After hesitating for a long time, she still put on a smile, opened the door and walked over calmly as usual.

"Mom, how do you feel, are you tired?"

Seeing her walk in, the woman on the hospital bed struggled to sit up. An Yuqi quickly took a Z pillow and placed it on Li Yuehua's waist.

"I'm fine, I'm not very tired, it's just that I may feel dizzy from time to time because of emotional stress in the past two days."

Dizziness?Could it be?An Yuqi suddenly thought of that tumor, it shouldn't be...

Li Yuehua still looks very young now. The huge amount of maintenance all year round makes her look like a person in her 50s. The wrinkles at the corners of her eyes are very shallow, and there is no white hair in her black and shiny hair.

She suddenly felt sad, so Li Yuehua spoke in confusion.

"Yuqi, is there something wrong with you? You seem to be in a bad mood recently."

Hearing this, An Yuqi turned her head aside, tried her best to control the tears that were about to burst into her eyes, and answered Li Yuehua's question as if nothing had happened.

"Mother, it's okay. Am I a doctor? Sometimes I'm busy. There are too many patients recently. I'm a little tired."

Patting the back of his daughter-in-law's hand, Li Yuehua sighed.

"Good boy, you have suffered during this time, and you should pay attention to your body at ordinary times."

Feeling the warm touch of the skin, An Yuqi nodded, then lowered her eyes and didn't know what to say.

Soon it was time for the last test. Seeing Li Yuehua being led by the doctor to take off his coat and walk into the laboratory, she was heartbroken.

Li Yuehua is not her mother, but at least she is Ye Qiongyu's mother. These small links of getting along with each other made her think of when she was a child, her mother would always smile and take her bouncing self to buy all kinds of things. It was so delicious that An Yuqi couldn't go out afterwards.

Later, when she grew up, she faced her father's humiliation and abuse, and her stepmother's ridicule and frame-up. An Yuqi always treated her feelings as if they were treasures.

At this moment, the mobile phone rang suddenly, An Yuqi took out the mobile phone from her white coat, it turned out to be Ye Qiongyu's call, why did he suddenly remember to make a call at this time.

An Yuqi suddenly had a premonition in her heart, could it be that Ye Qiongyu already knew all this?

She walked to the door, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, adjusted her emotions, and then connected the phone.


The environment on Ye Qiongyu's side seemed to be a bit noisy, and he could vaguely hear the prompt tone of the airport customer service, obviously Ye Qiongyu had already arrived at the airport.

"Yuqi, where are you now?"

"I'm in the hospital now! What's the matter with you?"

As she spoke, An Yuqi looked up at the closed door of the examination room, feeling overwhelmingly oppressed.When she heard Ye Qiongyu's voice, there was a tremor in her throat, and the emotions that could have been controlled surged up all of a sudden. She sat down against the cold wall, her shoulders kept shaking.

There was a pause, then he spoke.

"What happened?"

Hearing this, An Yuqi's voice trembled a little.

"You, you know everything?"

Then, she choked out a low sob, lowered her head and hugged her knee weakly.

"Why are you crying?"

The next second, the man's voice came to mind, and when she heard her weak cry, it was as if something had stabbed her heart hard, and the pain was unbearable.

Sitting helplessly on the cold floor, what An Yuqi wanted most at this moment was that he could be by her side, holding her tightly in her arms.

"No, you think too much, I just feel a little uncomfortable."

She tried her best to adjust her emotions, at least it didn't sound so sad.

At this moment, Ye Qiongyu's complexion became even worse. He has never been a fool. Naturally, he knows the difference between crying and physical discomfort. Damn it, he is too careless. He didn't expect such a thing to happen. If you pay attention, as a woman, she won't be as helpless as she is now.

"Yuqi, you have to wait for me, I'll be back soon."

He hurried up the hanging ladder, the wind was very strong in early autumn, but when he thought of that thin figure with deer-like eyes, he felt a little more guilty and sad.

"Aren't you in City B? It's still far away, how do you get back now?"

"Why are you so stupid? You cried secretly behind my back. How could I have the heart to leave my wife alone in City A and cry, right? Wait for me, I'll be back soon."

When she hung up the phone, An Yuqi realized that she had burst into tears a long time ago, and she didn't even know what was going on. It was clearly this woman who brought Wang Yajun to show off in front of her. Going abroad, but at this moment, he didn't hate her at all, on the contrary, he felt endless sadness and sorrow.

After tidying up her clothes and expression, An Yuqi pushed open the door and walked in with a smile. She saw Li Yuehua sitting on the bed, dressing with the assistance of the medical staff. Seeing her coming in, she hurriedly waved her hand, and then complained.

"Yuqi, you came just in time. I, I know my body best. How could there be a problem! No need for any examination."

"Yes, I also know that my mother is in good health, but some indicators are a little low. Let's stay in the hospital for a while and take care of her."

