Knowing the news about Wilhelmina, Williams was so angry that he stood up directly from his chair.

"What did you say, she went back with Shao Liheng?" It was really a thousand calculations, but it was not expected at all.

The butler nodded. Williams' expression just now really scared him a little.

"So, sir, do you want to do something at this time?" The butler waited for the next step to ask for instructions.

"Go, get someone to go to China." Williams couldn't believe it. Even if Wilhelmina arrived in China, he still had the ability to find Wilhelmina and bring her back.

"Hurry up, if you lose her, me!" Williams even felt that he couldn't catch his breath at this time.

"Sir, pay attention to your body." The butler took a few steps up, afraid that something might happen to Williams at this time.

Williams shook his hand, indicating that he didn't have any problems for the time being, and just asked the housekeeper to do things quickly.

On the plane, Wilhelm Nana deliberately changed places with the people around Shao Liheng.

Shao Liheng was a little surprised to see her.

But he didn't forget his deal with Williams. If he continued to talk to Wilhelmina at this time, wouldn't it mean that he didn't keep his promise.

In fact, Wilhelmina was very scared. She had been watching since she got on the plane, for fear that someone from Williams would appear in the cabin.

Otherwise, all her plans must have been lost.

"Li Heng, can you help me?" The plane hadn't taken off yet, but the cabin door was already closed. Before officially settling down in China, Wilhelm Nana was afraid of what might happen next.

Williams and Omsen over there must have discovered it, and they must have already started to take some measures at this time.

Shao Liheng turned his head. He really didn't expect that Wilhelmina would have such a skill.

"Do you know what you're doing?" If possible, Shao Liheng really wanted to leave evidence to prove his innocence at this time, for fear that he would be involved again when things turned around later.

"Help me." Wilhelmina didn't have any contacts in China, and she ran out quietly, and it was impossible to do anything in a big way. The only feasible thing right now was to ask someone for help.

Shao Liheng was unwilling, so he turned his head away, and even asked the stewardess for a newspaper and earphones, and began to immerse himself in his own world.

"Li Heng, I just want to go to China with you." Wilhelm Nana took advantage of Shao Liheng's earphones and hurriedly stated her intentions, "After arriving in China, I don't have any contacts that I can use, and my father and Omsen They must have already known about me, if I don’t do something at this time, I’m definitely doomed.”

He still insisted on putting on the earphones, and did not continue to entangle with Wilhelmana beside him.

What happened this time was something Shao Liheng never expected.

Not only that, he would not help her at all.

After all, his deal with Williams is still there.

At that time, if Williams knows that he has not fulfilled the agreement, he may do something against him.

Shao Liheng just sat there all the time, treating Wilhelmina beside him as air.

If he guessed correctly, Williams must have taken some measures at this time.

Presumably, he must have arranged someone in China, thinking that even if Wilhelm Nana arrived in China, she would not stay with him for a long time, and she would be taken away by Williams' people.

Shao Liheng would not doubt Williams' ability to act. All he had to do at this time was to treat him as if he had disappeared.

Shao Liheng beside him didn't give any response, and even closed his eyes, Wilhelmana couldn't help becoming anxious.

She grabbed her hand, thinking about what to do next.

The flight attendant seemed to have noticed her expression, and came over several times to ask about Wilhelmana's situation, but she always declined.

"Miss, your complexion is not very good at this time, do you need some help?" The stewardess was very gentle, and she even held a blanket in her hand. Whenever Wilhelmana needed it, she would immediately bring it to her.

Wilhelmana shook her head, "It's nothing, I just want to sleep and can't sleep."

For this reason, she had to find an excuse at random.

"Then do you need a cup of hot milk to help you sleep?" The stewardess was very enthusiastic.

"No, no need." Wilhelmana didn't want to continue the communication, and directly wrote her impatience on her face.

The stewardess finally stopped asking her, but Wilhelmana still couldn't calm down.

She thought about everything that might happen next, and she didn't want this matter to end like this.

The reason why I went to China was because of Shao Liheng, if I was taken away by Williams' people before I even achieved my goal, wouldn't it be a bit too miserable.

Seeing the distance getting shorter and shorter, Wilhelmana's palms broke out in cold sweat.

This is a big plane, and there are many tourists traveling together, so it is very good to cover yourself.

The plane had already landed, and Wilhelmina took out her peaked cap from her bag and put it on, for fear that Williams' people would recognize her at a glance.

But even so, my blond hair and blue eyes are still very abrupt among this group of Chinese people.

Shao Liheng looked at Wilhelm Nana beside him out of the corner of his eye, but he didn't expect that she was already fully armed.

After getting off the plane, Wilhelm Nana didn't check in any luggage and followed Shao Liheng directly.

She didn't dare to look outside the pass, for fear that someone would notice her at this time.

Shao Liheng walked outside, followed closely by Wilhelm Nana.

The moment she walked out, she was so nervous that she didn't even dare to look ahead, and could only follow behind Shao Liheng.

"Do you still want to follow like this?" Shao Liheng put his luggage in the trunk and was about to drive away.

It's really strange to come all the way, Shao Liheng obviously slowed down, but why didn't he see Williams.

Seeing Shao Liheng walking towards the driver's seat, Wilhelmina finally couldn't bear it any longer.

She gave Shao Liheng a push, and opened the driver's door first.

When Shao Liheng reacted, Wilhelm Nana was already sitting in the driver's seat.

"Wilianna, what are you doing?" Shao Liheng shouted.

"If you want to go back, get in the car." She even started the car and was waiting for Shao Liheng to get in the car.

Shao Liheng had no choice but to sit beside him.

However, in the next second, Wilhelmina slammed on the accelerator.

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