"Well, last time the serial car accident hospital received a few difficult patients. Thanks to Dr. An, the surgical effect was maximized in the shortest possible time."

After saying that, Jiang Chenxi looked around at the first seat, and his eyes stopped on An Yuqi, seeing her sitting by the window, the backlight blurred her outline with light yellow, Jiang Chenxi was slightly distracted by her peaceful and beautiful appearance.

Hearing Jiang Chenxi's words, everyone cast envious and jealous eyes on An Yuqi.

Thinking about An Yuqi's weakness that he learned yesterday, Director Wang smiled and stood up:

"In that case, Vice President Jiang, I propose that Dr. An perform the surgery after the meeting."

Hearing this, An Yuqi frowned, stood up unhurriedly, looked at Director Wang and said lightly: "Director, the operation has been decided and Dr. Li will perform the operation."

"An Yuqi, are you the director or am I the director?" After speaking, Director Wang folded his arms and looked at An Yuqi with provocative eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Chenxi frowned slightly, and stopped him displeasedly, "Okay Director Wang, please stop saying a few words."

"Yuqi, this opportunity is hard-won, and your qualifications are already above that of Dr. Li. The patient's family also very much hopes that you will be the chief surgeon."

Hearing what Jiang Chenxi said, An Yuqi knew she couldn't refuse, so she could only nod in response: "Okay."

After the meeting, An Yuqi took a short rest and went directly to the hand aseptic warehouse, waiting for the patient to do basic disinfection and remove some covering hair.

"This patient's pituitary tumor is one of the most common intracranial tumors, understand?" An Yuqi explained to the trainee doctor behind while putting on her gloves.

"Doctor An, you had two major surgeries before, and Director Wang was clearly trying to make things difficult for you today." Hearing An Yuqi's serious explanation, one of the intern doctors immediately muttered for An Yuqi.

Hearing this, An Yuqi smiled slightly, but did not answer.

After a while, everyone entered the operating room.

Everything was ready, An Yuqi deftly opened the nasal cavity, scrubbed the nasal cavity with iodophor, then picked up the nasal cavity microscope, and gently pushed it in with the belly of her thumb.

In just a moment, An Yuqi observed the location of the pituitary tumor on the monitor, and stared at the monitor to explain:
"The patient's pituitary tumor is posterior and inferior, and it is adhered to some tissues. The difficulty of the operation is three-level, and the operation accuracy is relatively high."

"No. 10 scalpel." An Yuqi moved her fingers slightly to adjust the microscope to a suitable focus, held her breath and concentrated on approaching the affected area, gently pressed the blade in her hand against the perichondrium of the nasal septum, and cut a small straight opening with slight force.

Then, she quickly wiped away the blood oozing from the wound, picked up the electrocoagulation pen, and paused with her fingertips to gently coagulate the blood spots.

At the same time, all the interns watching did not blink, staring at An Yuqi's work.

Watching her quickly use the prop to prop up the nasal cavity, further expanding the nasal cavity.

"Number 11." An Yuqi raised her hand to catch the blade, and along the direction of opening, her hand evenly pushed inward by seven millimeters and touched the adhesion. She glanced at the monitor, and moved her hand slightly to precisely Stripped an organization.

At this moment, An Yuqi suddenly felt dizzy. She felt like her brain had been hit twice by a heavy hammer. Then she grabbed the edge of the bed to stabilize her mind, took two deep breaths, and continued to focus on in surgery.

The nurse at the side dabbed the sweat on An Yuqi's brows with gauze, and handed her a pair of tweezers about fifteen centimeters long but very thin at the right time.

She held the tweezers firmly with her fingertips, took a serious look at the display screen, pursed her lips, and then pushed it into the tumor, accurately clamped only a small sticking root, and gently clamped it out -

It is a large tumor body of broad beans!

Seeing this, the trainee doctors sighed one after another——

"Oh my god, Dr. An actually performed this level-three difficulty operation so successfully after performing two major operations in a row!"

"Doctor An's hand is really too steady, if other doctors would not be able to hold on."

"That's right, for an excellent doctor like Dr. An, his character must be as good as his medical skills!"

But An Yuqi didn't seem to hear these praises, she took the round needle handed to her by the nurse, stuck it into the needle holder, carefully probed into the affected area, tied a square knot, and sewed the affected area with a figure-of-eight knot, finally completed Resection surgery.

After handing over the rest of the disinfection steps to the nurse, An Yuqi walked out of the operating room exhaustedly, her hand was so painful that she couldn't feel it, just as she raised her hand with difficulty and was about to take off the mask, she saw Jiang Chenxi and the others quickly come.

Jiang Chenxi's eyes were full of appreciation, he walked quickly towards An Yuqi, leaned over and hugged her, and said excitedly:
"Yuqi, we saw it on the monitor! The excision operation was very successful, surpassing the precision of neuroendoscopy!"

Just waiting for him to see the faint blue eyes of the woman in front of him, Jiang Chenxi frowned, and swallowed the next sentence.

"An Yuqi! Just now, the dean of the general hospital saw your operation process and asked you to participate in the knowledge competition of the provincial surgical association!" Vice-president Zhang spoke immediately, and he was rubbing his fat hand with a flattering expression.

Hearing these words, An Yuqi pressed her eye sockets, and looked at Jiang Chenxi with questioning eyes.

Seeing Jiang Chenxi slightly nodding his head, he comforted him: "The courtyard pushed Director Wang to participate, but the director of the general courtyard said on the spot that you must also participate."


Hearing this, An Yuqi suppressed her exhaustion and nodded in response.

Seeing An Yuqi who was in the limelight, Director Wang almost gritted his teeth.

The next day, the knowledge contest scene.

