"I'm making trouble? Who is making trouble! Shao Liheng, can you figure it out? I don't care! You have to make a choice between me and this woman today!"

Shu, the official, was trembling with anger at his words, wishing to hit him.This son is really obsessed with ghosts, and he still can't recognize her true face.

Hearing her calling him by name, Shao Liheng knew that she was really angry.As for the latter sentence, he only felt a headache.

The plot of this kind of idol drama will actually happen to him, which makes him very troubled.

"Mom, you know I won't choose."

He was helpless, with his mother on the one hand and the girl who had just confessed to her but hadn't caught up yet.He really didn't know how to choose.

"I don't care if you have to choose! Either I go or she goes." Official Shu put down his harsh words directly, and refused to compromise at all.

Shao Liheng was in a dilemma, "Mom, can you stop having so much prejudice against Su Yi? She is not as bad as you think."

He knew that his mother had a deep misunderstanding of Su Yi, and she never took it seriously before, but he didn't expect it to evolve into what it is today.

Suy kept her head down.Hearing this, he raised his head.She knew that he didn't like her, but she didn't expect to have reached this point.He doesn't want to.Shao Liheng had such an unpleasant fight with her mother.He tugged at his sleeve. "Why don't I go back first."

Shao Liheng was already in a difficult situation, but after hearing this, he found a new level.

"Then I'll take you back first, it's getting late today."

Looking back at Guan Zhang Shu's crazy look, he didn't know how to comfort him.You can only escape for a while.

He turned his head and told his servants to take good care of Officer Shu, then turned around and sent Su Yi away.

He felt it was a long time.Officer Shu can calm down.It won't be as hysterical as it is now.

Although Suy didn't want to watch them quarrel, she was still very moved knowing that he had chosen her.

When the two returned to the apartment, she cooked a meal for her herself.In the evening, when Shao's family was so noisy, the two of them didn't eat much at all, and now they are all hungry.

Although Shao Liheng said at the time that he was sending her back, he didn't go back to Shao's house, but stayed.

He is running away.He will face this dilemma as soon as he returns home.However, he still didn't show any emotion on his face, and he talked and laughed happily with her.

Suy thought he was fine, and felt a lot more relaxed.She didn't want to be a conflict between him and Guan Shu.

But until two people are lying on the same bed.Shao Liheng's emotions were completely exposed.

He tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep, always thinking about Guan Zhangshu's expression when he finally left.

She was very disappointed and stared coldly at them leaving, but she didn't say anything to keep them. She had her own arrogance.

Su Yi sensed his loss and hugged him from behind.

"Why don't you go back and see your mother! I'm fine."

Shao Liheng, after thinking about it, you still refused. "fine."

There was silence between the two, and neither of them spoke.

"Although the Shaw Group was founded by my father, it was only a small company at that time, just like the small businesses we saw in the UK at that time. There was no future and no future. It was my mother who fell in love with it. He, who wants to marry this poor boy wholeheartedly, refuses to listen to anything. Of course my grandfather will not agree. The result of a rich young lady marrying a poor boy is always unsatisfactory. "

Suy listened carefully, without interrupting him.

She knew he was telling him what was on his mind, that he might be really upset.

Shao Liheng paused, then continued.

"She was really determined, even at the expense of severing ties with the family and marrying my father."

"My grandfather loves her very much. In the end, he really had no choice but to agree. She has really made great contributions to the development of the company. Before and after marriage, she has almost no time to prepare for her wedding. Busy helping my father run the company."

Su Yi thought about it, and now the Shaw Group has grown to such a large scale.Perhaps the story of the rich lady and the poor boy is not so bad, and even has a happy ending.

But Shao Liheng's next words broke the beautiful illusion.

"The scale of the company is getting bigger and bigger, and my father has less and less time to go home. He is either socializing or working overtime every day. There are almost only her and me in the family."

"I know she is lonely. Although I am by her side, she still misses that man. What can I do? So you know? I really feel sorry for her. She has taken care of me since she was a child, and later I also don't see my father a few times a year."

It is precisely because of this that Shao Liheng will not be firm in his choice in many matters as long as he can make the official feel comfortable.

She has paid so much for him and has been with him since childhood.He really couldn't bear it, and being a son made her so sad.

Su Yi suddenly understood why Guan Shu had such a strong desire to control Shao Liheng, it was because of excessive concern.

Because her husband was not around all this time, she poured all her efforts into Shao Liheng.

She cared so much about him that she was afraid that she would be deceived by something.So to some extent, I firmly believe that only my own choice can bring the best life to my son.

Shao Liheng turned around and hugged her, holding her tightly in his arms.

"She must be very sad today." His voice choked slightly.

It's not that he doesn't want to let him, it's just a matter of marriage, he really wants to have his own choice.

"It's okay, you can talk to her and apologize to her tomorrow. I believe she will forgive you. "

It is said that there is no overnight hatred between father and son, but more between mother and son.Official Shu was just angry because his son didn't listen to him.

And she was so stubborn just to keep her son from being hurt.My kindness is treated as a donkey's liver and lungs, no matter who it is, it will be very angry!

Su Yi's impression of Guan Shu has gradually changed, with a little more sympathy and guilt. Is he a disaster to her?
Su Yi comforted Shao Liheng well, and gave him a lot of suggestions to coax Guan Changshu.As long as he is willing to coax, he will definitely be able to coax people back.

In fact, everything I heard today subverted Suy's impression of wealthy families.She thought families like theirs had no feelings.

Parents just use their sons and daughters as tools to seek profit for themselves.

It turns out that she really has sincere feelings, and a mean woman like Guan Changshu is also very kind to her son.They are not cold blooded animals.

The two chatted for a long time, and gradually fell asleep, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

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