"Let's just decide." No matter what, Officer Shu would not let Wilhelm Nana live on the second floor.

Shao Liheng over there didn't say a few words from the beginning to the end, which made the official Shu very dissatisfied.

Since the official Shu over there was already so determined, Wilhelm Nana seemed unable to refuse anything, so she had to reluctantly agree.

No matter what I said, I came here for Shao Liheng. Although I was not in the same room with him, or not on the same floor as him, at least I was in the same room.

It was better than when I was in Europe before and had to marry Omsen.

After dinner, Wilhelmina followed the servants to tidy up the room.

During the period, Suy asked Wilhelm Nana if she needed any help, but Wilhelm Nana also declined.

The servant helped Wilhelmana make the bed there, and Wilhelmana couldn't help but strike up a conversation with her.

"Hello, it's really hard work for you, and you have to come to clean my room at night."

"Nothing." The servant didn't expect her Chinese to be so good. "It's all what we should do."

"Your hostess and hostess are very sweet." Wilhelmana began to gossip, trying to extract some useful information from the servant.

"Yes." Speaking of this matter, the servant nodded again and again, "They have always been very sweet, although many things happened in the early days."

Having said that, the servant seemed to realize that something was wrong, so he quickly stopped.

"Sorry, I shouldn't have said that." She continued to make the bed.

But Wilhelmina wouldn't let her stop just like that, "It's okay, I won't tell them."

"Yeah." The servant replied softly.

"You just said that a lot of things happened to them before?" It sounds like there are many things between the two of them that she doesn't know.

The servant nodded, "Yes, it's just that we have no way of knowing the details."

She thought to herself, since she was just a servant, Wilhelmina would definitely not continue to embarrass her any longer.

"Then aren't they so loving now? It would be great if I could find such a partner in the future." Although Wilhelmana said so, she had other plans in her heart.

"Yes, Miss William will certainly do so in the future."

"When did they get married? It feels like they have been in love for a long time." Wilhelmana began to repeat the routine.

Unexpectedly, the servant shook his head directly, "No, Mr. Shao and his wife are not married yet."

"Ah? Not married?" All of a sudden, the small thoughts hidden in Wilhelmana's heart rose to a new height.

"Yes, but it's coming soon." The servant recalled carefully, and it seemed that the detailed date was still undecided, "However, these are not what we said."

"Yes, thank you." During the conversation, Wilhelmina's bed had already been made.

Wilhelmana remembers,

At the same time, in Europe, Williams knew the latest news.

"What are you talking about? Nana isn't at his house?" Williams stood up excitedly, and couldn't help but want the housekeeper to say more.

"Our people went to Mr. Shao's house, Mr. Shao said that Miss is not with him."

"Shao Liheng, is he protecting Nana?" Williams couldn't help but think of the previous agreement between himself and Shao Liheng. In this way, Shao Liheng is too immoral to be so dishonest.

He didn't bear it any longer, but asked the housekeeper to call Shao Liheng.

Shao Liheng was in the living room at this time, and he hesitated when he saw the long list of unfamiliar numbers on his phone.

"Shao Liheng, have you forgotten the deal between me and you?" Williams yelled at Shao Liheng without any hesitation.

Now, Shao Liheng didn't even need to ask who the person over there was, he already knew the answer.

"Mr. William?" Shao Liheng didn't expect that Williams would call himself.

"Yes, is Nana with you?"

Shao Liheng couldn't answer this question.

"Shao Liheng, I have never seen a person who is as dishonest as you." Williams has a lot of ways, after all, Shao Liheng is still developing in Europe, "If you continue to do this, don't blame me for being rude .”

"You have to know that you still have a career in Europe." Williams thought that since he said that, Shao Liheng would understand what he meant.

Originally, Shao Liheng could talk to him well, but he never expected that Williams would be so aggressive when he came up.

That being the case, the last bit of patience in Shao Liheng's heart was gone.

The fact that Williams' people rushed over so directly that day had already challenged Shao Liheng's patience.

Now, Shao Liheng never expected that what he did was even more deceptive.

Therefore, Shao Liheng didn't take Williams' threat to heart at all, but directly argued with Williams, "But, Williams, have you ever thought that this was posted by Wilhelmina herself?" What? If she hadn't insisted on doing this, would she be what she is now?"

"Obviously, you, the father, didn't take care of your daughter well." When Shao Liheng said this, Su Yi had been sitting aside.

Officer Shu couldn't understand what Shao Liheng was talking about, but looking at his expression, he knew he was arguing with someone.

"I still hope that you will take your precious daughter away from me soon."

"You!" Williams never expected that Shao Liheng would talk to himself like this.

In Williams' eyes, Shao Liheng himself did not keep his promise in this matter, so it is a bit too much to continue beating him like this at this time.

Suy sat aside and listened all the time, and she could even hear some of Williams' voice.

Hearing Shao Liheng say that Wilhelm Nana posted it herself, Su Yi couldn't help but smiled slightly.

Presumably at this time, Williams over there must have a very ugly expression.

Furthermore, this time, Suy can be considered to understand.

It turned out that after I left, so many things happened in Europe,
She believed that all of this was not caused by Shao Liheng, but all of Wilhelmina's wishful thinking.

Even for Shao Liheng, she can even do such a thing.

I just don't know what else Wilhelmana will be able to say in the next few days.

She is so good at making troubles, so Suy wants to see what will happen to Wilhelmina under her nose.

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