Calmly buttoning the buttons on his clothes, Li Yuehua seemed a bit dismissive.

"No, you can keep it at home, it doesn't have to be hospitalized."

Seeing this, An Yuqi reluctantly moved to her ear and whispered. 
"Mother, think about it carefully. We are released on bail in the name of medical treatment. If you don't live in the hospital, the people at the Public Security Bureau will definitely not let us go easily, don't you think? Everything Do as I say, and you have the right to take a few months of vacation, okay?"

Seeing the slyness flashing across his daughter-in-law's face, Li Yuehua smiled and stroked her long hair. 
"You, what should I ask someone to do with you? You, you really look more and more like my Qiongyu, the same ghost."

"Mother, you should say that we are husband and wife, right? We all do the same things. "

"Okay, okay, whatever you say is what you say, okay?"

After all the examinations were over, Li Yuehua rested in the hospital, and An Yuqi ordered takeaway at the nearest Chinese restaurant.

Not long after, the food was sent to the hospital.

When I opened the lunch box, I saw that An Yuqi carefully selected some meals suitable for middle-aged and elderly people to maintain their health. They were full of color, fragrance and taste, and the steaming hot meals filled the table one by one.

"You're a real kid, you can just eat whatever you want, and you can order so much."

An Yuqi smiled, holding her chopsticks and kept picking up vegetables for her.

"Mother, you can't say that. You are over 50 years old now. You should eat a balanced diet."

As she spoke, she used a fork to carefully pick out the small thorns in the tender white fish meat, and then put the fish meat in Li Yuehua's bowl, the whole movement was as smooth as flowing water.

Li Yuehua picked up a piece of fish, put it in his mouth, and nodded approvingly.

"I finally understand why Ye Qiongyu likes you so much. You are an invincible strong woman outside, and a virtuous and considerate wife at home. Is there any man who doesn't like you?"

Because of the hidden lesions in his body, Li Yuehua put down his chopsticks without eating much, and looked at An Yuqi who was sitting opposite, with downcast eyebrows, which was very pretty.

"In the past, it was my mother who blamed you by mistake, so don't blame me. Being a mother is not easy. In the future, Qiongyu will still need your consideration."

"Mother, what are you doing talking about these things carefully? If you keep talking, eat up all these dishes."

The two looked at each other, and burst out laughing.

After eating, Li Yuehua said that she wanted to go back to the Ye family's old house, but An Yuqi could only speak helplessly.

"Mother, why don't you move here and live with us, our house is big, and only me and Qiongyu live there, it's empty."

After waving his hand, Li Yuehua shook his head.

"You don't understand. I'm the old lady of the Ye family. If I live in my son's house, I will inevitably be gossiped by others. Besides, Ye Qiongyu is facing tremendous pressure now. I can't let others take hold of the story."

"Why, he is your son, and the mother lives next to her son, so it's fine for a daughter-in-law to be filial to her!"

An Yuqi insisted on her own ideas, but it was to keep Li Yuehua by her side so that she could observe her situation easily. In this case, Ye Ting would not find any clues for a while.

However, Li Yuehua has absolutely no room to let go of this matter.

"Yuqi, you don't understand many things. I sit in this position that many women envy. Others think that I am the wealthy wife of the Ye family, living a life of luxury, but only I know best. , How did I come here for so many years?"

In the end, An Yuqi couldn't hold her back, so she had no choice but to drive her back.

Leaving the Ye family's old house, she turned around carelessly, and soon came to a very strange place, surrounded by greenery and lake water that she had never seen before, and the autumn wind gushed in from the open car window.

She didn't know where she was now, but she slowly parked the car on the side of the road, looking at the unfamiliar scenery in front of the windshield, feeling suddenly sad.

Next to the car was an endless stream of vehicles, rushing by, An Yuqi's hand was drooping on the steering wheel, and finally she just lay down on it, tears rolled from her eyes uncontrollably Falling.

I don't know how long it took, a ticking sound exploded on the car window, An Yuqi's first reaction was that it should be raining outside the window, but when she raised her head, she saw a reappearing on the glass. A familiar figure, that person was wearing a black suit, his brows were furrowed, and he was tapping the glass lightly with one finger at the moment.

It was him, it was Ye Qiongyu, An Yuqi opened the car door in disbelief, all the grievances she had suffered for so many days suddenly turned into tears.

"Ye Qiongyu, what are you, why did you come back suddenly? Aren't you supposed to be in City B now? Why are you so fast?"

She threw herself into the man's arms from the driver's seat of the car, murmured incoherently, and then put her face on the man's shoulder.

"Are you ok?"

Ye Qiongyu grabbed her shoulders, wanting to see what kind of expression she had at the moment, but the woman in his arms held on to his clothes without moving, and just said something in a low voice with a hint of crying. 
"Don't move, just let me hug you for a while, okay?"

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