The next day, the sun was shining and it was a good day.

It’s just that in front of the Ye Group’s headquarters building, the stockholders are still holding their positions as before. To a certain extent, it can be said that today is the last day they can endure. If Ye Qiongyu doesn’t show up today, the Ye Group will inevitably suffered catastrophe.

Everyone seems to have vaguely sensed something, and the well-informed media inquired about Ye Qiongyu's return to City A early in the morning, so they surrounded the headquarters building early in the morning. Such a historic scene, they Of course you won't miss it.

For Ye Zifan, today is the day he has slept the most soundly since he took over the position of president. Those days of lighting a cigarette in the middle of the night and standing at the window looking at the darkness alone are over.

However, early in the morning, before he woke up, a phone call came quietly.

The loud ringtone of the mobile phone made him wake up instantly, and pressed the answer button without thinking.

"Who? Was it a reminder in the morning?"

With Ye Zifan's thunderous roar, Han Cheng on the other side of the phone was a little stunned for a moment. It seemed that the lively Ye Zifan from before had returned, so he hesitated to speak.

"Second young master, well, the situation here at the headquarters is still not very good, do you want to come and have a look?"

What to watch, don't disturb my peace of mind.

Although he thought this way in his heart, Ye Zifan still sat up and grabbed his hair, which was as messy as a chicken coop.

"Okay, just let them make a fuss. Anyway, my brother will be here today. If they don't think it's a big deal, let's continue!"

Han Cheng glanced at the dark crowd at the door, and suddenly didn't know what to say, so he could only nod his head.

"Okay, then I will do as the second young master ordered."

After hanging up the phone, Han Cheng put the phone in his pocket and waved to the security captain next to him.

"Okay, you don't have to worry about it, let them continue to make trouble!"

The result of this is that the huge square outside the headquarters building is directly invaded by dense crowds, holding signs and banners in their hands, with endless meaning.

"Let the Ye Group get out of City A!"

"Yes, this kind of black-hearted enterprise should have gone bankrupt long ago!"

"Yeah, hurry up and go bankrupt, like a turtle, what kind of company do you want to start!"

It was 08:30, Han Cheng looked down at his watch, then picked up his mobile phone to call Ye Zifan, but hesitated for a while, and finally called Ye Qiongyu.

"Boss, the situation seems to be not very good now, when will you come?"

The voice over there was still unhurried and faint.

"No hurry, tell them to wait, I will send my wife to work first."

"However, there is always the danger of riots."

"Nothing but, I said, tell them to wait!"

The next second, there was a beeping busy tone on the phone, Han Cheng put down the phone helplessly, and exchanged glances with the security chief next to him.

"Just watch it, just don't let them enter the company."

Ye's old house
The whole living room was filled with smoke, Ye Ting sat on the wooden recliner, with one hand on the armrest and the other holding the cigarette in his hand, his expression looked extremely bad.

Bad news came one after another, Secretary Mu spoke to the phone almost cautiously.

"Chairman, the situation outside is getting worse and worse. Just now the security captain said that they are almost out of control, and someone is already smashing the door."

He turned on the video sent by the security captain on his phone, and there was a large crowd of people outside. Someone picked up bricks on the ground and smashed them down on the group's double-glazed doors over and over again.

"Where's Ye Qiongyu? Let him go to the company immediately."

"The people below have tried it, but the young master won't answer the phone at all."

A deadly silence permeated the office. Ye Ting took a puff of cigarette, and a surge of hot blood rushed to his head.


In the current situation, Ye Ting didn't dare to go to the company at all, those angry people would tear him apart at any time.

"Where is the second young master?"

When the servant came over with a plate of fruit, Ye Ting asked out of the blue, obviously holding back a burst of anger.

The servant glanced upstairs, muttered, hesitant to speak.

At this moment, Ye Zifan in a suit and leather shoes walked down the stairs while pulling the bow tie around his neck.

"Father, since my brother has agreed, he will definitely go."

Ye Ting raised his eyes, just in time to see the crooked suit that Ye Zifan was wearing, and the grass-like hair on top of his head that he hadn't had time to take care of.

"It's good for you, talk to your brother every day, is he your old man, or am I your old man?"

While carefully helping Ye Ting tie his tie, Li Yuehua gave Ye Zifan a wink.

"Zifan, go and ask the driver to make arrangements and get the car ready."

After finding a reason to dismiss the youngest son, Li Yuehua helped Ye Ting get along.
"This child, Qiongyu, is really too much. It's all my fault that I didn't educate him well. Don't be angry. The most important thing now is to solve the problem quickly."

Hearing this, Ye Ting, who had been holding his breath, waved his hand impatiently.

"It's not just too much, his wings are stiff now, he just wants to rebel!"

Caught off guard, Li Yuehua was thrown on the sofa in an instant. When she turned her head, she clearly saw the disgust in her husband's eyes, and felt half-cool in her heart instantly. Did he already know something?

Soon, Ye Ting dialed Ye Qiongyu's phone number, swearing at people as he walked out.

