Just when Suy felt that he had no choice but to leave here, Sam appeared.

He was not surprised to see Suy at all. After all, he was the one who called the person, and he was the one who told Suy the news.

Looking at the expression of the official Shu over there, Sam can more or less guess something, "Suy, you are finally here?"

As soon as Suy looked up and saw that it was Sam, she still couldn't help but look at the expression of the official Shu over there from the corner of her eye. After all, she still didn't know which side Sam was on.

"Yes, I just heard that uncle is awake, and I want to come over and take a look." Suy stood up, "But since I can't get in, I have to go back." After speaking, Suy really picked up the bag .

Perhaps, Suy still pinned her hopes on Sam over there.

Unexpectedly, Sam turned his head and said to the official Shu over there, "Look, Suy is here, isn't it?"

"Besides, if she really wanted to harm Shao Yao, she definitely wouldn't wait until now."

Officer Shu still had some grudges against Suy, but when he heard what Sam said, he felt that it was not completely unreasonable, so he nodded and let Suy in.

After Suy got the permission, she was very excited and said "thank you" again and again.

But Shao Yao has been in a coma for too long, and now he wakes up, his body is not as good as that of ordinary people in all aspects.

"Uncle." Seeing Shao Yao's appearance, Su Yi knew how much he had suffered these days, "You finally woke up."

Shao Yao nodded, but his movements were very small. Fortunately, Su Yi could still see clearly.

"Just wake up, do you think it's okay?" Seeing Shao Yao's expression, Su Yi always felt that Shao Yao had something to say, "Uncle, do you have anything to say."

Shao Yao nodded again, but he opened and closed his mouth without making any sound at all.

Suy was a little excited, and her eyes couldn't help turning red.

"No, no, this is obviously a very happy thing." Suy immediately wiped away her tears, "Uncle, are you okay?"

"Okay." Finally, Shao Yao spoke, and was heard by Su Yi here.

Suy nodded, "Okay, okay."

The official Shu over there has been watching the two people here all the time. Because of what happened before, the official Shu doesn't like Su Yi very much.

But at this moment, seeing that Shao Yao had no intention of resisting Su Yi, he didn't drive Su Yi away.

Su Yi couldn't help turning her head. Seeing Guan Zhang Shu staring at this side, she walked over and asked, "What's going on after uncle wakes up?"

Officer Shu still had a polite look, with a sense of distance, curled his lips, and then told Suy, "No, everything is fine, please worry about it."

Shao Yao's eyes stayed on Su Yi's body all the time, and he raised his hand slightly, obviously wanting to grab her and say something.

However, at this moment, Suy felt that there was no need for him to stay any longer, as it would only be annoying.

So, Sue left here and went to the attending doctor's office.

"Doctor, hello." As soon as Suy entered the door, she explained her purpose.

Normally, the Shao family did not miss greetings to the hospital, and even Su Yi would ask someone to come over from time to time, so the doctor's attitude was very good.

"I want to ask about Uncle's situation." Although they are awake now, there are still many things waiting for them, and there is no conclusion yet about what will happen after this.

The doctor nodded, "Oh, are you talking about the current situation?"

"Not only that, I also want to hear about the future."

The doctor sighed, and seemed a little helpless.

Seeing him like this, Suy had already made a mental preparation.

"I'm afraid I can only spend the rest of my life in bed." Sure enough, this is really hard to accept.

Su Yi's eyes widened, and he didn't react for a long time, "Doctor, do you mean that uncle may not be able to get out of bed in his life?"

The doctor didn't say too much, but just said, "According to the current situation, it is indeed the case. After all, the patient has been in a coma for so long."

Suy had no patience to continue listening to the explanations that followed.

I don't know exactly when I walked out of the office, I only know that my steps are a little light.

I knew about Shao Yao's matter before, but I didn't know it would be so serious.

Su Yi still called Shao Liheng, her voice trembling, "Uncle woke up."

Shao Liheng's side, it's very early in the morning, and he was a little groggy because he didn't have a good rest last night, but after hearing the news, he instantly woke up.

"And then?" Shao Liheng asked.

"I asked the doctor, and the doctor said, no accident, uncle will spend the rest of his time in bed."

For a while, there was no movement on the phone. Su Yi thought it was Shao Liheng who hung up the phone and went to another place.

"Shao Liheng?" Suy called his name.

"I'm here." Shao Liheng still responded.

It can be heard that he was also very surprised by the answer.

"You take care of me first, I can't come back here for the time being." If it's not because there are too many things here, the AL has just ended over there, and now I have to be busy buying Perfect again, otherwise Shao Liheng must have rushed back, " Take good care of my dad for me, I'll be right back after I finish my work."

Su Yi responded, knowing that it was not easy to ask about Shao Liheng's affairs, so she hung up the phone directly.

At the same time, Yang Lei over there also knew the news that Shao Yao had woken up.

"What did you say? The old man woke up?" After so many days, I thought he would never wake up at all, but I didn't expect this day to come.

He stood up anxiously, and at the same time he heard the assistant speak of Sam's voice.

Unexpectedly, Sam's identities were all fake.

"He, entered Shaw Brothers?" Knowing where Sam got off the plane today, Yang Lei even wanted to rush there.

I thought I was just blind. I didn't care about Chasom's identity at all, so I believed all this to be true.

Bai Yanxin heard the commotion outside the study, so she still made a cup of tea in order to appease Yang Lei.

But when he saw her, the anger in his heart deepened.

"Haha?" Seeing Bai Yanxin's face, Yang Lei couldn't help but think of the scene where Bai Yanxin and Shum met that day, "Do you remember that, Sam?"

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