"Hello, audience friends! The provincial surgical association's knowledge contest begins now!"

On the large landing screen, the hostess enthusiastically stepped forward to signal the start of the game.

"Today's 4 contestants, Dr. Zhang and Dr. Chen are from the No.1 People's Hospital of the Imperial Capital, and Dr. An and Dr. Wang are from the No. [-] Hospital of the Royal Capital A University. They are outstanding surgeons in both hospitals. Let us warmly welcome them!"

Accompanied by a burst of applause, the host spoke again: "The rules of the game are that two players from different hospitals will draw lots to form teams in pairs, and then form two teams to PK! The winning team will compete with its own players. In the second PK, the person who wins in the end will be the final champion!"

"Now answer the question, please listen to the question: The most common disease that induces DIC is because—"

Just for a moment, An Yuqi quickly tapped the button, lowered her eyebrows, but raised her chin slightly, and replied: "Gram-negative bacterial infection."

Halfway through the game in full swing.

Director Wang narrowly answered 14 questions correctly, and entered the second round of the competition——

This means that she will be on the same stage as An Yuqi!
During the intermission, Dr. Li, who had been washed by An Yuqi at a godlike speed, was sitting on the side resting profusely with sweat, his eyes were wandering, and he kept picking his fingernails.

Recalling the last round, when An Yuqi was silenced after rushing to answer consecutive questions, she almost smashed the button to grab the questions with the other two people. Who knows how nervous the next round will be!

Thinking of this, Director Wang felt that he couldn't lose his momentum, so he puffed out his chest, stepped on high heels and walked up to An Yuqi, looked down at An Yuqi and said:

"An Yuqi, if any of you let the patient's family know that you actually have an old injury in your hand, and your hand will tremble if you work decisively, and you are not qualified for surgery at all, what do you think will happen to them?"

Sure enough, there was a purpose for Director Wang to let her undergo two operations in a row yesterday!
However, the fact that she had an old injury on her hand was obviously a secret, even Ye Qiongyu never knew about it, how did she know about it?

Thinking of this, An Yuqi's eyes suddenly tightened, but her expression was calm, she took a sip of water calmly, without even raising her eyes.


Seeing An Yuqi's ignorance of him, Director Wang gritted his teeth angrily, and then a hint of hostility appeared in his eyes.

An Yuqi, how long can you be proud after seeing that incident!

Accompanied by the excited voice of the host, the intermission ended and the second round began.

"The most common acid-base balance in pyloric obstruction is—"

"Acid replacement." An Yuqi glanced lightly at Director Wang at the other end, lightly parted her red lips, and started a formal counterattack.

As An Yuqi who "unlocked the silence and imprisonment" continued to speak——

"Hypovolemic shock."

"Neuroepithelial Tumors."

"Serum amylase."

This sentence completely shattered Director Wang's elegant mask, and she tapped the answer button like crazy, and rushed to answer several questions, but she stammered and couldn't answer, so she deducted a few points instead.

Finally reached the last question of the second round, when An Yuqi calmly said the answer again, the screen was covered by the barrage of the webcast broadcast on the other side of the mobile phone——

"Ahhhh...Miss Sister is amazing! The other doctor's face turned green with anger! His mouth is almost crooked! He answered dignifiedly and calmly, and the online face-changing king stammered [狗头]"

"Oh my god! Miss sister's answering speed makes me suspect that she has memorized the answer! Tell me quickly!! Is it a shady scene!"

"I don't care! I saw this young lady's beauty in a prosperous age! Let me believe that it is possible to have a beautiful face in a prosperous age and dual businessmen!"

The camera shifted to the scene again, and the camera crew gave An Yuqi a close-up in a very good way.

The host approached An Yuqi very warmly and took An Yuqi's hand, laughing so hard that he almost lost his eyesight:
"Doctor An! This is really the most exciting session I have hosted in recent years! Audience friends thought you had memorized the questions in advance!"

"Haha, I just take it as a compliment to me~" An Yuqi smiled playfully, not at all like the usual rigid surgeon.

"I can assure you! All the questions for today will be chosen by several doctoral supervisors from the Imperial University of Medicine and Science on the spot from the recent surgical intractable diseases! There is absolutely no shady scene!" The hostess repeatedly assured.

Then, the hostess deliberately paused, "So, I declare——Dr. An from the First Hospital of University A is the champion!"


Seeing An Yuqi return to the backstage, Mr. Yan, the dean of the general hospital, stepped forward excitedly, and looked at her kindly:
"Doctor An, you are really a formidable young man! You are much better than another doctor in your hospital!"

Saying that, Yan Lao pouted and gave a thumbs up.

"Thank you, Mr. Yan." An Yuqi smiled embarrassedly, walked up to shake hands with Mr. Yan, lowered her eyes and said modestly, "There are still many excellent people, but we are not in the same place."

In the distance, hearing their conversation, Director Wang clenched his fists, trembling non-stop, and walked forward again, trying to hear their conversation clearly.

"So, I proposed to your dean that you be the director and replace that person, and your dean also agrees very much!" Yan Lao suddenly became serious, and looked at An Yuqi with piercing eyes.

Hearing this, Director Wang's eyes widened in an instant, and he took two steps back involuntarily, his legs were so weak that he was about to fall to the ground.

Unexpectedly, An Yuqi paused, then suddenly lowered her head and smiled, then looked directly at Yan Lao, and refused without hesitation:
"No, Mr. Yan, as a doctor, I want to concentrate on studying medical skills. If I sit in the position of director, I will spend more time dealing with chores. That's not what I want."

Chores? !
Hearing these words, Director Wang almost fainted with anger, it turned out that An Yuqi always thought of herself as a person who handles chores!

For a moment, Director Wang's face became even uglier.

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