The woman wrapped her arms around his neck softly, her delicate face was deeply buried in his arms, feeling the strong and domineering conquest that the man brought her now.

"Mr. Ye, I find that you are getting worse and worse now."

Ye Qiongyu stopped at the door, and spoke with a half-smile.
"I haven't seen it for many days, isn't it normal now?"

An Yuqi's face turned redder, and she skillfully pressed a series of numbers on the combination lock, and then there was a ding, and the door opened in response.

The man's movements were quick and he seemed a little impatient. He strode in and kicked the door shut.

The whole process was smooth and smooth, he put the woman in his arms on the sofa, his amber eyes were full of smirks.

"It seems that Madam has already inspected the place where I live."

After finishing speaking, the man's tall figure quickly fell straight down, like a large shadow above his head, An Yuqi took advantage of the situation and grabbed his tie.

He fiddled with it repeatedly in his hands round and round, and then slowly opened his mouth.

"What do you think?"

Seeing this, the man supported the sofa with one hand and hooked her chin with the other.

"Then have you noticed the breath of a woman?"

"That's not true, but I found something very interesting, do you want to take a look at what it is?"

An Yuqi blinked her eyes with a hint of playfulness.

Then, she stretched out a hand and skillfully opened her handbag. The next second, there was a small white paper bag lying in the palm of her hand.

Seeing this, the man frowned.


While opening the wrapping paper, An Yuqi recalled the scene at that time.

"I found this under Ma Shuyao's chair. I think it must have fallen out because she was in a hurry when she left."

The paper bag was opened, and there was white powder inside, nothing could be seen.

Ye Qiongyu let go of her, and then slowly sat up.

"What is this? Can't you tell?"

With a puff, An Yuqi smiled, leaned closer to the powder and sniffed it, an indescribable smell hit her face, which actually made her blush and heartbeat in a short time.

Oops, the effect of this drug seems to be stronger than imagined.

"It should be an aphrodisiac, I'm 80.00% sure."

Hearing this, the man raised his long eyebrows, and then spoke.

"How about we try?"

Quickly dodging back, An Yuqi smiled and scolded him.

"Mr. Ye, don't make trouble, what if it is poison?"

"Come on! I'm not afraid!"

While smiling evilly, the man hugged the woman's slender waist tightly, and pressed his face against her smooth skin by the way.

If it's really an aphrodisiac, then tonight
Unfortunately, in the next second, An Yuqi nimbly moved aside, and he could only rub his head with a mournful face.

"Ma'am, do you know what it means to have a short spring night?"

An Yuqi took the cup, poured out half a cup of mineral water, then carefully sprinkled a little medicine powder in the cup, then pinched the cup and shook it gently.

"Why are you in such a hurry, don't you want to know how powerful this thing is?

After finishing speaking, with a slight smile on her face, she walked to a pot of violets placed by the window, and poured the mixed potion into the flower buds that had not yet fully opened.

Looking up at the huge clock on the wall, An Yuqi said thoughtfully.

"It should be about half an hour later, and you will see its power."

At this moment, Ye Qiongyu seemed to have realized something, stroked his chin with a big hand, then frowned, and opened his mouth while thinking.

"If there is really a problem with this medicine, then Ma Shuyao is taking it with her, that's for it"

The two looked at each other, and An Yuqi finished the rest of the sentence with a smile.

"Don't think about it, Miss Ma has a soft spot for you, and she also mistakenly thinks that your feelings for her are real, but your vacillating attitude makes her feel insecure, so this is the only way I can use it. Although it is not an aboveboard method."

Is this something that a high-ranking official daughter can do?Up until now, An Yuqi felt astonished.

Standing in front of the window sill, Ye Qiongyu's deep eyes fell on the violet in front of him, and he flicked the small buds by the way.

"Since she has already done this, I don't mind ruining her reputation."

"From what you said, it should have been planned long ago."

How would Ye Qiongyu deal with this woman who posted it?An Yuqi's heart was still full of curiosity.

"Why, madam seems a little curious?"

Before An Yuqi had time to react, the man suddenly pressed his hands on the floor-to-ceiling glass nimbly, and wrapped the woman in front of him in his arms.

An Yuqi looked out of the window with her face turned sideways. Outside, the lights had just come on, and the moonlight had just hit the window. Under a layer of silver light, followed by the warm orange light inside the room, it seemed somewhat ambiguous.

She was a little afraid to look directly into his eyes, so she lowered her eyebrows and whispered.

"I, I don't want to know!"

"Then, what are you thinking?"

The man's straight nose was facing her, his handsome face looked more three-dimensional under the light, and his slightly deep voice had an indescribable magnetism, which made people unable to look away. He leaned over her ear, slowly He squeezed her small earlobe tightly, and then went all the way down.

