have also seen the current situation." The old lady said, "I think so, and it is for your own good."

"I think it's a good idea to let Sam accept it."

Looking at Helan again, he was not as upset as before.

"So" Sam asked tentatively.

"Actually, I just thought about it." The old lady understood what he was going to ask, "As long as Sam can settle this matter, then he will be the CEO of the company."

When Sam heard this, his eyes lit up instantly, but he couldn't show it.

To tell the truth, Sam had been waiting for this day for a long time.

It's just that I didn't expect that it would be in such a way.

Shao Liheng has been standing on the sidelines, looking at the few people over there. Now, this matter has become more and more interesting.

"Executive President?" Helan could no longer remain calm when he heard these four words.

Liu Feifei on the side couldn't say anything, just like Shao Liheng, she didn't continue to insert a word.

The old lady just woke up and said a lot of words. At this time, her body was even a little tired. She waved her hands again and again, "Okay, let's do this for now."

She looked at Sam's account book on the side table, "If there is any problem at that time, you should discuss it and solve it."

Lying back on the hospital bed, the old lady looked at the white ceiling above, "That's all I want to say."

Sam nodded, "Okay, I see."

He agreed. After all, this is also their family's company.

What's more, the old lady has already offered attractive conditions just now. If he does well, the position of CEO can be given to him.

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