When Greenshan brought Suy back, Greenge was shocked.

"What's going on here?" Greene couldn't help asking, and at the same time raised Suy's head to look, "Why is she here?"

"I just met outside the door." Greenshan replied, "I don't know what they did."

"Huh?" Greene was a little surprised.

"Take her away." Green Ge said to Green Shan, "You don't need to tell her what happened just now, you just need to find an excuse."

After Geringe gave his orders, he did not expect Yang Lei to appear.

Yang Lei beside him walked in to have a look, and the moment he confirmed that it was Su Yi he saw, he was also stunned.

"Suy?" She called her name again, but there was still no response. It seemed that Suy was already in a coma.

"Did you fight?" Yang Lei asked, with a sense of blame.

Greenshan did not deny it, "She is right behind you, shouldn't she fight?"

Now, Yang Lei was too embarrassed to refuse anything, so he nodded, "I didn't expect her to be like this, she is so restless in everything she does."

"Yes." Greene nodded, "It's all right now, I don't know if she heard anything just now."

"This," Yang Lei recalled carefully, "it seems that we didn't say anything too much just now, right?"

That's true, but even so, Greene was still not at ease, "Although he didn't say anything, Suy has seen the two of us together."

"At that time." Greene knew the abilities of Su Yi and Shao Liheng, "These two people can easily detect something, and you and I can't hide."

Yang Lei did not deny that when he fought Shao Liheng before, he had the same feeling.

"Okay." But Yang Lei still couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable seeing Su Yi like this.
Obviously, this is not the way to meet.

"Wait." He heard all the words that Greene and Greenshan said just now, "You mean to lock up Suy?"

"No." Greene quickly denied, and at the same time couldn't help but look at Suy. Do these two people have any ulterior secrets?
"I'm just saying keep her on her toes," Greene explained.

"You two, shouldn't it be?" Greene had a lot of doubts in his heart. Since the two parties are together at this time, it is better to ask directly.

However, Yang Lei still refused to say, "Gringo, can Su Yi give it to me."

Unexpectedly, he started to raise conditions with him.

For a while, Greene didn't know what to recover.

"Have you figured it out?" I don't know how long it took before Greene made a sound.

Yang Lei nodded, "Yes, I want her."

Greene didn't dare to just hand over Suy to the person in front of him, "No, I can't just give her to you."

Unexpectedly, Yang Lei's attitude turned out to be so firm, "If you don't give it to me, let's forget about our cooperation."

Unexpectedly, such an important event as "cooperation" was just such a light thing in Yang Lei's mouth.

This was something they had planned for a long time, and they finally met a like-minded person, how could they just let go.

"You didn't tell me about the relationship between the two of you." Greene had no choice but to ask me to give Suy directly to you again?"

"Yes, I just want her." Yang Lei kept repeating.

The more Gringo thought about it, the more he felt strange. Obviously, the news he received before was not like this at all.

He knew that there were people around Yang Lei, but he didn't know who they were.

"Yang Lei, don't blame me for not reminding you." Greene also had good intentions, "Su Yi and Shao Liheng are engaged."

Yang Lei nodded, "I know."

He even knew this, but Yang Lei still had that attitude.

"I know everything you know." At the end, Yang Lei did not forget to add, "But I still want Suy."

Now that it's all right, Greene is even more in a dilemma.

It would be too hasty to just hand over Su Yi to Yang Lei.

But he didn't want to lose an opportunity to cooperate just like that.

"Yang Lei." Greene was still determined to persuade him, "You also know that the current situation is somewhat special."

"Would you like to wait any longer?" Seeing that he still had no reaction, Greene couldn't help adding, "Don't worry, I will never hurt her."

"I won't threaten you with her."

After Yang Lei heard this sentence, he didn't respond for a long time.

Gelinge could tell that Yang Lei was thinking.

At this time, it is most practical to continue to say some persuasive words, so Greene continued, "You know, the two of them and I are just maintaining a superficial peace."

"Actually." Greene deliberately raised his appetite.

"What?" Yang Lei was really interested, "What's wrong with you?"

"We have also talked about cooperation before, but there is no cooperation in the actual sense." Gelinge reached out and patted Yang Lei's shoulder, motioning for him to relax, "You know, sometimes it's just a matter It's another matter, please."

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, but neither of them continued talking.

Yang Lei's eyes fell on Su Yi over there again, and some of them hadn't seen her.

For some reason, looking at it from his perspective at this time, Suy's fate was shown in front of him without any room.

"So." Greene tentatively said, "Look, why don't I take Suy away."

"And during these days, Suy has been living with me." Greene continued, "I just need to find an excuse later."

Yang Lei finally nodded, he didn't dare to deny what Greene said just now.

"Okay." Yang Lei had no choice, "But you have to promise me that you will not hurt Su Yi, let alone do anything that is not good for her."

"If I find out that you have done something excessive." The expression on Yang Lei's face became fiercer in a second, "I won't let you go."

Greene nodded violently. He is willing to do anything as long as the cooperation between the two of them can be stabilized at this time.

What's more, this matter has no disadvantages for him.

"Don't worry, don't worry." Green Ge comforted him non-stop.

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