"Didn't you find it?" Omsen wandered back and forth on the floor, not only that, but even looked at many places, but still did not see Wilhelmina.

Some people have already searched and returned. Seeing Omsen like this at this time, they dare not say anything more.

I don't know how long it took before Omsen stood up, "I guess he has already left."

"Let's go out and look for it, and look for it within the scope of the hotel." After this incident, Wilhelmina over there must have known that he can check her consumption records, so she will definitely not spend money lightly, if If you really walk away, it is impossible to walk away for too long.

At the same time, Wilhelmina over there had already changed into her attire, and the waiter had told her the way out of the kitchen just now.

But at this time, he had already reached the door, but he began to hesitate again.

If she left here, Omsen must have already laid a net around her, and she might be waiting for her in some corner at this time.

Perhaps at this time, the most dangerous place is the safest place.

Therefore, Wilhelmana did not go out, but returned to the hotel.

She started to wander, not knowing where she would go next, it was better than being under the surveillance of others all the time.

But Wilhelm Nana was not familiar with this hotel at all, even if she was in the hotel now, she couldn't find any shelter at all.

For some reason, Wilhelmina accidentally wandered to another floor at this time.

This seems to be the company's office building, but I don't know which company it is. Wilhelmana walked around but didn't see a house number.

"Hello?" Suddenly, someone behind him called himself, "May I ask who you are?"

Seeing the person in front of her, Wilhelmina didn't seem like a hotel employee. She was afraid that the person in front of her might have something to do with Omsen.

At this time, he found himself to talk to him, perhaps just to delay the time, so that Omsen over there could find him.

It was really because of this that Wilhelmana would not want to tell her the truth.

It happened that there was a room next to her, so Sui Shuncheng made an excuse, "Hi, I'm here for work."

This floor is full of offices. The people over there didn't feel any surprise when Wilhelmina said such words, so they nodded directly.

Seeing that he hadn't left, Wilhelmana had no choice but to take the opportunity to enter the room.

When she closed the door, she still didn't forget to say a word to the person at the door, "Thank you for your concern."

But Wilhelmina didn't realize at all what kind of environment she was in.

When I turned around, I saw a group of people over there all looking at me.

"Ah..." It was really embarrassing for a while, when I opened the door by myself, I didn't see so many people inside.

"You are?" Yang Lei, who was sitting over there, spoke. He was really surprised that such a person suddenly barged into the meeting room.

Many people around looked at Wilhelmina over there, and they were also very surprised.

After all, Wilhelmana's appearance made them even more curious.

"Ah, it seems that I accidentally went wrong." Wilhelmina felt that since there are people here, it is covered, and there is no need for her to go to other places at this time, it is better to stay here , "But, do you mind if I sit here for a while? Just next to me, I will never disturb you, and you will just pretend that I don't exist."

Among the people present, only Yang Lei could make a decision, and a group of people looked at him in unison.

The next second, Yang Lei nodded, but he felt that the person in front of him was really interesting, "You stay here, sit next to him."

Fortunately, there is nothing important to discuss in this meeting, otherwise Yang Lei must be thinking about avoiding suspicion at this time.

Wilhelmina sat there, how could she have the heart to listen to the meeting of the people there.

All she was thinking about was the person she had just talked to, and she didn't know if he was from Omsen. If it was really from Omsen, would she have to leave here immediately to avoid being caught by the people over there? to find out.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Yang Lei over there has already adjourned the meeting.

But Wilhelm Nana was still sitting here, seeing her like this, Yang Lei seemed to have no intention of leaving at all.

"Madam, you know it's okay to listen to the internal meetings of other companies privately." Yang Lei just wanted to continue, but was interrupted by Wilhelm Nana over there.

"What can you do?" Wilhelm Nana and Yang Lei's eyes met.

I didn't see Wilhelmana's appearance clearly just now, but now the two of them are so close, and Wilhelmana's facial features are right in front of my eyes, and I can see them clearly.

In the next second, Yang Lei came back to his senses, "I mean, I can definitely ask you for mental damage."

Wilhelm Nana's Chinese is not very good. At this time, when I heard Yang Lei talk about the "spiritual damage fee", although I didn't quite understand it, I always felt that I couldn't escape it.

Besides, she was the one who broke into other people's meeting rooms just like that.

However, how could Wilhelmana get the money at this time.

Seemingly seeing what Wilhelmina was thinking over there, Yang Lei said it directly, "Do you think I want you to lose money?"

Wilhelmana nodded, "Isn't it?"

Yang Lei smiled, "It's so vulgar to talk about money."

After Wilhelm Nana came in just now, even though she met such a room full of people, she didn't show any signs of stage fright, and she even said those few words very naturally.

It was precisely because of this that Yang Lei was attracted by Wilhelm Nana's vigor and wanted to keep her temporarily.

"What do you want?" Wilhelmana was a little puzzled, but also a little happy, after all, she didn't need to pay at this time.

"I want your coolie." Yang Lei saw that Wilhelm Nana looked useless, "Stay by my side and help me do something, is that okay?"

Wilhelmina couldn't help but looked around, there was no one here.

"Cool labor?" To be honest, Wilhelm Nana didn't know what kind of tasks Yang Lei could arrange for him, but since she was in Yang Lei's hands right now, she could only agree, "Okay." ,I promise you."

"Okay." Yang Lei snapped his fingers at Wilhelmina over there, "I'll take you to my office now."

Wilhelmina didn't understand the situation a little bit, and she didn't even know who the person in front of her was, but she was already following behind him.

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