The situation was critical and there was no delay, so Suy set off for the north the next day.

The cooperation contract has been signed, and she is fighting for the interests of the Shaw Group, which is also fighting for the interests of the Su Corporation.

In just a few days, the branch office changed two people in charge. For a while, people were unstable and a little impetuous.

The one who came this time was a young girl, and they were all a little neglected.They can't bear another Guan Muya, but it's only 500 million, and the Shaw Group will lose anyway.

Su Yi didn't care about these gossips, she would clear herself up, besides, she wouldn't stay here for a long time, and there was no need to win people's hearts.

As soon as she arrived at the place, she took people to the field for field inspections, and walked for a whole day to find out the situation.

The situation is not as critical as the legend says, and GE has not had time to occupy the northern market.They seem to have a problem with the capital chain.

So how did the bad news about the northern market come out?Suy quickly had an idea, maybe this was GE's bluff.

The power of public opinion is enormous. When news comes from the north, they will always believe a little bit no matter whether it is true or not. This is a good way to hit people's hearts.

However, if there is a problem with the capital chain, this will be much easier to handle.It shows that many companies have only clarified their cooperation intentions and have not signed a contract. This is their opportunity.

Many local companies must be waiting and watching. As long as they can seize the opportunity, they can turn defeat into victory.

Su Yi immediately ordered the staff to sort out the information and conditions of each company, and the most important thing was to determine whether they had signed a contract with GE.

Once the contract is signed, the investigation data will be given up directly.After all, the Shaw Group is not a favorite in the north, it is just a new company that has just started.

No company will pay liquidated damages for such a new company. If there is, there is a high probability that it is a scam.

Suy calmly conveyed the order, and called a meeting of the company's people overnight.

"These materials are very important. The sooner they can be sorted out, the better. I'm sorry to trouble everyone." She bowed deeply.

No one likes to work overtime, everyone is frowning.However, the person in charge was so polite and accompanied them to work overtime.They also have nothing to say.

Su Yi has always been stricter on herself than on others. The employees have so much work, and her own will not be less.

She seemed to have returned to the time when Shao Liheng deliberately made things difficult for her. She was so cheap that she was still working for the Shao Group.

She smiled wryly and took a few sips of coffee.Start to look at the densely packed materials in your hand.

The few employees near her office were very active. Seeing her go to eat a quick snack and then start to read the materials, they couldn't help discussing in a low voice.

"The person in charge seems to be good, much more reliable than the last time."

"Isn't it! The last time I arrived late and left early every day, I ended up causing such a big disaster."

"I think it will work this time. I think she's very good and has a lot of skills."

A few people chatted casually, and then continued with the work at hand.Although the task Suy gave them was simple, the depth of investigation increased a lot.

I have been busy until ten o'clock in the evening, and the employees have come off work one after another.Before leaving, I took a look at the office, good guy, this person in charge is even more desperate than them.

Su Yi knew something about the northern market, but she didn't know anything about the progress of the Shaw Group's project. She had been watching this all night.

She returned to the hotel very late and fell asleep as soon as she touched the bed.There is no such thing as accepting a bed at all, she is really too tired.

The next day, she looked at the materials at hand, and took the manager of the marketing department to a small company.

She still prefers small companies, because small companies are self-aware and won't open their mouths.

As long as the price is reasonable and satisfactory conditions are given, the contract can be signed smoothly.

She likes to sign the contract on the spot. The longer things are delayed, the more likely problems will arise. She always believes this.

Su Yi's marketing skills were once again displayed, leaving several marketing managers dumbfounded.This little girl is simply seasoned.

She is not constrained by her own ideas, and often asks for their opinions, and finally comes up with the best plan.

They ran all afternoon and actually signed three companies. This result is really gratifying.

When the branch first came to the northern market, the situation was really bad.Although it bears the name of Shaw Group, it is a small company after all.

Big companies disdain to cooperate with them, and small companies are a little oily, or they are playing tricks like last time, they are very tired.

Seeing Su Yi make a move today, everyone admired him.Cutting through the mess with a quick knife is really effective sometimes.

Evening is the time for entertainment, and Suy arranged this one for several big companies.Big companies have to change their thinking again.

Cooperating with large companies is naturally a big deal, and the benefits involved are hundreds of thousands and millions, which is incomparable with small companies.

The Chinese tradition is like this, it is easy to talk about things at the dinner table.After a week, two big companies agreed to cooperate with them.

People in the marketing department listened to the manager boasting about how powerful Su Yi was every day, so they were inevitably curious and wanted to follow her out.

Negotiating with Suy for a while is also a benefit in everyone's eyes. They can often learn from Suy's unique way.

It was a lot more fun than being in the office tidying things up, and they treated her a lot better, a little too warmly.

Suy was a little bit dumbfounded, the people in the marketing department were pretty capable, at least drinking was fine.

With the lessons learned from Guan Muya, she naturally became 12 cautious.hardly ever drinks.

She is in charge, she must stay sober and not be confused by alcohol.

The people from the marketing department were reduced to serving as wine companions, watching a few big shots coming and going, and negotiating the terms without making a fuss.

Unknowingly, a month has passed, and GE's capital chain problem seems to be very serious, and it took a long time to slowly recover.

But when they wake up, the branch company has occupied more than half of the northern market, and there are only a few hard bones left.

Hard bones are not easy to chew, so Suy chose to wait and see, it is best to wait for them to take the initiative to cooperate.

The branch office is different today. With an order in hand, everyone can stand upright.The earth-shaking changes in just one month have to be credited to Suy.

She and the people in the marketing department are also getting acquainted with each other day by day. There is no intrigue here, and it is much more comfortable than the Shaw Group.

It was too late when Yang Lei learned that the Shaw Group had made great achievements in the northern market.He knew that all of this was Suy's handwriting.

He knew Suy's ability, so he became more and more anxious.If it was someone else, he would have done it long ago. He is a person who can do anything.

But this is Suy, and he still has a little affection for her.

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