"But what am I not going to do?" Suy was dragged directly to the door just like that. She never imagined that she would still have such a day.

"Didn't I say that? You are not welcome in our family." Helan repeated this sentence, "So let you go out now, is there any problem?"

As soon as Helan said this, the servants around really kicked Suy out.

The two of you looked at me and I looked at you, feeling extremely awkward for a moment.

"You go back." After saying this, Helan turned around and was about to leave here.

"But I have something to ask the old lady." Suy continued, walking inside at the same time.

Unexpectedly, those servants stopped her again.

"Didn't you say it? You are not welcome, how many times do you want me to say it before you can listen?"

At the same time, Shao Liheng on the other side of the phone also heard the movement of the two people here.

He couldn't help feeling a little worried, and wanted to hurry there, so he called a car.

"Master, go there quickly." He reported the address of Helan's house, "Remember to hurry up."

"Okay." After the master replied, he set off directly.

Along the way, Shao Liheng listened to the voice on the other end, for fear that there would be some dispute between Su Yi and Helan.

"Suy, don't be shameless." At this moment, Helan was furious, and he was much more excited when he spoke.

How could Suy be Helan's opponent? Seeing Helan's appearance at this time, she was really afraid that he would make a move.

"Helan, I just went in to say a few words, what would happen?" But Suy felt that since he had come, there was no possibility of him returning empty-handed.

"No." Helan still refused her, "I've made it very clear, if you still think that way, I might do something to you."

Suy also got excited, "Do it?" She couldn't believe it, Suy was only alone now, and Helan could do something to her.

"Are you coming?" Suy yelled, with some provocative surprises.

"Come on now." Helan was also serious, and said to the people around him, "Just watch out for me, if this woman comes in again, don't let me idle, just do it."

After saying this, Helan turned around and left.

Only Suy was left there.

Seeing the row of people in front of her, Suy was a little flustered.

"I want to go in, are you really going to do it?" Suy gestured.

Several men nodded, "Yes, our husband said that as long as you dare to step in, we will do something to you."

"Is that so?" The mobile phone in Suy's pocket recorded all these sounds, and Shao Liheng over there could hear them clearly.

Seeing the car getting closer, Shao Liheng uncommonly became more nervous.

"Is it coming soon?" Shao Liheng asked.

The driver nodded, "Is there something urgent for you?"

"I've already increased the speed to the highest speed." The driver replied.

When Shao Liheng arrived at the old house, Su Yi was still standing at the door.

"Are you okay?" He trotted closer, "I heard you just had an argument with Sam."

Suy nodded, "I wanted to go in and ask the old lady about the two of them, but I didn't expect to be kicked out so directly."

"It's okay." Shao Liheng comforted, "Let's go back now and continue to Greene's place."

"I think there might be a little more to know."

Without any hesitation, the two set off directly.

"What did you say?" Greene quickly understood what had just happened, "Shao Liheng even asked you."

The guard reported in detail, "Yes, I've said it all."

"Is there anything else?"

"No more." The guard thought for a while before giving the answer.

Green Green never expected that Shao Liheng would be so patient.

"Green Yan." So Green Ge called her directly, "Are you okay now?"

"It's all right." Green Yan had already arrived at a safe place at this moment, "Don't worry bro."

"You have to be careful about Shao Liheng, I didn't expect him to be so thoughtful." Geringe was still worried, and urged him thousands of times, just not wanting Shao Liheng to notice anything.

Greenyan nodded and replied, "I see."

"President." The secretary hurried in suddenly.

Seeing this, Greene immediately hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, you look so flustered?"

"Master is here." Before the secretary finished speaking, Green Xian appeared behind him.

"Gringe, what the hell are you doing? If you let me know what you're doing, I won't let you go."

The two of you look at me and I look at you, "What's wrong, Dad?"

"Do you think I don't know what the old lady is thinking?" Green Xian was very direct, "Are you playing tricks?"

"Dad?" Greene was a little puzzled, "What do you know?"

"The old lady didn't say anything about killing the child, did she?" After Green Xian said that, his eyes stayed on Green Ge over there, just to see his expression at this moment.

"I don't know." Greene still looked like he didn't know what to ask.

"You!" The old man was a little speechless.

"How many times have I told you." The old man had no choice but to change the subject, "There are some things, you don't want to get involved."

"The relationship between Sam and Helan is so complicated, when will it be your turn to discuss it?"

"Yes, Dad, you are right." Greene was very smart and knew exactly what to say at this time.

"So, didn't I do nothing?" Greene didn't forget to add another sentence for himself.

"Don't meddle, do you hear me?" Green Xian repeated again.

Greene nodded, "Understood."

He would never tell anything about Greenyan, so he had to coax the old man word by word.

"Dad, I really don't know about Green Yan, otherwise I wouldn't be what I am now." Green Ge said.

"So don't worry too much. I know exactly what to do."

Green Xian was quite satisfied with what Green Ge said just now, "It's good that you know, but you can't continue to interfere in the future."

"I know." He coaxed the old man and sent him away from here at the same time, "If I do something wrong then, just blame me."

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