"I" Helan is still hemming and hawing like that, unwilling to say anything, if it is exposed at that time, it will be bad.

"I don't have anything, I don't have anything." But Helan would still say these denials.

For a moment, the atmosphere here was extremely awkward, and the old lady kept a straight face, as if she was a little displeased with everything.

"Helan, didn't you just say it?" The old lady kept asking, "Is this the case? If you don't talk about it, I will be under the family law."

"You don't need to tell him." Shao Liheng had already made preparations, and took out something from his bag.
"What?" The old lady saw that Shao Liheng seemed to be flipping through something, and her eyes moved accordingly, "What is this?"

Shao Liheng spread out, "This is the deal between Helan and Yang Lei. In my opinion, Helan's ambition is not small at all."

"Let me see." Before that, Sam didn't get so much news at all, and naturally he didn't know about these things.

Seeing these detailed records now, I was even a little surprised.

It turns out that Helan has been busy with these things for the past few days.

"Yang Lei?" Liu Feifei muttered, the last time I heard this name was from Su Yi's mouth, I didn't expect it to appear again so soon, "This is not"

"Not what?" Shao Liheng asked.

"Why did he really come here?" Liu Feifei responded, "Suy told me that day, I still can't believe it."

"Indeed, I can't believe that someone I haven't seen for so long has appeared again at this time."

Helan sat there with a cowering look, as if expressing fear of everything that had just happened.

"Tell me?" The old lady still had that accusatory tone, "What's going on?"

"Just now I asked you if you didn't tell, but now that the evidence is here, you should always speak up, right?" The old lady grabbed the information over there and put it in front of Helan, "How is it?"

"I..." He hesitated, he never thought that Shao Liheng would know so clearly, he was already very cautious when doing these things.

"No!" Seeing that Helan Ye couldn't ask anything, the old lady couldn't help becoming anxious. She slapped the table suddenly, as if she couldn't sit still, "I'm going to send someone to investigate now. Check out the company's projects."

"Helan, are you going to rely on my trust in you and do something shameful?" the old lady asked.

Helan didn't make a sound, but just sat there.

Unexpectedly, it was Shao Liheng who answered.

"Do you want to know the situation of the company?" Shao Liheng asked.

The old lady turned her head to look at him again, "Li Heng, did you get any news again?"

Shao Liheng nodded, "As far as I know, the general property of the company is now in the hands of the Green family."

When Helan heard this, he immediately refuted, "Shao Liheng, don't be so bloody."

"You don't believe it?" Shao Liheng asked back, "Helan, I don't know who gave you the confidence. Do you really need me to list it for you?"

Now, the old lady had no choice but to make a suspicious voice, "Don't quarrel, you two, if you have something to say, say it one by one."

"Impossible. I just cooperated with Yang Lei. I didn't reach any other agreement with him at all. I don't even have any contact with the Green family you mentioned." Helan retorted, "Besides, this is also mine. Company, why should I hand it over to others like this?"

"Yes." Shao Liheng nodded, "That's what I said, but have you ever thought that sometimes things are so sudden that you have already taken everything away without you knowing?"

When Shao Liheng said this, Helan was even more stunned on the spot.

The old lady couldn't sit still anymore, "Helan, since you don't know, how about I help you find out?"

"The truth will come out when the time comes." The old lady had already called the housekeeper beside her and was about to give orders.

But even so, Helan still had his mysterious self-confidence, "Impossible, didn't I say it? There won't be any problems."

"At that time, there will only be no evidence, do you believe it or not?" Helan still thinks that this is all Shao Liheng's plan, and this is why he stood up to murder him, "You must not be fooled by Shao Liheng. "

During this period, Sam and Liu Feifei didn't say a word, just listening to Shao Liheng and Helan's confrontation.

The two of them seem to be a little out of state, because they haven't paid attention to what happened before for too long, so there are really a lot of make-up lessons for a while.

"Helan, think about it carefully." The matter is so important that the old lady had to cheer up, "Is this matter just like what Shao Liheng said?"

Helan still shook his head, "Grandma, don't you feel relieved when I do things?"

"Besides, didn't I prepare you for what I did before?" Helan explained, "Don't you know every step I take?"

"Really?" Shao Liheng spoke again, "Then if I tell you, it's all thanks to Yang Lei and your dear pillow person—Greenyan?"

Green Yan, Yang Lei. When these two names entered Helan's mind, it was like a bolt of lightning splitting in the air. He seemed to be a little scared. After all, this possibility is not completely impossible.

"Do you want to listen to me carefully?" Shao Liheng asked, "If you want to listen, I can continue to explain to you."

But Shao Liheng did not continue, because seeing the expression on the forehead of the old lady beside her, it seemed that she was not very good.

"Sum." Shao Liheng gestured to Sam over there, asking him to watch the old lady's situation more, "Do you want it?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Shao Liheng heard the old lady slam the table again, and the next second, the teacup in hand was swung directly to the ground.

Such a posture seems to have not appeared in this family for a long time.

"Grandmother!" The inspector realized that something was wrong, and immediately walked to her side, "If you have any discomfort."

As soon as they finished speaking, they saw the old lady clutching her chest, as if she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Quick!" Sam didn't dare to neglect for a moment, "Hurry up and call an ambulance, hurry up!"

Sam almost roared, the situation of the old lady is really not optimistic.

The housekeeper beside him was also very surprised, but he still listened to Shao Liheng's words and quickly called the hospital.

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