Looking helplessly at the gorgeous decoration in the chairman's office, the honors the Yep Group has won almost covered the walls, and on the table were photos of meeting various important people over the past few years, Ye Ting was powerless. with a sigh.

"However, I have no choice. If he knows the whole truth, I will not be able to keep the Ye Group."

Then, the person at the other end suddenly smiled softly.

"Brother, you are really confused for a moment. The safest thing in this world is the dead."

That's right, as long as a person is dead, nothing will happen. Clutching the phone, Ye Ting's eyes fell on the golden logo of the Ye Group.

Murderous intent poured out of his triangular eyes continuously, and every pore in his body was deepening this thought.

Kill him, kill this thing that made him ashamed for the rest of his life, and he will be out of sight and out of mind in the future!
"After so many years, brother still doesn't understand? You can pretend to let him come back to stabilize the overall situation, wait for the right time, let him experience the feeling of falling into the cliff, and then solve it quietly, right? very perfect?"

In an instant, the shadow above his head disappeared, and Ye Ting's laughter echoed throughout the office.

"Hahaha, as expected of my younger brother."

"Of course, it's natural that we brothers should work together."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Ting pressed the internal number and asked Secretary Mu to come to the office.

"Do you know where Ye Qiongyu is now?"

Secretary Mu's heart moved, it seemed that the chairman had let go.

"The young master is back now, in his villa. What does the chairman mean, let him come back now?"

Looking as usual, Ye Ting nodded.

"You can try to contact him, but I guess he won't agree."

"Okay, chairman, I will contact you now."

Sure enough, as Ye Ting expected, Secretary Mu made many phone calls in a row, all with mechanical female voices.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is busy, please try again later."

After calling many times, Ye Qiongyu finally answered the phone for the last time, but he just sent Secretary Mu directly with a cold sentence.

Putting down the phone in embarrassment, Secretary Mu's expression seemed a little embarrassed. For such a situation, Ye Ting had already had a premonition in his heart.

"what did he say?"

"The young master said that he doesn't want to get involved in the Ye Group's affairs at all"

While speaking, Secretary Mu's expression was a little weird. Ye Ting quickly noticed this, so he lit a cigarette and continued to speak.

"Tell me the truth, what did he say!"

"He said he wouldn't take part in a dog-eat-dog situation like this."

After finishing speaking, Secretary Mu took a careful look at the chairman, feeling a little uneasy in his heart.

A few seconds later, Ye Ting extinguished the cigarette in his hand. It seemed that Ye Qiongyu was so arrogant that he didn't remember his identity at all!

"You bastard, give me the phone, and I'll talk to him in person!"

Ye Ting took the phone and started calling, but an embarrassing voice came from the phone.

"Sorry, the number you dialed is turned off, please try again later, sorry"

It actually turned off the phone directly, so Ye Ting was immediately furious.

"This ungrateful thing dare not answer my phone call."

Secretary Mu looked at Ye Ting holding his mobile phone in fear, fearing that his mobile phone would be smashed to pieces if he was not happy, so he reminded him weakly.

"Well, Chairman, could it be that Mr. Ye found out that it was my call, so he just hung up?"

"It's the other way around, I've never seen such a beast!"

Throwing the mobile phone into Secretary Mu's hand, Ye Ting's chest heaved violently again, and he has been out of breath by a mere Ye Qiongyu for countless times!
At this moment, a supervisor suddenly pushed open the door of the chairman's office and rushed in with a flustered expression.

"It's not good, Chairman, the people below are fighting. Just now the leaders of our public relations department and the security guards were negotiating with those shareholders, but I didn't expect those people to scuffle directly. Now it is out of control. There are probably dozens of people. Shareholders rushed into our office building!"

There was a rumble in his brain, and he couldn't see anything for an instant. Ye Ting only felt that his hands and feet were cold from anger.

"What else can I do, call the police quickly, drive them out, and immediately ask the security to search every corner, don't let these people rush to the top floor!"

However, the supervisor immediately changed his face.

"The chairman can't do it. There are too many of them. It's impossible to go on like this. Once the outsiders break through the defense line, our security can't stop them. If the young master is not allowed to show up, I'm worried that they will come in. Smashed the company!"

Throwing the document in his hand on the ground, Ye Ting took a deep breath.

"Then why are you still standing still, why don't you contact the Public Security Bureau of City A? A bunch of trash, do you still need me to teach you?"

In response, Secretary Mu immediately waved his hand. 
"Chairman, you can't. Those people are already emotional. We can only negotiate properly now. If the police are called, once they are irritated, the situation will become more uncontrollable. And I think the police will arrive at the scene , and it was impossible to control the riot of nearly 2000 people."

Ye Ting propped his head up, and his heart was in chaos. He had never seen such a scene before. It was he who underestimated that kid Ye Qiongyu, who would use such a trick to make him helpless, so he could only submit obediently. Think about it and get angrier.

