This meal made Shao Liheng very uncomfortable.

He wanted to bring the topic to the tourism industry more than once, but he didn't expect Wilhelmina to be so ulterior motives.

The more she was like this, the more Shao Liheng had nothing to say.

Moreover, it's not that he didn't see Williams' expression over there.

After eating, Williams deliberately stopped Shao Liheng.

"I wonder if Mr. Shao is interested in coming to my study to talk?" Williams put his hand on Shao Liheng's shoulder, and Shao Liheng felt the strength there.

He nodded, indicating that it was perfectly fine, after all, he was also on someone else's territory at this time.

The two walked to the study room, Williams finally didn't have to bear it anymore, he roared directly, "Shao Liheng, have you forgotten the agreement I made with you!"

"I haven't forgotten." Shao Liheng was really helpless about this matter, "But Williams, don't you know what happened?"

"Isn't your daughter always posting this? Didn't you see my attitude at the dinner table?" Shao Liheng felt that he had done his best.

"This is clearly Nana's reposting." Shao Liheng couldn't bear Williams' tone of accusation at this time, "Can I reject her actions?"

"Get out!" Williams did not continue to endure, "Leave here forever, leave Nana."

She is obviously her beloved daughter, yet she still has to be said such a thing.

The quarrel between the two in the study was a little loud, even Wilhelmina downstairs could hear it.

She couldn't help being curious, and walked towards the study.

Just as she walked to the door of the study, Wilhelm Nana heard the conversation between the two people inside.

"Okay, I'll leave." Shao Liheng was already planning to leave, "I'll leave after I've dealt with the rest of the matter here."

Williams nodded, "That's what you said."

"Yes, I said it." Shao Liheng couldn't help but added, "In this case, it's better to take good care of your daughter."

"I will, and I hope you don't get close to her again, or you will bear the consequences."

When Wilhelmina heard this conversation, she immediately petrified in place.

These two people were talking about their own affairs, and they were talking about things she didn't want to see.

She didn't want such a thing to happen, so she had to push the door open.

"Dad, what are you talking about?" Wilhelmina walked to Williams' side, "Do you want Li Heng to never appear in front of me?"

Williams really did not expect that Wilhelmina would rush in like this.

"Nana, why are you here?" The serious expression on Williams's face still didn't change at this time, obviously still angry.

"If I hadn't heard it at this time, would you have succeeded?" Wilhelmana's eyes widened. "Do you know what you are doing?"

"You are breaking up a couple." Wilhelmana couldn't help but look at Shao Liheng over there.

Shao Liheng also did not expect that Wilhelmina would be so direct.

Williams kept taking deep breaths, "Nana, I'm protecting you."

"Have you forgotten what I said to you? Do you know Shao Liheng's background? How much do you know about Shao Liheng?" Williams felt that there was nothing wrong with what he just said, "You Do you know? I did this to protect you?"

Wilhelm Nana looked at Williams over there, and then at Shao Liheng over there. She really didn't want to give up Shao Liheng just like that.

She disagreed with Williams, "But did you ask me?"

"Could it be that when he leaves, I won't have any news. Not only that, but you won't tell me." Wilhelmana knew that this was something the two had planned long ago.

He couldn't deny that all of this had to be done by time.

"Nana, I'll say it again, I'm here to protect you." Williams was still firm in his stance. He even felt dizzy for a moment when he heard Wilhelmina say this.

"I don't." Wilhelmana turned her head away, "I'm already an adult, and you don't have the right to make decisions for me."

"Nana?" Williams felt a little incredulous.

Shao Liheng has been standing on the side all the time, it is really difficult for him to interrupt and say something at this time.

What's more, this time, he felt that both parties had their own reasons, so it would be a bit troublesome if they had to compete so much.

But seeing the two father and daughter, it seems that they are struggling with this problem.

"I know what I'm talking about at this time." Wilhelmina's attitude has always been firm and has never wavered, "I just want to be with Shao Liheng."

I didn't expect that I said so much at this time, and Wilhelmina over there still didn't repent, and Williams couldn't help being a little angry, "You!"

"What's wrong with me?" Wilhelmana didn't notice the change in Williams' expression over there, "Didn't I already say it, I'm already an adult, why can't I make my own decisions?"

"I have the final say on my affairs." Wilhelmina took a few steps outside, as if she was going to stay away from Williams.

From the very beginning, Williams already felt a little out of breath.

When he saw Wilhelmina over there at this time, he felt that the way he saw her was very unreal.

The scene in front of him began to blur, and he even felt a little untenable.

"I'll say it again, I have the final say on my own affairs." After Wilhelmana finished speaking, she wanted to leave here.

Before he had time to leave from here, Williams over there fell directly to the ground.

Shao Liheng also didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a second when he saw Williams fell directly to the ground.

Seeing this scene, Wilhelmina over there even stopped in her tracks.

"What are you doing in a daze, hurry up and call an ambulance." Shao Liheng hugged Williams from the other side, and he couldn't just put it in the study all the time.

Wilhelm Nana was a little bewildered, but even so, Wilhelm Nana still knew what to do at this time.

She nodded and quickly dialed the emergency number.

"My father, is he okay?" Wilhelmana's voice trembled a little, and she couldn't stop trembling.

Shao Liheng did not respond, but sat there waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

"No way." I have to say that Wilhelmina was a little scared. The moment just now was really a little sudden.

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