Yang Lei was irritable, and when he heard Shao Liheng questioning himself as soon as he came up, he didn't want to say anything.

This matter was indeed what he ordered Bai Yanxin to do. Official Shu was a good entry point, so he took advantage of it naturally.

"You guys are going to get married anyway, so what does it matter sooner or later?"

"You think you can enter Shao's house like this? Heh!"

Shao Liheng was so angry that they were undoubtedly forcing him, forcing him to marry, and forcing him to give up Su Yi.

"Why do you want to go back on your word? Don't forget why you agreed to get married in the first place!"

The two had a big quarrel and were very irritable. Shao Liheng disdained their methods very much.

Doesn't he seem like a person who doesn't count his words!He needs time, the marriage he said is not now!

Soon Shao Liheng received a call from Guan Chang Shu, it was about the marriage news in the morning.

"Aheng, go home, let's talk about getting married."

He just planned to go back and ask for clarification, so he drove back without waiting for the secretary's message.

Bai Yanxin sat in the living room of Shao's house, feeling uneasy.She was afraid of Shao Liheng and what this man would do to her.

"Auntie, I'm pregnant."

She remembered the beginning of this incident, she lied to Guan Shu, otherwise things would not have gone so smoothly.

No matter how much Guan Shu hated Su Yi, he would not immediately agree to the marriage, even Shao Yao and Shao Liheng did not discuss it.

She was so guilty that she didn't even dare to raise her head to face Guan Zhang Shu, and she didn't have any confidence in her heart.

Shao Liheng entered the door angrily, and saw Bai Yanxin on the sofa at a glance, and immediately became angry.

He didn't answer so many calls to her, so it turned out that he was hiding at his house.Really capable.

"Tell me clearly, what's going on with today's wedding news! Are you so eager to enter the door!"

He was really pissed off, he didn't like things beyond his control, this woman had violated the bottom line several times.

To actually dare to design him behind his back is really daring, more than once!
Officer Shu immediately interrupted, "What are you doing so fiercely? I sent the message, and it has nothing to do with Xiaoyan!"

"If you want to be fierce, you can kill me!" She sat next to Bai Yanxin, determined to defend her.

"Mom! You don't know how serious this is!"

"What's the seriousness, you are going to get married anyway, I wish she could come in sooner!"

Officer Shu said disapprovingly, feeling that he did a good job today, which completely cut off Shao Liheng's thoughts.

"Xiaoyan is pregnant with your child now, please treat her better."

Bai Yanxin flinched slightly, as if she was a little scared.She was really afraid, after all, it was a fake.

Shao Liheng's eyes widened, the air pressure in his body dropped, and he looked at her coldly, feeling extremely angry.

No wonder Officer Shu spread the news so quickly, it turned out to be because of this.This woman is really smart.

When Shao Yao heard this, he gave Bai Yanxin a contemptuous look. This woman is really disgusting, and she is completely incomparable with Su Yi.

I know how to cry every day, and now I still engage in the practice of getting pregnant before marriage.There must be a way to prevent pregnancy, and she usually pretends to be complacent.

This is determined to rely on their home.The more he thought about it, the more disgusting he became, and he didn't even look at it.

"I've seen it. There will be a good day next month. Hurry up and get married. Otherwise, it will be difficult if you have a big belly!"

The officer smiled happily, everything was going according to her wishes, for the development of the company, the father and son had no room to refuse?
Bai Yanxin held her hand tightly, a little panicked.Is this time too tight? After all, they also made this decision suddenly, and nothing is prepared.

"Let's have a decent wedding, we can't lose face."


Shao Yao refused without even thinking about it. He couldn't catch up with this woman at all, and he suspected that she had ulterior motives.

"Just start one casually, the company's form is not good." He made an excuse perfunctorily, making it clear that he didn't want to see Bai Yanxin.

Shao Liheng didn't speak, he was considering the authenticity of this matter.He didn't believe that Bai Yanxin was pregnant.

When something like that happened, his first reaction was that he couldn't get her pregnant, so he asked the secretary to put contraceptives in her water the next day.

The secretary watched her drink the water with her own eyes, so it is impossible for her to be pregnant now.He looked at her suspiciously.

"Have you checked in the hospital? Show me the list?"

The matter about the child was fake, it happened so suddenly, Bai Yanxin didn't have time to go to the doctor to fake it, so she didn't answer the question directly.

"Aheng, if you don't want this child, I will leave you and live with him." She shed tears and clutched her stomach tightly.

The pitiful appearance of Chu Chu made the official Shu Wang very distressed. I heard that the mood swings of pregnant women are not good for children, and this is her grandson in this belly.

"Aheng, how could you do this! Xiaoyan is pregnant!"

"Xiaoyan, don't worry, you stay here, Auntie promises that no one will drive you away!"

She vowed to make a promise, completely ignoring Shao Liheng and Shao Yao.They don't come back much anyway.

Bai Yanxin glanced at Shao Liheng cautiously, she was afraid of him for stealing a picture, her body trembled slightly.

The official Shu felt even more distressed when he saw this, looking at this little girl, he was afraid that his son might end up like this.

She turned her head and scolded her son angrily, "Be nice to Xiaoyan! Don't yell at her! Otherwise, don't come back!"

Shao Liheng was very depressed. What kind of ecstasy did Bai Yanxin give his mother to make her help her like this.

He didn't say anything, he regretted what he did.But things have developed to this point, and he doesn't know what else to do.

He stood aside and didn't care about Bai Yanxin from the beginning to the end.She might have children or not!

He even suspected that the child wasn't his at all, and the secretary wouldn't lie, she actually saw her drink the contraceptive pill.

Shao Yao couldn't stand it anymore, in his eyes, this Bai Yanxin was just putting on a show to get sympathy.

If he was really willing to leave by himself, he wouldn't have been able to bear the humiliation, and even deliberately told the officer Shu that he was pregnant.

He was also very speechless to his wife, and had a great prejudice against Su Yi, and even suspected that they were having an affair.

She tolerated this Bai Yanxin in every possible way, she really didn't know people well, and didn't know what was good or bad.

He was most angry with Shao Liheng, who gave him a vicious look.

It doesn't matter if you go to bed, but you actually leave a pregnant woman outside for yourself, I don't know if you have any brains!

"You take care of your own mess!"

He snorted heavily, turned around and left on the third floor, without even looking at the two people on the sofa, he was very angry.

Hatred flashed in Bai Yanxin's eyes when she lowered her head. This man is really ruthless to women, no wonder he abandoned Yang Lei's mother back then.

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