When seeing these three words, Suy only felt like she was dreaming.

Today, Suy didn't know how many times he called this number, but each time he got a response from a cold mechanical female voice.

So when Suy saw it at this time, she was naturally very excited.

"You pick it up first." Shao Liheng Night Market next to him got excited, "Ask first how they are doing now."

"Okay." Suy pressed the answer button and turned on the speakerphone at the same time.

"Hello? Feifei?" Suy asked tentatively.

The moment the phone was dialed, Suy heard a noisy voice on the other side of the phone.

"Where are you?" Suy couldn't help asking.

"Suy, I'm at the airport now." Liu Feifei's voice was indeed correct.

And hearing this voice, Suy couldn't help but feel relieved.

"Where did you go? Why are you at the airport?" Suy wanted to ask a series of questions, "Have you set off or arrived?"

"You have too many questions at once." Liu Feifei joked, "Wait for me to tell you one by one."

"Okay," Sue said.

"Sam and I came back from a business trip." Liu Feifei was still very noisy, "Now, we have just arrived and the plane is still taxiing."

"I saw your phone number now, so I called you first in a hurry."

"Then shall we pick you up now?" Suy asked immediately.

Liu Feifei paused for a moment, as if she was waiting for something.

"Are you here to pick me up?" After a long while, someone finally spoke, "Okay, come on, when we get the luggage, you should be there too."

"Then you send us the exit, and we'll come here now." Suy stood up without any hesitation, even with her mobile phone in her hand.

When receiving the news, Su Yi and Shao Liheng were already sitting in the car.

"How to say?" Shao Liheng asked, "Did she say anything else?"

Suy shook his head, "It's said that he is on a business trip, but listening to the voice at this time, there shouldn't be any problem."

But the two never expected that even at such a fast speed, when they arrived at the airport, Liu Feifei and Sam had already disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Liu Feifei was still dissatisfied with the arrangement of the person in front of her.

Just when she and Sam got their luggage and wanted to look towards the exit to see if Su Yi and Shao Liheng had appeared, someone suddenly appeared beside her and grabbed her.

Not caring about the strange eyes of the people around them, the group of people just took them to the car.

Now that they saw each other clearly, Liu Feifei and Sam realized that they were from Helan.

"I'm sorry, this is an order from my husband." The other party was even more domineering, and they didn't give them a chance to resist.

When Su Yi and Shao Liheng rushed to the airport, they didn't see the two of them in a daze.

"Would you like to ask?" Shao Liheng looked at Su Yi's anxious look, "Is their flight all over?"

Suy nodded and walked towards the staff, "Excuse me."

She took out her mobile phone and reported the flight number to them, "Have they finished their luggage yet?"

The staff glanced at the luggage carousel, and then gave the answer, "Look, there is no luggage there, so everyone has left."

"Are you picking up some friends?" The staff was very enthusiastic. Seeing the two of them like this, they couldn't help asking.

Shao Liheng nodded, "Yes, but I haven't seen them all this time."

"Why don't you make a phone call, maybe you're already hungry by now, and you're going out for dinner," the staff member said.

After Shao Liheng and Su Yi thanked each other, they left from here.

"Are you playing?" Shao Liheng was still unwilling to give up, "See if anyone picks up?"

"Okay." Suy called again, but what she got was still the cold mechanical female voice.

Suy had heard this voice many times during the day.

"Is there still no one to answer?" At this moment, both of them became anxious.

"Yes." Suy nodded, but she was still worried, "Why don't I send Feifei a message."

"In case she just can't answer the phone." As soon as she said this, Suy immediately had a bad guess, "Wait, could they have been taken away by Helan and the others?"

"What?" Shao Liheng was a little puzzled, but after thinking about it carefully, it seems that this possibility is also possible, "Then"

If things really develop like this, it will only become more and more difficult, "Or, you can send her a message first, and send her the outline of the matter."

"If she saw it, she would be able to understand it more or less."

Su Yi nodded, and pulled Shao Liheng to sit down in a noodle shop.

Shao Liheng asked the waiter for two bowls of noodles, and Su Yi had been editing text messages there.

"What should I say?" Sue asked, "Should I talk about Greenyan's pregnancy, and then..."

"Tell me about Helan's suspicion of us?"

Shao Liheng nodded, just took a bite of the noodles, and it was so unpalatable that he didn't want to move his chopsticks anymore.

"When will these days end?" In Shao Liheng's eyes, the soup in front of him seemed to have no appetite at all. "To be honest, I want to go back. The things here don't suit our Chinese appetite at all."

Suy was obviously immersed in editing the text message, and did not respond to it.

So what Shao Liheng said just now became nonsense.

"Okay?" Suy finally raised his head, "Can you show me?"

He took the phone, and seeing the densely packed lines of words on it, he couldn't help looking at it for a long time.

"It's almost there. If she sees it, she should reply to you." Shao Liheng put down his chopsticks completely.

Su Yi didn't have much appetite, and the bowl of noodles was placed in front of her, and she didn't touch much from the beginning to the end.

"Go back?" Shao Liheng glanced at the time, it was already an hour and a half since they called.

"Let's go." Suy knew that since he didn't get any response right now, there was nothing he could do.

When leaving here, Suy still refused to give up and dialed that phone number.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is temporarily unavailable." The English female voice sometimes sounded colder than the Chinese female voice, so Su Yi hung up the phone directly.

"Forget it, let's go back and wait for the news."

At the same time, Sam and Liu Feifei have also arrived at home.

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