Of course, it is impossible for her to arrange someone. Shao Liheng is sure that she will not let this opportunity go, and has already arranged everything in Bai's house.

The subordinates came to report soon, and Bai Yanxin sent someone to ambush her.

His eyes lit up when he heard the news, it was a fish that had taken the bait. "You just watch them ambush, don't startle the snake."

He decided to play tricks so he could see what she was trying to do.So many people want to kidnap him?Or is it to get the Shao family?

His face slowly darkened. If Bai Yanxin could be obedient, he wouldn't mind being a younger sister and taking care of her for the rest of her life.

After all, the feelings of so many years can't be let go just by letting go.But she shouldn't, she should have moved her mind on him.

"By the way, prepare a pair of dead bones for me, and put them in Bai Yanxin's room. They destroyed the lamp in her room."

Don't mind if he pulls a prank?Since he dared to plot against him, there was a price to pay.

Bai's house is in a remote suburb, Shao Liheng took Bai Yanxin to drive there without anyone.

He treated her gently as always, coaxing her around.The identities of the fisherman and the fish were switched unconsciously.

But he is really not that confident. His people have been waiting at Bai's house for a long time, so he didn't bring anyone with him.

When Bai Yanxin went out, she saw him alone, her eyes lit up.As expected, he went alone with her.

The two arrived at their destination around noon.Maybe it was because the drive was too long, Bai Yanxin was crying and dizzy all the way.

He naturally expressed his "concern".

"What's the matter? Do you want some medicine?" After speaking, he was a little embarrassed. It seemed that there was no motion sickness medicine in the car.

"I am fine."

Bai Yanxin's face was pale, and she leaned against the car window weakly, as if she was extremely weak.

"Why don't I ask my assistant to buy some for you? I'm a little worried about you." His voice was urgent.

If she turned around at this time, she might be able to find out the clues.Because his expression was so cold, there was no eagerness expressed in his voice at all.

He looked at this acting woman indifferently. She had never been motion sick before, and it wasn't the first time she went back to Bai's house. Why did she suddenly become dizzy?
He took the initiative to hug Bai Yanxin, "Then why don't you go to rest first? We will go to worship after you have rested. I think uncle and aunt won't blame us."

Bai Yanxin finally heard what she wanted to hear, she wished she could leave him and send a signal.

"Well, you can take me to my room, and you can sleep for a while."

She showed a sorry expression, but her eyes were triumphant.He really believed in himself and had no doubts at all.

She felt more and more that her decision was the right one.Later, as long as she gives an order, they can take Shao Liheng down.

With him as a hostage, do you still worry about not getting the Shaw Group?She was full of confidence and wished she could arrest him the next moment.

"Well, I have had my room cleaned in advance, so you should have a good rest."

Shao Liheng glanced at her worriedly, with some reluctance in his eyes, as if he didn't want to be too far away from her.

She felt more relieved, he was eaten to death by her now.Sure enough, a hero is sad for a beauty, and men are all the same.

She had already sent someone to wait outside the window of her room. As long as she made a gesture, he would be hard to escape today.

Hearing the sound of footsteps fading away, she sneaked into the corridor and looked downstairs.

She didn't bring many people with her today, and when he fell asleep to do it, the probability of success would be even greater.

She returned to the room patiently, but fell asleep unconsciously.It was already afternoon when I woke up.It was already starting to darken.

Startled, Bai Yanxin hurried to the corridor.Looking down, it's okay, Shao Liheng is still there, and even fell asleep.

God helped me too, she hurried back to her room and gestured towards the window.

After that, she waited quietly, pinching the time.Ten minutes passed quickly, but there was no movement downstairs?

How is this going?Countless questions flashed through her mind.But she didn't dare to act rashly, it would be bad if Shao Liheng found out.

After another 10 minutes, she finally started to panic.After such a long time, he should have succeeded, even if he failed, he would probably fight.How could there be no movement at all?

She was anxious and flustered, and a little guilty.He hurriedly walked outside, wanting to see what was going on.

Suddenly, she tripped over something.She was irritable, and looked down, it was a dry bone!
Bai Yanxin's face turned completely pale in an instant, her mother died here.The sudden white bones seemed to indicate something.

She was taken aback and felt guilty, so she sat down on the ground, her legs went limp.

After all, she is a girl, no matter how scheming she is, she is still afraid of ghosts and gods, let alone dead bones.

For a moment, her eyes went black, her head was muddled, and she actually passed out.

Shao Liheng has been observing her reaction from the crack of the door, her situation has been dealt with beforehand, and just pretending to be asleep was just acting.

Now she suddenly fainted, what a godsend.He went straight in and picked her up.

His goal has been achieved, to frighten Bai Yanxin, maybe he can get something more useful.

There is even greater energy behind her, and catching that mastermind is his goal.

With a sneer, he sent people to torture those subordinates.People have desires, so is he afraid that he won't be able to ask them?

Shao Liheng decided to take her back, but he was looking forward to her reaction, horror?Still calm?
"Clean up here, don't leave traces."

He raised his hand and commanded the sent person.Better to let her think it's all an illusion.

He took the people back and placed them in their "new home".He had no expression from the beginning to the end, as if she was just a doll.

This woman dared to plot against him like this, having taken the guts of a bear.If you think about terminal illness like this, it's all fake.

He looked at the scratched wound on her leg, but didn't take care of it.Sitting quietly by the side, looking at this woman indifferently.

Starting with those subordinates, we should be able to find the mastermind behind the scenes.It's really hard to find a place to go.

Bai Yanxin sent these people to him with his own hands, so of course he should cherish them.Otherwise, how could I be worthy of her kindness!
Suddenly, the eyeballs of the person on the bed moved, as if they were about to wake up.

Shao Liheng immediately changed his expression, and sat down on the side of the bed enthusiastically, as if he had been by her side all the time.

As soon as Bai Yanxin opened her eyes, she saw him looking at her with concern, but this time she was not complacent.She screamed and shrank back.

"What's wrong? Are you scared? Don't be afraid, don't be afraid that I'm Ah Heng."

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