"You bastard, what day is it today? Are you trying to piss me off on purpose?"

"I told you not to play tricks on me! I have already agreed to all the conditions you said, what else do you want to do!"

On the other side of the phone, Ye Qiongyu looked down at the watch on his wrist.

"It's not good for father to get angry so early in the morning. It's not the normal working time yet!"

"What's the situation outside now, are you blind? If you're scared, just say it, what kind of skill is it to shrink your head and tail!"

Ye Qiongyu held the steering wheel with one hand and drove the car methodically, his eyebrows raised slightly.

"Since this is the case, why don't father handle it himself?"

"I don't care what reason you have now, if I don't see you before 09:30, get out forever!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Ting angrily hung up the phone.

In front of the headquarters building of the Ye Group at this moment, the riots had reached a feverish stage.

"Where's Ye Qiongyu? Why haven't you seen Ye Qiongyu yet? Ye's group is really shameless, in order to stabilize us, they actually made up such a big lie."

"That's right, this kind of fraud company is still not closed, so should it be kept for the Chinese New Year?"

"Smash their company, liar company, go bankrupt!"

Everyone swarmed up in an instant, and surrounded the company's gate tightly, which directly caused the employees who came to work to be in a dilemma.

They formed a circle and unceremoniously abused the Ye Group employees in the middle of the circle.

"Garbage company, I don't know how shameless you are, the liar will kill the whole family."

"That is, tell your chairman to get out, is he dead?"

"Yeah, tell him to get out and give us an explanation!"

Ye Ting and Ye Zifan drove over from a distance in an extended Lincoln, and saw the riot at the door from a distance. Because of the crowd, the car couldn't move forward. In desperation, the driver had no choice but to go parking.

"Chairman, let's not move forward. These people are already crazy. If they go up rashly, something may happen."

Ye Ting has lived for so many years, and he has never seen any kind of scene. At this moment, he just felt a pang in his chest, and even had the urge to hit the gas pedal to kill them directly.

"What time the fuck is it?"

"Nine thirty-two."

There are still 5 minutes left, Ye Qiongyu won't really stop coming, right?A strong sense of panic suddenly flashed in his heart.

This feeling made him afraid, when did he actually start to rely on him.

He was even worried about what he would do if Ye Qiongyu didn't come?It seems that he has been firmly pinched by Ye Qiongyu.

Soon, he understood one thing, that guy was definitely doing it on purpose, deliberately making himself feel scared.

It was only 5 minutes, but it played a key role for the Ye Group.

If he kept his promise, the shareholders would naturally be relieved, and at the same time, he could accumulate a good reputation for the Ye Group and bring the Ye Group to a higher level.

On the contrary, it will directly lose the confidence of the shareholders and cause the direct loss of goodwill of the Yip Group.

While thinking of this, Ye Ting also became more determined. Ye Qiongyu must be eradicated. If he exists for a day, he will not be able to sleep peacefully for a day.

In the next second, he turned his head and stared at Ye Fan in the back seat with his eyes wide open.

"Look for yourself, this is the good brother you said!"

Ye Zifan's expression froze for a moment, and his unnatural eyes dodged a little.

"My brother is not that kind of person. As long as he promises, he will never go back on his word."

"Fart, don't you even trust your old man? What kind of person is he? What kind of means did he use? It's because you have never seen it before. Let me tell you, I am your father and I will never harm you of."

He must find a suitable time as soon as possible to tell Ye Zifan the whole truth.

For this, Ye Zifan's heart moved.

"I'll get out of the car to have a look."

At this moment, the stockholders found the lengthened Lincoln behind, and whoever took the lead suddenly yelled.

"Look, isn't that the car of that scumbag chairman? Brothers, come with me and kill him!"

When the roar came out, those people all turned their eyes to the car Ye Ting was riding in, so Ye Zifan retracted his hand that was just on the handlebar.

"Driver, hurry up and turn around, let's go!"

Almost exerting all his strength, Ye Ting, who was sitting on the co-pilot, roared angrily.

But it was already too late, and the black crowd rushed forward, and they could see clearly from the windshield.

The driver honked the horn a few times helplessly, then turned off the engine and stopped.

"The chairman can't do it. There are too many of them. If they leave by force, it will be even worse if someone dies."

A few seconds later, a dense crowd surrounded the car.

Someone directly started to slam their fists on the window glass, bang bang bang after bang.

"Ye Ting, get out! Come out if you have the ability, and be a coward!"

"Yeah, you broke your promise. You are the one who sucked our blood for profit. Now that something happened, you don't even dare to fart. What kind of chairman!"

"Smash the car and drag this old guy out!"

The din outside the car came one after another, with the intention of swearing not to let go, everyone's abuse became louder and louder, and soon attracted many passers-by.

Immediately afterwards, a reporter rushed forward with a long gun and a short cannon, and the spotlight flickered wildly, recording everything now.

Ye Ting looked down at his watch, it was already [-]:[-], but the person who was supposed to show up still didn't show up.

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