The hot and soft touch spread from the earlobe down the neck bit by bit, until it reached around the collarbone, and his movements were very careful.

An Yuqi seemed to feel an electric shock, quickly followed every meridian, quickly followed her own blood, and then spread all over her limbs.

She closed her eyes slightly, feeling the affection of the other party.

"Mr. Ye, you are so bad, it feels completely different from you before."

Her hand couldn't help but moved up the man's broad chest bit by bit, and finally grabbed the tie. With her nimble fingertips, the tie was quickly untied, and An Yuqi's skin touched the man's. It was obvious that Ye Qiongyu's Adam's apple moved violently.

He quickly shrunk the distance between his two hands, and tightly held her in his arms, the narrow space made her nowhere to escape, looking at the cheek that was as bright as a peach blossom, he murmured.

"Of course it's because of you, madam? Isn't it?"

He was getting closer and closer, and he could feel the warmth of each other's breath.

At that time, An Yuqi's breathing stopped slightly, her tall and plump body was enveloped in the tall figure of the other party, and his fresh breath rushed towards her face, making her whole mind gradually become blurred, resisting The movements disappeared little by little.

"Why are you blaming it all on me?"

She whispered, her eyes slightly closed.

"Because the only person I love is Mrs. Ye from the beginning to the end. In order to protect you, I must learn to be ruthless and cold-blooded to others, and kill all people and things that hinder your safety. Do you understand me when I say that?"

He is obviously not lying, every time he speaks from the bottom of his heart, he is extremely serious.

"What if, I don't understand?"

An Yuqi's clear eyes rolled around, innocently looking at the man in front of her.

There was a frown for a moment, and then Ye Qiongyu quickly became decisive, and pulled her into his arms in the next second.

"Since this is the case, Ye Mou has no choice but to do it!"

After a scream, An Yuqi only felt her whole body tense, and she was laid horizontally on the window sill by him. The jewelry around her neck was shining brightly, and the thin strappy high heels on her feet had not been taken off, which set off the pure whiteness. Alluring skin, the mermaid skirt draws a beautiful arc.

The bun was completely undone between the pulls, and the long black hair like a waterfall drooped down on her shoulders. At this moment, she was like a mermaid just born under the vast starry sky, and people couldn't take their eyes off at all.

An Yuqi raised her head, and through the huge French windows, all she could see was the deep blue sky, with stars shining brightly in the moonlight. It was destined to be a very beautiful night.

She wrapped her soft little hands around the other's firm waist, and then pressed her lips against it.

After a long time, after such a long time as a century, the man finally let go of her, looked at the delicate and charming bright red lips, and opened his mouth very ambiguously.

"Did you miss me after so many days?"

An Yuqi just leaned herself into his arms, and replied in a soft and cute voice.

"It's okay, just a little bit."

A little bit is good, if there is too much, I'm afraid you will be proud.

"Only a little?"

Obviously the man was not that satisfied with the answer, so he bent down and was about to teach her a lesson.

At this moment, a scented finger stopped his next move, and An Yuqi's two big eyes flickered.

"Okay, of course I miss you very much. By the way, I will stay in City B for a while. I applied to the hospital to have Minister Cheng's daughter transferred to the No. 1 civilian hospital in City B for treatment. Sakura was discharged safely, what do you think of this idea?"

Nodding, the man inserted his hand into her soft long hair and asked thoughtfully.

"Then how long do you need to take it?"

"About ten days. It depends on whether the patient's condition will suddenly worsen. After all, I am not a doctor at the No. 1 civilian hospital. Also, I need to deal with many things in Huaxia Hospital by myself, so at present It should be this time."

An Yuqi simply told the truth, but she knew very well in her heart that judging from Cheng Ying's condition, if the operation went well, it might only take a week.

The man nodded, frowning slightly.

"it is good."

It seems that he needs to speed up the implementation of his plan, and then the two of them can go back together.

The two of them were sitting on the window sill, and the pot of violets that were about to bloom did not take long to unfold its beautiful petals. The purple flowers were small and beautiful.

"Look, Ma Shuyao really wanted to use this method, the flowers have already bloomed."

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu turned his head to look at the flower pot on the window sill, the flower buds that were tightly closed before had fully unfolded at this time.

Seeing this, An Yuqi sneered.

"This drug, prepared according to this dose, can stimulate adrenal hormones in a short period of time, causing people to quickly enter a state of hyperactivity, but it is easy to lose oneself in the hyperactivity, leading to sudden sudden death. It seems that this Ma Shuyao It’s not just people who want you!”

Thinking about it seriously, if she didn't come today, if Ma Shuyao found a chance to be alone with Ye Qiongyu, then the consequences would be unimaginable.

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