Yang Lei could only send someone to reveal it to Guan Muya. Now Shao Liheng is only doing it for fun, and the position of the young mistress of the Shao family is still hers.

If you really submit a resignation letter, there is really no room for turning around.It's inconvenient for him to say too much, so he just asked someone to pour ecstasy soup on Guan Muya.

Guan Muya liked to hear such smooth words, and she still loved this position deep in her heart.The young mistress of the Shaw Group, who can resist the temptation?
The idea that she was instilled in her childhood was to marry Shao Liheng in the future, and this idea was deeply rooted.

She realized that she was impulsive this time, so she put away the resignation letter and didn't mention it again.

But she doesn't want to go to the company either, Shao Liheng is not here, what's the point of her going to the company.She directly asked for half a month's leave to stay at home.

The company's design department suddenly lost two leaders, and it became a mess.No one arranges work, and everyone doesn't know what to do.

The design department can also be regarded as the core department of the company. The core department has become like this, and the Shaw Group's losses have become more serious for a while.

Things turned out like this, under pressure from the company, Shao Liheng had no choice but to give up going to the hospital to accompany Bai Yanxin.Back to the company.

But it's not so easy to clean up the mess in this place.He knew nothing about design, and the design department was still a mess.

The company is running two major projects, both of which require the design department.The work of the design department is now stopped, and there is no way to continue the project.

Due to the situation, he could only coax a minister back.He chose Suy without even thinking about it.

Now that he was passing Feifei's house, he suddenly felt a little cramped.What should I tell her later?

He regretted what he said that day, it was too hurtful.He has seen her negotiating methods, so he should trust her.

But things have happened, and now regretting is useless.For the first time, he felt uneasy, and this time the development of the matter was beyond his expectation.

Shao Liheng finally plucked up the courage to ring the doorbell, and he deliberately picked a time when Liu Feifei was not around.He thought it would be easier to convince Suy alone.

Who will come to the house at this time?Liu Feifei is not at home, in case it is her guest.Suy stepped on her slippers to open the door.

She froze as soon as she opened the door, why did he come?Feeling sore in her heart, she immediately wanted to close the door.

Shao Liheng guessed her movement, and quickly put his leg against the door to prevent her from closing it.

"What are you doing here!" She was not as strong as him, so she could only lower her expression.Are you trying to humiliate me again?
It was rare for Shao Liheng to feel embarrassed. The other party didn't want to see him so much, how could he make his request.

"Can you...can you go back to work?"

"Oh, I remember I was fired? What do you mean?"

She is not short of money, nor is she worried about not being able to find a job as a designer.Then why should she go back to work?Going back and being angry with so many people?

She is not a holy mother, she negotiated the contract back then, why did she tore it up with her own hands?
The Shaw Group won so many profits and would not give her any of them. Now that they are losing money, all the blame will be pinned on her head.Is she a trash can?
"I apologize to you about the expulsion. I don't know about it when I'm not in the company. Now the design department of the company is in a mess. I want to ask you to go back."

It was much easier after the first sentence, and Shao Liheng briefly explained the matter.

"Oh? Did you come to ask me to go back because the design department was in chaos? I'm so sorry, I won't go back."

She made her stand, and she won't go back.Now that it has been decided to make a clean break, it is the most troublesome to decide whether to break it.

Taking advantage of Shao Liheng's inattention, she quickly wanted to close the door.

Shao Liheng reacted quickly and immediately stretched out his hand.The only sound was the door banging against his arm, and his cry of pain.

There was doubt in Suy's eyes, and he turned a little worried. "Are you okay?" She was a little guilty.

Although it was he who stretched out his hand, she was the one who closed the door after all, with a lot of strength.

"Can we go in and talk?"

Seeing that his hands were blue, Su Yi nodded in a soft heart.She went in and took Yunnan Baiyao and handed it to him.

Shao Liheng said a lot more, but Su Yi still had no intention of going back.In desperation, he could only say a few things.

He thought about his words, "I...I did this to her because I found out that she had funds in her hand, and I found out by seeing her bank consumption records by accident."

"She still has a lot of money from unknown sources. I suspect that her purpose of coming back this time is not pure."

Recently, he went to see Bai Yanxin every day and even married her because of this incident.She returned home suddenly, approaching him with such a clear purpose, it was hard for him not to be suspicious.

But usually Bai Yanxin was very vigilant, he could only find out if he approached her actively.

Although he didn't say much, Suy quickly understood.He was explaining the matter between him and Bai Yanxin, Bai Yanxin had a problem.

She was very surprised, she thought it was the revival of her childhood sweetheart, but she didn't expect that there was such a thing in it.

"I'm sorry." This sorry was for many things, his sudden disappearance, his secret marriage, his targeting and protection.

Everything was explained, and Suy's heart seemed to warm up.It was not his intention for him to treat himself like this, and she was inexplicably relieved.

"Yeah." She nodded, a little bit of a smile meant to wipe out her grudges.

The two seemed to have returned to the days when they lived together, and the atmosphere eased a lot.There was a moment of silence.

"What other plans do you have?" She asked proactively.

"Let's get close first, and I'll look for clues, she's hiding deep."

There was silence for a while.

"I have a way. Why don't we make a fake show and expose our relationship to the media to stimulate Bai Yanxin."

"When she gets excited, she will definitely reveal a lot of flaws, and the investigation will definitely be easier then."

She unknowingly stood in Shao Liheng's perspective and helped him make suggestions.Since hurting people is all acting, she is not a petite person.

"Then why don't we quarrel in front of her to confuse her." Shao Liheng proposed a better plan.

He's been so serious about accompanying Bai Yanxin lately, he's a little foolish.At this time, coupled with the break with Suy, it would make her even more proud.

When she got the favor she wanted, she would start the next move, and he would then know what she wanted to do.

He paused, "Are you... all right?"

No matter how small a matter is, once it is known by the media, it will be known to everyone and will continue to be magnified.At that time, she will definitely hear a lot of gossip.

Su Yi has never cared about gossip, anyway, her reputation has long been discredited, and one more scandal is not a big deal.

"I'm fine, I'm used to it." She smiled, and it wasn't the first time.

A tinge of distress flashed across Shao Liheng's heart, she would do anything for him.

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