Xu Ding's case was held under the attention of various media. Although Su Yi was threatened by the Su family, Su Yi attended as the plaintiff.

Because this matter was on the hot search, and it was a grievance between a wealthy family, the major media focused on Su Yi early in the morning.

As soon as she arrived at the gate of the court, she was surrounded by the media, and the microphone almost poked her face.

"Miss Su, why do you still refuse to let Xu Ding go? Is there any inside story here?"

"Miss Su, are you suing Xu Jiecai? She is your stepmother, right?"

Questions were thrown one after another, some with obvious malice, and Suy was too lazy to answer these boring media.

Anyway, no matter what she said, it would be misinterpreted into another meaning at that time.The media can only hear what it wants to hear.

The bodyguards hired by Suy came late and managed to protect her out of the encirclement, and then it calmed down a lot.

When she walked to the gate of the court, she looked back and remembered the harsh media just now.Show them the results today!

Xu Ding stood in the courtroom as the defendant, staring at Su Yi with resentment.Why is this woman just refusing to let him go!Didn't he just beat her up!

Thinking that it was useless for his mother to kneel down, he wished he could eat her.What a vicious woman, she is so cruel to the old man.

Not only she thought so, but many people in the auditorium also looked at Suy with contempt.Not even an old man is spared, it's really bullying.

Suy didn't care about the eyes that fell on her. She had long been used to this kind of misunderstanding, and even glanced at them indifferently.

She only cares about whether she can win the lawsuit, and communicates with the top lawyer Liu Feifei invited in a low voice.

The court officially opened.

This lawyer is a famous brand in the industry, so the means are naturally not a problem.In a few words, the situation was explained and various evidences were listed.

After Su Yi was determined to sue Xu Ding, she went directly to ask for the injury certificate to prevent the other party from counterattacking.

She has already suffered from the shamelessness of the Su family, and she doesn't want to eat it again in this kind of place.She learned a lot from a pit, she must win today.

This case is not complicated, and the grievances of wealthy families are insignificant in the eyes of the judge.The situation is very clear, that is, Xu Ding hit Su Yi.

Suy even copied the surveillance. The company's corridors are all monitored, and everything that happened happened to be photographed.

Su Xi didn't know whether he didn't expect it or came a step late and didn't get the video.The evidence was conclusive, and the judge quickly sentenced Xu Ding.

Xu Ding was sentenced to one year in prison for the crime of intentional injury, and he also had to pay Su Yi 5 yuan for medical expenses and mental damage.

The [-] was proposed by Su Yi. Of course, she was not for money, but to humiliate the Su family.

5 yuan, of course, cannot solve the problem. What she wants is for Xu Ding to go to jail.Give them a punishment through and through.

You can't just forget about beating someone, she won't let this family go.They hit her so many times, there must be an explanation.

"Suyi, you bitch! You're going to die!" Xu Ding couldn't accept the result, and yelled directly.

Several prosecutors quickly took him down. He is now a prisoner and has lost many rights.

Mother Xu, who was in the auditorium, went completely insane. Her son was so young that he went to jail.

What is a prison?Cannibalism does not spit out the bones.How could my precious son go to that kind of place!

"Suy! I'm going to kill you!"

Xu's mother stood up abruptly, wanting to rush to Su Yi's side and give her two big slaps.She was blocked by the railing.

Suy sneered, and felt a little pleasure seeing them like this.At first they knocked her out, turned around and left.

She didn't even call an ambulance for her. If the property hadn't discovered it in time, she didn't know how long she would have been lying there.

The faint sympathy in her heart disappeared in an instant, and it was their own fault.

When the court session was completely over, Suy walked out of the court under the protection of bodyguards and was surrounded by the still crazy media.

"I won, are you happy?" She smiled brightly, answering questions from the media patiently.

She couldn't help laughing when she saw that the faces of several media outlets were completely darkened.These few looked like they were arranged by Su Xi to pick things up.

Soon Xu Jie came out with Xu's mother, and the media directly diverted their attention and swarmed up.The winner has nothing to interview, of course the loser is more interesting.

Xu's mother stared at Su Yi, her face was ashen, but she extended a bit of pleading.How can I save my son?
After thinking over and over again, she finally made up her mind and rushed to Suy's side.

Xu Jie didn't expect her mother to leave suddenly, and let her run over without stopping her.

"How can you let my son go? I beg you!"

Su Yi looked at the sad-faced old man, and suddenly couldn't speak seriously.Although she was the one who acted rascally, the beating had nothing to do with her.

With a thought, she suddenly had an idea.Xu's mother is so old, maybe she will have an impression of this aspect.

She said hastily, "As long as you tell me how my mother died, I will let your son live more comfortably in prison."

If the party speaks, the court will deal with it as appropriate, and may reduce part of the penalty.

Surprise flashed across Xu's mother's face for a moment, and then her eyes were a little hesitant, a little uncertain.

Xu Jie rushed over at this moment, just in time to hear Su Yi's words, and grabbed her mother's hand.

"Mom! Don't you know how Wen Yuan died? Wasn't it a car accident!"

She squeezed Xu's mother's hand heavily, signaling her not to say more.

Seeing her coming, Suy knew that she would not be able to ask questions today, so she resumed her provocative look.

"It seems that Mrs. Su understands it very well!"

Xu Jie felt guilty, and she immediately said loudly, "Su Yi, don't think you can cover the sky with one hand! The Su family hasn't collapsed yet!"

Her bluff made Suy even more suspicious.There must be something strange about his mother's death, there is something tricky about it.

But this matter is not in a hurry, anyway, as long as she knows there is a problem, she can always investigate it.

Xu Jie glanced at her vigilantly, what did she mean by this?Did she discover what happened back then?
No, if she really knew, she wouldn't ask this question. She definitely doesn't know yet, she just became suspicious.

Xu Jie didn't dare to make up her own mind, so she told Su Xi the whole matter that night.

"I'm afraid she has become suspicious of Wen Yuan's death. Do you think she discovered something?"

Her tone was unavoidably a little flustered, and God knew this matter, so she must not find out.

Thinking that Su Yi is getting more and more powerful now, she always feels a little uneasy in her heart. After all, this position was not taken so openly.

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