As soon as Han Cheng left, Ye Zifan's phone rang. He shuddered reflexively, and touched his chest with lingering fear.

For some reason, he was always worried about those reporters pestering him endlessly. When he saw the caller ID on the phone screen, he suddenly felt a lot more relaxed.

After answering the phone, a familiar female voice came, as usual, cold, as if there was no emotion at all, this was Ye Zifan's most intuitive impression of Jiang Lan.

"Men, why did you suddenly remember to call me? Honestly, do you think I'm handsome, unrestrained and suave, and you can't stop thinking about me, so..."

In the next second, Ye Zifan, who was overjoyed, was interrupted mercilessly by an indifferent female voice.

"Ye Zifan, I think you've been drifting lately? Or is there not enough gossip news and media interviews, so you can still tease me so vigorously?"

When it was mentioned that the reporters still had jobs, Ye Zifan couldn't help feeling a little frustrated.

. "I said, can you say something nice, and just say some unhappy things."

After a brief silence on the phone for a few seconds, Jiang Lan's voice began to soften. 
"What's the matter with you? Now there are all kinds of things outside. Aren't the reporters and the media blocked in the headquarters building of the group today? There shouldn't be any embarrassment for you, right?"

Regarding this, Ye Zifan became interested all of a sudden, so he crossed his limited legs and set it up high on the table, and then he spoke in a strange way.

"What's the matter, are you caring about me? I didn't expect that a man and woman would care about others!"

Sure enough, some people couldn't give a good face. Jiang Lan over here stared at the negative news on the computer and rolled her eyes helplessly.

"Please, my Second Young Master Ye, can we stop putting money on our faces? I'm just too lazy to call you because of An's side and relying on the investment from the headquarters? Ye Second Young Master, may I trouble you to have a little self-knowledge?"

Ye Zifan couldn't say a word when he spoke like a cannonball. After a pause for a few seconds, he licked his lips in embarrassment. 
"Can't you talk well? You clearly care about me."

"Why do you care about you? I just think that if the Ye Group goes bankrupt and you go to sleep on the street, it will be embarrassing to me when people talk about it in the future. Don't you think it's so good?"

Ye Zifan wanted to cry but fell into a deathly silence. Is this still what people say?Can you do something in the sun?
After a long time, I found that Ye Zifan on the other side of the phone stopped talking, so Jiang Lan calmed down and began to give instructions.

"Generally speaking, you should be careful yourself. Sometimes it is scary for reporters to go crazy. You must protect yourself during this time."

Hearing Jiang Lan's voice, Ye Zifan finally felt a little better in his heart, as if the reality was not so difficult and failed.

"Don't worry, at least I'm the president, no matter what they do, they won't dare to break ground on me."

Jiang Lan nodded reassuringly, and then asked a question in doubt.

"Recently, I don't know what's going on. Mr. Ye disappeared and Yu Qi disappeared. The two of them can't be contacted no matter what. It feels like the two of them disappeared out of thin air."

Speaking of this, Ye Zifan's heart suddenly had a bright light, it is very likely that all of this is a game set up by his brother, and everything happened within his expectation.

Could it be?His heart seemed to be pinched severely by an invisible big hand, but soon he had another thought.

No, absolutely impossible, he couldn't think of any reason to support his brother to do this, after all, the Ye family would be a thing of the past after the collapse of the Ye family group.

"Okay, don't think too much, just relax. This crisis will pass. After all, the Ye Group is the leader. How could it fall so easily? I still have a job here, so let's not get along with each other first." You talked."

"Jiang Lan...I..."

Before Ye Zifan finished speaking, she heard a beeping busy tone coming from the receiver, and she hung up the phone first.

Sitting on the chair dejectedly, Ye Zifan lazily leaned against the back of the leather chair, feeling a little lost in his heart.

At this time, the female secretary suddenly walked in, her face seemed a little ugly, and she spoke respectfully.

"Second young master, the chairman wants you to go to the office."

me he!Ye Zifan almost revolted.

An's Group, in the meeting room.

All the people gathered around the oval conference table, and their eyes fell on Jiang Lan alone.

The PPT behind him had long been filled with notes of various colors. Jiang Lan turned around, propped her hands on the table, and scanned the surrounding people in a leisurely manner.

"This is the end of today's meeting. The few issues highlighted in the meeting still require everyone to do their homework. This is our first injection of funds. To a certain extent, it is a beginning. There must be no mistakes, so I hope that those present will cooperate well.”

Everyone sorted out the meeting notes, and soon left the meeting room one after another. Only Jiang Lan, Ji Chenglin, and Guo Yu were left.

After finally sitting down, Jiang Lan drank a big sip of water, and she felt that her throat was smoldering, and the two-hour meeting did not stop for a moment.

Ji Chenglin sat obliquely on the table, clapping his hands with great interest.

"Great job, I think we should definitely get the first shot!"

Glancing at the man with a hippie smile, Jiang Lan spoke angrily.