But now there is no way to help, Ye Ting can only passively choose to compromise.

"Go, ask the second young master to go down with Han Cheng, and say that Ye Qiongyu will definitely come back, and that it is my order."

Regarding this, both the supervisor and Secretary Mu opened their eyes wide in surprise.
"Chairman, you actually agreed?"

"Then what should we do? Don't you see them coming in to smash, loot and burn the company? Why don't you hurry up?"

When the two of them were about to go out, Ye Zifan rushed in in a panic.

"Father, it's not good. Now it's a mess down here. We must deal with these riots as soon as possible."

Raising his eyelids, Ye Ting glanced at him angrily.

"I'm not that blind."

"I've already got in touch with your brother, you go down with Han Cheng first, and tell them that Ye Qiongyu will return to the company before tomorrow, go!"

So, Ye Zifan paused, and spoke in disbelief.

"If that's the case, why didn't father quickly ask brother to come over to deal with the riot?"

This sentence directly aroused Ye Ting's anger that had been calmed down so hard. The son looked anxious, as if his father was not even as good as a so-called bastard brother.

"Bastard, shut up, it's not your turn to point fingers here!"

"Father, don't you understand? Now that our Duojia cooperative company has directly chosen to divest, we have almost lost all the profits in the past three years. Father, this is not an easy thing!"

"I know, get out of here!"

After everyone left, Ye Ting suddenly sat down on the sofa, his mind was buzzing, Ye Qiongyu didn't understand what he wanted to do at all!
At the moment, in a private tea house.

Ye Qiongyu was holding the tea cup in his hand leisurely and contentedly. There was a puff of heat on the table in front of him, and he slowly took a sip of the tea.

The mobile phone on the table, just after turning it on, a lot of missed calls popped up, all of which belonged to Ye Ting alone.

He calmly watched the phone vibrate there, until half an hour later, he gently slid it with his finger.

When the phone was connected, he spoke indifferently.

"Father, what's the matter?"

The call finally got through. Ye Ting stood up from the sofa and spoke hastily.

"What do you want? What do you want to do?"

Regarding this, Ye Qiongyu frowned slightly.

"My father's tone of voice to me now doesn't seem very good. Let's have a good chat when my father calms down."

"Okay, if you have something to say, say it!"

Ye Qiongyu lifted the kettle, and poured steaming hot water into the cup, the tea leaves inside were flying up and down, which was very beautiful.

"I have good tea here, I wonder if my father is interested in drinking tea with me?",

Seeing the chaos below, at this juncture, Ye Qiongyu actually asked himself to drink tea, what kind of mind is it?
"Get out of here!"

"Oh, it seems that my father seems a little reluctant, so forget it."

Obviously, Ye Qiongyu was threatening him, and it was an aboveboard threat.

In this regard, the helpless Ye Ting could only take a deep breath, trying his best to suppress the anger in his heart. 
"Tell me, where are you?"

At present, Ye Ting is very clear in his heart that no matter how unreasonable Ye Qiongyu's request is, he cannot confront it. At least the current Ye Group needs this pawn to suppress the crisis.

"Northern Suburb, Fragrant Tea Pavilion."

"Okay, I'll be right over here."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qiongyu took the time to look at the middle-aged man sitting across from him, and spoke in a low and hoarse voice.

"Have you ever played Go before?"

Standing up in silence, the middle-aged man slowly poured him a cup of tea, and then answered in a low voice.


The tea leaves were tumbling in the boiling water, and finally the light yellow liquid was in the exquisite white porcelain glass cup, which looked a bit pretty. Ye Qiongyu held the cup in his hand, and was not in a hurry to drink the tea, but looked at it carefully. playing around.

"Do you know what the greatest joy of Go is?"

The middle-aged man put down the teapot, was taken aback for a moment, then didn't speak, just simply shook his head.

Ye Qiongyu took a sip of the tea in the cup, and then spoke meaningfully.

"The joy of Go is not just about winning the opponent. The greatest joy is to make that person feel that he will win, give him a little bit of hope, and then block all his way out little by little, and finally let him watch helplessly. It is the greatest pleasure to watch yourself become the fight of the trapped beast."

Hearing this, the middle-aged man seems to feel that he doesn't understand well, and there is always a vague understanding.
"Boss Ye's words seem to have deep meaning, but I'm sorry, I don't seem to understand very well."

Regarding this, Ye Qiongyu put down his teacup, smiled amiably, and then glanced at the watch on his wrist.

"Okay, I don't mean to blame you, you go and wait outside the door first, no matter what sounds you hear in a while, you are not allowed to come in."

Nodding his head, the middle-aged man withdrew respectfully.

Everything around suddenly became very quiet. In front of him was a quaint window with flowers of various shapes carved on it. Elegant curtains were scattered on both sides. Ye Qiongyu walked to the window.

It was already night, and it was pitch black outside. In a blur, I saw the neon lights of the whole city flickering, which seemed to indicate what was going to happen next.

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