When Shao Liheng and Su Yi arrived at the entrance of the hotel, Green Yan had already disappeared.

But the two still saw a figure walking over, if they read correctly, it should be Green Yan.

The two walked up at the same time, and when they saw Green Yan entered the box, they became anxious again.

A row of people standing at the door looked terrified.

"Are you here?" The two vaguely heard something.


"Is there no one following behind?"

But immediately, the door over there was closed, and there was no sound at all.

I don't know how long it took, Shao Liheng and Su Yi were unable to find any solution.

Seeing that the place where the two of them were standing was dangerous, they could only pretend that there was nothing to do, and went to another place.

"What should I do?" Su Yi grabbed Shao Liheng's arm beside him, "Look at the door over there, there are so many people standing."

The more the other party pays such attention, the more and more the two of them feel that this matter is a bit strange.

"Don't talk yet." Shao Liheng covered Su Yi's mouth. He was also anxious at this time, but it was not the time to express it.

"Okay." Suy nodded, seeing that no one followed behind.

Shao Liheng took Su Yi to the small cubicle next to him. There was no one here, and there were no lights, so it looked extremely quiet.

But it is precisely because of this that they will not be discovered by others.

"You wait first." Shao Liheng muttered, and walked to the window over there at the same time, and noticed the situation outside the window at a glance, "Is it here?"

Shao Liheng pointed to a room not far away, "Is this the box?"

Suy probed out to take a look, and there were bright lights over there. If there were no accidents, it should be there.

"Yes." Suy nodded, "Have you found a way?"

Shao Liheng nodded, "Yes, think about it, we are already here now, then let's wait a minute, we just need to climb over the wall and get out, isn't it possible?"

He lowered his voice, and in the darkness, the outline of Shao Liheng's face was even more clear.

"I understand."

But it seemed that because of the special room the two of them were in, there was an anti-theft window outside the door.

"So, are we still looking for a new box?" Suy asked, looking around, it seemed that only the box didn't have such a security window.

Shao Liheng replied, "Yes, let's go out now."

"Now that the restaurant is not closed, you should still be able to find the rooms that have not been locked."

After the two settled down, they immediately left from here.

Before leaving, Shao Liheng took a special look at the scene at the door, the few people over there were still standing there, as majestic as if not even a fly could leave from here.

"Let's go." Shao Liheng took Rasuyi's hand, and the two of them searched from room to room.

"This way?" Seeing that there was a door ajar here, Shao Liheng couldn't help thinking a little bit differently, but he didn't expect that with such a push, he would go in directly.

There is no light on inside, but it has been cleaned.

"Is it okay here?" Shao Liheng quickly walked to the window, but he did not see the anti-theft window, and he was already eager to try it.

Before Su Yi behind him could react, Shao Liheng had already supported himself and climbed onto the window sill. In the next second, Shao Liheng landed firmly on the ground over there.

He shook his hand at Suy, as if to signal her to hurry up.

But I don't know how, the more it got to this time, the more Suy didn't respond.

She was a little scared, after all, it was still difficult for her.

"Come down, I'll follow you." Shao Liheng saw Su Yi's emotions, "Also, don't be afraid, this one is not high."

Only now did Suy let go of her heart, and she took a deep breath, "You said this, if I accidentally get hurt later, I won't make you so comfortable."

Shao Liheng nodded, "Do you not believe me, or yourself?"

"I don't believe in myself, but I believe in you." Suy muttered, and at the same time climbed up the window sill.

Seeing Su Yi's appearance, Shao Liheng couldn't help smiling, "It's okay, didn't I tell you everything? I'm waiting for you here."

"Okay." The fear in Suy's heart finally disappeared, but even so, she still felt a little scared. After all, the moment she climbed up, she felt as if her feet were empty.

"Come on." Shao Liheng stretched out his arms, and when Su Yi jumped down, he bumped into Shao Liheng.

"You said, what I said just now is not wrong?" Shao Liheng muttered, "Didn't I say everything, will I borrow it from you?"

"Okay." When Su Yi met Shao Liheng, the hanging heart in his heart finally fell, "It seems that you should not take me with you in the future."

However, Suy also has some guilt.

"If it weren't for me, you probably would have had a smoother operation."

"Don't, otherwise, I wouldn't have noticed so many details." Shao Liheng patted the ashes on his body, and was about to walk towards the lit box over there.

When the two of them reached the window, they heard a faint sound from inside.

But it was really hard to hear what was being said at all. Shao Liheng even posted it to the window and listened first, but he still didn't hear any useful information.

"Let's go, it's time for us to go in." Shao Liheng gently opened the window.

At the same time, the two didn't notice at all that someone was approaching a little bit around them.

"En." Suy nodded. With the experience just now, she was not so afraid this time.

Shao Liheng opened the window, only to realize that they were so cautious that they installed a screen there. Even so, they couldn't see anything inside.

"Are you ready?" It seemed that the two of them had entered.

But it is good to have this screen, after all, it can be separated from them, as long as there is not too much movement, it will not be discovered by the few people over there.

"You go in first?" Shao Liheng felt that it was better for him to deal with the aftermath. This time, Su Yi did not continue to argue with Shao Liheng. She is indeed not very good at this aspect. "Be careful, I will support you."

Suy lifted her foot and climbed the window with support.

At the same time, Shao Liheng couldn't help but look around, and after making sure that there was no one there, he let Su Yi jump off.

When Suy jumped down, she was still worried for a moment, after all, she had made a lot of noise.

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