Shao Liheng turned his head and left, Su Nuannuan hurriedly followed.Before leaving, he gave Su Yi a contemptuous look, very proud.

When these two people had left completely, Su Yi had mixed feelings in her heart, and after thinking for a while, she asked, "I still have something to deal with, do you have anything else to do?"

Yang Lei raised his eyebrows, probably understanding her emotions. "Oh, I'm fine, I'm going back now, my friend is still waiting for me to eat."

She went down the steps, "Well, then I have a chance to treat you to dinner, so I'll go first."

Su Yi left in a hurry after she finished speaking. Her mind was in a mess and she was a little anxious.Today's incident had a great impact on her, and she still hadn't reacted a bit.

She stayed in the staff break room for a while, trying to calm herself down.

Judging by Shao Liheng's last actions, it seems that Su Nuannuan is still sticking to him?Then she must still have a chance to break them up, she will never let the Su family go!

She cheered herself up, and soon went out with high spirits, planning to sow discord so that Shao Liheng could see Su Nuannuan's true face clearly.

It was getting late, the venue was very large, and many trees were planted for a better environment.

Su Yi was walking and suddenly heard the tree's quarrel from behind, and suddenly recognized Su Nuannuan's voice, and the whole person became excited.

She found a good angle to hide behind the trees, and unexpectedly saw Jiang Yin. It turned out that he was arguing with Su Nuannuan.

There must be something in here!Dedicated to breaking up Su Nuannuan and Shao Liheng, of course she would not let this opportunity go, she took out her phone and started filming.

Jiang Yin held Su Nuan Nuan's wrist tightly, with a pleading look on his face, "Nuan Nuan! You still love me, right?"

Su Nuannuan knew that he wanted to reconcile, and she could consider it before, but now she has a new goal, Shao Liheng, and of course she refuses to compromise.

"Give up, I already have someone I like, let go!" The expression on her face was very angry, this Jiang Yin was too messy.

"I don't believe it! You said you loved me a few days ago, what happened to you?" He looked anxious.

Su Nuannuan snorted coldly, "Jiang Yin, let me tell you the truth, I was with you to get revenge on that bitch Su Yi! I don't love you at all."

She has never looked down on Jiang Yin, but he is just a greedy guy, if it is not because he is Su Yi's fiancé, she would not even bother!
Among people like Shao Liheng, dragons and phoenixes are worthy of her. She gave Jiang Yin a disdainful look, and shook his hand away.

Jiang Yin's face changed in a blink of an eye, he stared at the man opposite him viciously, "Don't think you can get rid of me by hooking up with Shao Liheng, don't forget that you are still pregnant with my child!"

"If you don't give me 500 million, I'll tell Shao Liheng about it right away, and see if he still wants your broken shoe!"

When Su Nuannuan heard this, her whole face became quite grim, "Shut up!" She hurriedly looked around, for fear of being overheard.

"You better give me peace of mind! The Su family is more than enough to deal with you!" She directly threatened Jiang Yin, just him?She is the eldest lady of the Su family.

Su Xi is now staring at the cooperation eagerly. As long as Jiang Yin dares to sabotage, Su Xi will deal with him without his own hands.

"Then see if it's because I sent messages faster or you guys dealt with me faster! Don't forget what happened to you before! Do you think I have no clue?" He has already broken the jar.

Su Nuannuan was a little flustered. After all, she had been with Jiang Yin for a long time, so maybe this man left some evidence.

"500 million is too much, and I don't have that much money." She chose to compromise temporarily, and it was obviously wiser to deal with one person quietly.

"No way! Not even a cent of 500 million is less!" Jiang Yin is now sure that she is a cash cow, and if she is about to lose it, of course he has to make a fortune.

Su Nuan's teeth itch, "Do you think I don't have your handle? You don't want to toast and eat fine wine! Do you think I don't know about tax evasion?"

Jiang Yin's complexion changed from red to white.How does she know?If this gets out, he could go to jail.

The two had a quarrel, but Suy listened with gusto. There was so much black material, it was evidence of a crime.

She took a video and saw that the two of them were almost quarreling, she stood up carefully and left, she didn't want to be found out.

As soon as she turned around, she sent the video to Shao Liheng. Not only was Su Nuannuan pregnant, but she was still entangled with Jiang Yin.If Shao Liheng were a man, he would definitely not be with her.

Su Yi was extremely satisfied. She never thought that God would give her this opportunity as soon as she had the idea of ​​breaking up, and she had even more chips in her hand.

Shao Liheng glanced at the video sent by Su Yi, and was a little speechless. Why did she send him such a video?Let him watch Su Nuannuan and Jiang Yinhei eat black?

But Jiang Yin...he was Su Yi's former fiancé.Thinking that Su Yi still paid attention to him after the two of them separated, and even made a special video, he became very angry.

She must still like that Jiang Yin!One Yang Lei is not enough, and Jiang Yin is added, does she really lack men so much!

Shao Liheng's eyes became angry, and he turned off the video directly. He already knew these things, and there was no need for her to tell him.

The awards ceremony was the last link. As a designer, Su Yi went up to accept the award, and she came on stage with a modest smile.

The award presenter temporarily became Shao Liheng. Seeing him approaching little by little, Su Yi couldn't help being a little nervous.

Shao Liheng saw her standing quietly on the stage, with a very gentle demeanor around her, and the hostility in her heart was a little less.

He leaned over and handed the trophy to Suy, and said in a malicious voice, "You don't see men very well."

Su Yi didn't react for a while, but soon thought of the video, and immediately understood that he was talking about Jiang Yin.

She couldn't help but glared at him. This man did it on purpose.Because many media were taking pictures, she could only restrain her emotions and smile at the camera with a gentle face.

Her reputation is not very good, and now she has the opportunity to improve, of course she will not let it go, although most of the reporters took pictures of Shao Liheng.

Shao Liheng has always been good at acting, and has long been used to this kind of occasion.Su Yi was angry one second, and Yan Yan looked at the audience with a smile the next.

Seeing his calm and calm appearance, Suy hated his teeth, but thinking of him watching that video, he felt a little better.

Now he won't continue to be with Su Nuannuan, will he?Shao Liheng's family has a great career, and if he doesn't want any woman, he will definitely not want Su Nuannuan.

But Su Yi really hated him for his lackluster appearance, and finally stepped down, so she stepped on Shao Liheng directly.

snort!Let him just laugh at her!She kept smiling and left the stage, not giving him a chance to retaliate.

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