After a busy day, Suy stayed in the car for another night. She was so tired, her back was sore, and she fell asleep when she got home.

She fell asleep until the afternoon, she picked up the phone with a little expectation in her heart, and it turned out that there were only two calls from Shao Liheng.

She couldn't help but feel a little lost, he really didn't care much about her!Didn't care where she slept, didn't care what she was doing, didn't care how she was feeling.

And Shao Liheng went directly to Su's in the morning, wanting to ask Su Yi for clarification.In the end, she didn't even see a shadow, she couldn't get through the phone, and the secretary didn't know where she went.

He thought that Suy was just avoiding him, and refused to forgive him just because of what happened yesterday.

He couldn't help being a little angry that she didn't even come back to their apartment.God knows how annoyed he was when he saw the coldness at home.

When two people have problems, they need to solve them instead of avoiding each other like this.

He was so angry that he left Su's directly and did not look for her again.Since she doesn't want to see him, then so be it.

Suy had something on her mind, and she had been absent-minded since yesterday.There just happened to be a shareholder meeting today.

Her eyes were also a little dazed, she had been thinking about Shao Liheng.

Why on earth didn't he come to find himself?She checked her phone several times.

Su Xi has been paying attention to her. Seeing her like this, she couldn't help but start to make things difficult for her.

"We, Su, didn't have a good rest yesterday? Why are you a little muddleheaded?"

The manager of the sales department was reporting the business, and stopped when he heard his words, not knowing whether to continue.

Su Xi rolled her eyes and had a good idea in her mind.

"Why don't you ask Mr. Su to tell us about the recent business! Mr. Su must know it very well."

The sales manager, not daring to say anything, cast his eyes on Suy.After all, she is the biggest shareholder, and he dare not offend her.

Su Yi glanced at Su Xi's proud face, and her anger became heavier.She had been simmering with anger in her heart, but now she just found a vent.

"Oh? What qualifications does President Su have to ask me to give you a report? With such a big face?"

As we all know, Su Yi has the most shares in the company, and she is justifiable to say this.

But Su Xi's face turned red when she heard this. He handed over her shares by himself.

He is indeed just an executive president now, and Suy is right.

He sat down resentfully, did not speak again, and clenched his fists tightly, wishing to eat her skin and flesh.

Suy seemed to have found a way to vent her emotions, turned grief and anger into strength, and directly started to deal with the company's affairs.

She gestured to the general manager of sales to let him continue talking.The sales manager witnessed the struggle between the two big shots and continued tremblingly.

After he finished reporting his business, Suy spoke.

She pointed out flaws in various sales situations during the quarter, some of which the sales managers themselves hadn't noticed.

"These deficiencies must be caused by the incompetence of the employees. I think we can prepare for layoffs. These days I have been observing that some departments of our company are oversaturated, resulting in some employees taking wages every day but not working."

She coldly scanned all the shareholders in the meeting room. Many employees in the company were recruited by senior managers or shareholders, and they actually had no talent.

Now it's just time to take this opportunity to rectify the company, which she has long wanted to do.

"We can establish an assessment system to determine the list of layoffs through assessment criteria."

Her resolute measures made the shareholders a little stunned. Before they could react for a while, the matter had already been decided.

She didn't want to be so ruthless at first, but Su Xi was in a hurry, and it happened that she was in a bad mood, so she had to implement this plan in advance.

This move surprised the employees of the company. They didn't expect that she would do such a thing when she first came here.

Because Su Yi has been stable since he came to the company, and the company hasn't changed much, they thought that this new shareholder didn't have much talent.

Unexpectedly, it's not that they are incompetent, and it is such a big project to start with.

For a while, everyone was in danger, and everyone worked hard, for fear of touching Su Yi's backlash and causing them to be laid off.

In fact, Suy has a certain idea of ​​the situation of the whole company in his heart. This kind of thing of not working with salary mainly happens among high-level personnel.

Cover each other, delay each other.It is these high-level people who are really inefficient.

Soon, she had a list in her hand, and these people would leave Su's.

The Su family's funds are tight, and they really can't afford to support so many idlers.What's more, the wages of these idlers are so high.

After some actions, the entire Su family was completely changed, especially the top management.

Some people were promoted and some were demoted, and the company was panicked for a while.After a whole day's work, Suy was already exhausted.

But she was in a bad mood, so she could only devote herself to work.By the time she finally finalized the list, it was already late.

There was no one in the company for a long time, it was deserted.

She didn't know if she wanted to go back to Shao Liheng's place today, and thinking about it gave her a headache.

It's better to work, at least work won't bother her so much.

She couldn't help but took out her mobile phone to check, but there was still no message.Has Shao Liheng given up contacting her?Does he have nothing to say to her?

She didn't want to show her disappointment, she was waiting for his news, for that explanation.But for almost two days, he didn't say anything, and he didn't come to her.

Bitter in her heart, she didn't say anything, nor did she call him.

The company has fallen into silence, but she can understand her inner feelings better.

Disappointment is certain. She looked at her phone so many times today, just waiting for him to take the initiative to contact her.But he did nothing.

To this day, she still doesn't know what happened in the hospital, why he didn't go home yesterday, whether he was with Guan Changshu or Bai Yanxin in the hospital.

She doesn't know anything, and the insecurity of the unknown hangs over her all the time.

She buried herself in her work, just not wanting to think about these laborious things.

Thinking about it this way, it might as well be working.She made up her mind, threw the phone away, and continued to pick up the documents in her hand.

It's more important to make money.With money, she has the confidence to speak, and she no longer has to be afraid that Guan Zhangshu will look down on her.

Isn't it because she has no money?Not high society, not good enough for her son.

Isn't it because the Su family is not strong enough?Then she will develop well, and one day, she will make her look up to.

Thinking of Suy in this way is full of motivation to work.

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