"Thank you, we had a great time today." Suy shook his hand at Wilhelmana, "I still have to trouble you to bring us tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

Wilhelmina was also very happy. Hearing what Suy said, she even exchanged contact information with Suy, "In France, if you need my help, just tell me."

The two bid farewell to each other after passing through their friends.

On the way back, Shao Liheng couldn't help talking about Wilhelmina to Suy.

"How do you know?" In Suy's impression, she never seemed to reveal her identity, but since Shao Liheng said it at this time, it means that he must have found some clues, "Could it be because she said Your name is Nana?"

Su Yi just wanted to refute Shao Liheng. After all, it was just using a title, and there was really no need to draw conclusions so quickly.

"No, her tour guide certificate has her name on it, unless it's the same name."

Otherwise, the person in front of him must be Wilhelmina.

At this moment, Suy finally came to her senses, and she remembered the scene at that time.

"Did you see the name?" Su Yi felt that Shao Liheng was very sharp-eyed, "So, maybe"

For the remaining half of the sentence, even if the two of them didn't say it, they knew each other well.

"That's what I mean." Shao Liheng caught a car, and the two planned to go back to the hotel.

Just after returning to the room, before Suy could sit still, an alarm sounded.

"Where? Where?" Hearing the piercing voice, Suy stood up subconsciously, "Where did you call the police?"

After a while, the two of them could hear the noisy voices in the corridor. Judging by the appearance, everyone must be fleeing.

Right now, nothing is more important than safety, so Su Yi dragged Shao Liheng out of here.

After running to the corridor, Suy smelled a smell of smoke. Looking back, she realized that the fire was not far from her.

"Don't look at it." Shao Liheng didn't want to watch Su Yi just stand there. The fire over there was horrific and would spread here soon, "Let's go."

Now, Suy had no choice but to leave.

"Aheng." For a while, Su Yi still couldn't keep up with Shao Liheng's rhythm, "You wait for me."

When the two ran to the hall, there were already many people gathered in sevens and eights.

Everyone ran down after hearing the alarm, and no one neglected.

The actions of the others were also very fast, and it didn't take long for the fire alarm to arrive.

Seeing the hotel like this, Suy knew that they could no longer live here.

"Let's go, I'm afraid we can't stay here anymore." Shao Liheng subconsciously pulled Su Yi away, but was informed by the hotel staff that he had to wait for his personal belongings.

After a while, the staff finally heard something, "I'm sorry, the first floor of the hotel was seriously damaged, we had to close the hotel, and we will refund all your room fees."

Now, the two had to take to the streets.

At this time, I couldn't find any place to check in. Besides, the two of them were still carrying luggage at this time, so it was as inconvenient as possible to move around.

"Aheng, I don't think I can walk anymore." Su Yi yelled more than once. If possible, she really wanted to put down her luggage and take a rest at this time.

Shao Liheng was tired, so he stopped to rest for a while.

Not long after, there was a Chinese walking towards here.

When she saw it for the first time, Suy thought she had misread it, but after confirming it, she couldn't help but walk forward.

However, in the next second, before Suy could move, the man directly cast a look at the person behind him.

"Go, come with us." Those men were tall and burly, and Suy would not be their opponent.

Looking at Shao Liheng again, he was in the same situation as her. Facing these people, neither of them had the strength to resist.

"No, we didn't say we would go with you." The luggage was also packed and taken away.

Su Yi looked at the man in front of him. He had never met him before, but why did such a thing happen at this time?

"Are you okay?" Shao Liheng was a little worried about Su Yi, because she was pushed a little hard by those men just now.

Suy shook her head, the things she just experienced were nothing at all.

The most terrifying thing is the Chinese over there.

It was born from the same root, so why is it too anxious.

The group of people directly closed the doors of the two of them, and at this time they even moved their luggage there.

The man sat back in the car, and Suy immediately poked his head over, "Who are you? Why are you doing this?"

Although Suy originally planned to ask him for help.

However, the man over there didn't give any response, and didn't even turn his head.

At this moment, Suy had no choice but to say, "You know what? You are kidnapping now."

"Kidnapping?" the man finally said, "Have you ever seen someone kidnapped like us?"

"You should know that the hotel is on fire, and you have no choice but to stay, and now, I'm just helping you."

The man's words actually made some sense, so that Suy had no way to refute.

In the end, Suy had no choice but to shut up and continue arguing with the person in front of her, fearing that there would be no result.

She firmly grasped Shao Liheng's hand. Fortunately, the person in front of her didn't do anything to them after sending them to their residence.

At the same time, Wilhelmina over there also knew the news that Suy's hotel was on fire, and now the hotel has been emptied of guests.

Wilhelm Nana was a little anxious, thinking that Su Yi and Shao Liheng had no place to live anymore, so she hurried to the hotel.

But after inquiring with the staff, they didn't get any news about these two people at all.

"Have you already left?" The staff member signaled, "Many guests left early in order to find a new place to live."

Now, Wilhelmina had no choice but to contact someone to help inquire about Suy's whereabouts.

This city is too unfamiliar to them, and they must be in great need of help at this time.

Soon the news came, saying that Su Yi and Shao Liheng were at Omsen's home at this time.

Omsen?Why does he want the two of them now?
Could it be that Omsen and Suy knew each other before?
For a while, Wilhelmina was also a little unclear.

For the rock hanging in her heart, she still decided to take a trip to see the situation over there.

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