"Please don't create an atmosphere for me to jump up and down here, please? If you are really excited, you can just go out and have fun"

Shaking his head disapprovingly, Ji Chenglin didn't seem to care at all, but responded with a blunt sentence.

"Chairman Jiang is not so inhumane, is he? Is the company not allowing employees to express their inner excitement and excitement? Isn't this a bit too inhuman?"

"If you don't speak, no one will treat you as dumb. General Manager Ji, can you stop for a while? My brain is about to explode."

With a pencil in her hand and a stack of documents in front of her, Jiang Lan raised her eyelids speechlessly and stared at this man with a hippie smile and a foolish face.

Seeing this, Guo Yu's eyes fell on Ji Chenglin's mobile phone, which seemed to be a few pictures, so he immediately smoothed things over.

"I saw that General Manager Ji seemed to have seen something interesting, why don't you plan to share it with us?"

Curling his lips, with a reluctance on his face, Ji Chenglin pushed the phone over, and there was a news on it, which was the scene of Ye Zifan being chased and intercepted by reporters in the morning. The scene was too spectacular.

Seeing this, Jiang Lan sneered, crossed her hands under her chin, and spoke calmly.

"In this case, it seems that the Ye Group has left Mr. Ye, and it will be impossible to turn around now."

In this regard, Guo Yu's ten fingers kept flying on the keyboard of the laptop, and soon he nodded in agreement.

"That's true. Now the news on the Internet is almost one-sided. Everyone is condemning the Ye Group for being ungrateful. It has come to this point thanks to Mr. Ye, and now it has started to kill the donkey."

Touching his flamboyant pink suit, Ji Chenglin raised one leg and sat gracefully on the chair, adjusted his tie by the way, and then stroked his waxed hair.

"After all, Mr. Ye's position is not something that cats and dogs can do casually. You have to carefully weigh your own position first, otherwise you will only fall even worse!"

Taking out her mobile phone, Jiang Lan quickly started looking through today's hot searches.

"It seems that the number of clicks is very high. It has only been one morning, and it has directly become the number one search. Presumably, the Ye Group is still busy with public relations. This is a huge crisis!"

Hearing this, Ji Chenglin immediately answered.

"What is this? I heard that the Greentown project has collapsed. It is estimated that they have lost their vitality this time."

Silently closing the laptop, Guo Yu suddenly said a crucial word.

"Don't you think this incident is very strange from the beginning to the end? As soon as Mr. Ye left, such a big incident happened in the group. Don't you think it's just a coincidence?"

One sentence woke up two people, so Jiang Lan and Ji Chenglin looked at each other, as if they couldn't believe their ears.

"You mean, everything that happened now was arranged by Mr. Ye alone?"

After thinking for a while, Guo Yu began to tidy up the meeting minutes on the table in a leisurely manner.

"I'm not [-]% sure, but at least there is a great possibility that all of this is entirely one of Ye Zongbu's schemes."

Hearing this, Ji Chenglin leaned over with a look of surprise, his eyes filled with disbelief.

"Holy shit, if you say that, Mr. Ye is too much of a thief, right? This is obviously a deep city! But if it was really done by him, how could he know all this in advance? After all, if there is any link in this If something goes wrong, the whole thing will fail!"

In the silence, Jiang Lan was the first to react and pushed back the chair.

"It's useless for you to discuss these things. Whether it's an accident or a well-designed trap, only Mr. Ye can solve all this now, but I think they should live their own two-person world somewhere, and the group has to catch them." Anxious."

In the hotel, An Yuqi came out wiping the drops of water from her hair, and saw someone put two sets of brand new sportswear on the bed. The two sets of sportswear were exactly the same, they looked like a couple's style.

An Yuqi really couldn't think of why she needed such a professional sportswear, so she asked in doubt.

"What are you doing with your sweatshirt?"

In her image, it seems that Ye Qiongyu always likes to wear dark blue or black suits, and the whole person feels a bit gloomy.

So for this blue and white sportswear, the color seems a little too lively, and it doesn't match the man's temperament at all.

The clothes exuded a sense of luster, which made Heat feel extremely comfortable when viewed under natural light, and it looked like it was made by a master.

Regarding this, the man didn't speak directly, but instead took the towel from her hand and carefully wiped the dripping water from her hair.

"Sports clothes are of course useful for sports clothes, aren't they? Have you seen a lot of flowers on the island?"

I don't know why, An Yuqi recalled it carefully, it seems that there is really a large field of flowers, the only shortcoming is that the area of ​​the flowers is too large, almost the kind that you can't see the edge at a glance, if you can bloom early It is very comfortable to enjoy it in the sea, and then take a look at the whole island along the coastline. It is obvious that her idea is a bit unrealistic.

"What exactly do you want to say, don't let it go, okay?"

Someone tugged on the sleeve of a sportswear, turned his head, and the slyness in his eyes was evident.

"Madam is always very smart, why don't you guess it yourself this time?"

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