Yang Lei hugged Bai Yanxin into his arms, bowed his head and kissed her.

"Since you've come out, don't go back, they don't care about you. It's time for us to live in a world of two."

"Xiaoyan...I miss you so much..."

His voice was low, and it was particularly tempting in his ears.Bai Yanxin felt her heart melt.

She didn't plan to go back today, and the two hit it off immediately and went back to the apartment immediately.

The two haven't been together for a long time, and they usually don't chat much to avoid suspicion.Each other cherishes this kind of day very much.

There are many dishes at home, and Yang Lei cooks them himself.He usually lives alone and doesn't go into the kitchen at all, he always goes out to eat.

When Bai Yanxin came back today, somehow he just wanted to do something for her.

It's not that he doesn't feel sorry for her, he knows how hard she has worked in Shao's house.Acting every day to play an unreal self, no matter how proficient a person is, will be tired.

What's more, she has hatred for the Shao family, and there is no way to let her stay there.

Bai Yanxin sneaked into the kitchen lightly, and stood behind him trying to scare him, but she was discovered by Yang Lei immediately.

He stretched his hand behind and hugged her, and said softly, "Don't make trouble. It will be fine soon."

She looked up at his focused look, and her heart softened even more.Although she was not happy in Shao's house, she could continue to persevere when she thought that it was for this person in front of her.


She lowered her head, suppressing the emotion in her eyes.These days seem to be stolen, as unreal as mirror flowers and water moons.

The hostility on Yang Lei disappeared in this atmosphere, and the two cooked together like ordinary couples.

During the meal, Bai Yanxin was very happy to see him, and couldn't help thinking about it.She's been thinking about it a lot lately.

"Let's... have a baby, I want to have a baby..."

Her tone was soft, like a child's.

Yang Lei stopped his chopsticks and was a little stunned.He never thought about it.

Both of them did what they were supposed to do, and they were just short of one title.Is it too early to have children now?

She was still so young, and the situation in front of her was so complicated, he wanted to wait until everything was settled before deciding on this matter.

"Should we wait any longer, the situation has not stabilized yet."

He hesitated, afraid of hurting her mind.

Bai Yanxin didn't suffer any harm, she knew the situation clearly.Their plan has not yet succeeded, it is indeed a bit early.

"I want to get pregnant first, and when things here are almost settled, I'll go back and raise my baby. I want to have a baby with you..."

She pondered to speak, this was the truest thought in her heart.She wants to have a child with Yang Lei.

A child is like a reassurance. With a child, Yang Lei will completely belong to her, and she will have a sense of security.

Seeing her focused expression, Yang Lei's heart softened completely.After all, she is just a little girl, and it is normal to feel insecure after having endured so much.

Most importantly, he had absolutely no resistance at the thought of having a child with her.

"it is good."

He agreed, let's take a step at a time.Pregnancy is not something you can have if you want to. The relationship between the two is the most important.

In the following days, while the Shao family was still in chaos, they lived a comfortable life.Tossing and turning every day, I just want to have a child.

Shao Liheng's side is not easy at all, the family is flying around, and even the company's situation is not very good.

The export channel of Shaw's products was suddenly cut off, and the products were naturally unsalable without channels, and they couldn't be sold at all.

At the same time, several partners ran away with money as if they had made an appointment.Everything happened suddenly, without warning.

He has been so busy these past few days that he has no time to go home, and he is so focused on his work.

After this series of troubles, Xiao Shi vomited blood and lost several million.

The originally reputable partners suddenly lost contact.Many customers were lost due to the inability to process the product.

Shao Liheng faintly felt that something was wrong. Such things as partners running away together would not happen unless it was deliberately arranged.

He suspected that someone was instigating behind the scenes, but he couldn't find anyone. Naturally, there was no clue about who was behind the scenes.

He was busy dealing with the follow-up troubles, and he didn't have the heart to find that person, but he raised his vigilance in his heart.

Although this is the first time to cooperate with a partner, the volume is not very large, but a small amount makes a lot.Added up, Shaw Brothers lost several million.

Shao Liheng knows a lot about conspiracies and tricks. Generally, if he wants to deceive people, he always starts with such small partners.

Big companies all care about their own reputation, cherish their feathers, and will not be tempted by petty profits at all.Small businesses are different.

Shao Liheng held an internal meeting to discuss how to deal with the accident.

"I think it's all about the partner's problem this time. We have no problem, just keep doing it."

"This statement is wrong. The domestic market is becoming more and more saturated, and there are many competitors. This accident is likely to be man-made."

"I also think, how about we also learn from the Su family? Will we encounter less resistance when marching to the United States?"

The high-level people talked a lot, and no one could convince anyone.No one wants to lose money, and everyone is thinking about what to do next.

When Shao Liheng heard about the development of the United States, he couldn't help but think of Su Yi.Does this incident prove that he made the wrong choice?

But the US market is really not that easy. He has a good grasp of Su's situation, including the funding issue this time.

"If we go to the United States to develop, our products must first cater to the American market and get the support of the local government."

"I don't need to say more about the difficulty of this step. I believe everyone here understands it. The investment in manpower and material resources is huge."

Su's cut off a lot of projects to get the funds to go to the United States. Of course, Shaw's doesn't need to work so hard.But with a large amount of start-up capital, this is a difficult problem that cannot be overcome.

Shao Liheng's meaning is self-evident, going to the United States is a gamble, or a gamble.

The bet wins to own the US market, and everyone is happy.If they lose, the entire Shaw Brothers will be seriously injured, maybe they will go bankrupt.

He felt that it was still too early. This move seemed to be forced by someone to force him to go to the United States.

He didn't like this feeling very much, as if he had put his destiny in the hands of others.He likes to control everything by himself.

Everything in the United States is unknown, and he has no such assurance.He wants to develop the country well first, and then think about opening up foreign markets.

Not to mention the start-up capital, Shao Liheng fell into deep thought.No loans, only my own money.

Is it really worth using personal funds to gamble on an unknown thing?
After hearing his speech, the high-level executives of the meeting slowly fell silent. What should we do with the start-up funds?Let them pay out of pocket?

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