It's really interesting, An Yuqi's eyes fell on the face of another girl next to her, who looked up at her with her head up.

Sure enough, what kind of master can train what kind of slave.

"What about you?"

The girl curled her lips in disdain, raised her head high, and the impatience in the corners of her eyes was particularly obvious.

"I warn you, our Wu family's banquet is not something that cats and dogs can come in. My wife is Lin Hui. I think you, a low-level person like you, don't know it. Mr. Wu's wife, you don't even have a hair on her hair." Can't compare!"

Lin Hui, such a familiar name, is that Lin Hui who pretended to be dead to seduce the old man?Sure enough, the family education is not good. Do all the members of the Wu family look so arrogant?
Very good, everyone's performance is very good.

At this moment, there was a rush of leather shoes hitting the ground, mixed with the man's hasty panting.

As soon as An Yuqi raised her head, she saw the man in a suit and leather shoes frowning, holding his phone in one hand, walking towards her in hurried strides.

His brows and eyes remained the same, but a little softer.

He came out so fast, looking from the inside, such a banquet hall would not be able to pass for a while.

The hem of his suit fluttered slightly with the eager pace, giving people a sense of elegance.

So An Yuqi laughed.

"Why are you walking so fast, I don't eat people."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone looked at the man in front of them in astonishment. Isn't that the young master of the Ye family? How could he meet the woman in front of him?Could it be that what this woman said is true?The welcoming girl seemed to feel half-hearted all of a sudden, and stood beside the door, leaning against the door panel with her back tensed, not daring to say a word.

There was a doting smile in the man's eyes, as if An Yuqi could only be accommodated in this world. He raised his hand to touch her soft bun, his eyes were so gentle that honey dripped out.

"What do you think? Isn't this here to find you? Naturally, I obey Madam's words."

God, this woman, what she said is true, she is really Ye Qiongyu's wife, so who is that Miss Ma inside?Everyone involuntarily imagined a wonderful female drama.

"Hey, don't look at it, he must be here to catch rape. Unexpectedly, the majestic young master of the Ye family sometimes despises a wife who is a mess."

"How do I feel, this so-called original partner doesn't seem to be as bad as the rumors say, and she also looks like a lady from a big family."

"Who knows! No matter what, the power in Miss Ma's family is overwhelming. This is comparable to that of a few women's families. Men are always greedy for profit. Don't read those love stories."

Ye Qiongyu smiled slightly, wrapping his firm arms around the woman's shoulders, the two looked at each other and smiled, and then he spoke softly.

"Come on, what are you doing outside?"

The faces of the two were very close, and they could feel each other's warm breath. Under such circumstances, An Yuqi felt a little shy.

"Okay, I'll just go in with you, there are so many people here!"

She smiled brightly, her eyebrows and eyes curved like a crescent moon.

Afterwards, An Yuqi's eyes fell on the two welcoming girls who had already retreated to the back to lower their sense of existence.

"Since everyone is such a loyal person, I will definitely say a few good words in front of your master at that time."

After finishing speaking, she ignored the pale faces of the two little girls, took the man's arm and gracefully turned around to leave.

In the banquet hall at this moment, everyone had already started whispering to each other. Those who were interested noticed that Ye Qiongyu had gone out suddenly, so they guessed what happened.

"Young Master Ye was in a hurry just now. Could it be that he had a falling out with Mr. Wu?"

"How could it be? I think this Mr. Ye shouldn't get angry just because of a few inconspicuous words?"

Just when everyone was discussing in full swing, and Mr. Wu's face became more and more ugly, there was a sudden commotion in the banquet hall.

Looking back, I saw a woman wearing a mermaid-length dress, with just the right pearl necklace and accessories shining brightly under the light, with a slight smile on her face and light makeup , but it can't affect the delicacy and generosity of the whole face.

The man beside him was slender, wearing a suit, and carefully holding the woman's slender little hand at the side. They were both talented and beautiful, and a pair of lovers.

Is this
Ma Shuyao took a sip of the red wine, and following everyone's gaze, her hand trembled, and the scarlet liquid in the glass spilled on her skirt.

The crystal chandelier was flickering on and off, illuminating a face with complex expressions.

There is envy in surprise, annoyance and anger in jealousy.

She took a breath in disbelief, no one had ever told her that the rumored young lady of the Ye family could be so glamorous, she hardly needed to dress up, just that light smile was enough to make people unable to move away look.

There is such a woman in the world, and she is Ye Qiongyu's wife!

Thinking of this, Ma Shuyao tightly grasped the corner of the tablecloth.

Wu Yan was still the same as usual, staring at a pair of dead fish eyes, and then slowly rolled his eyelids that were full of wrinkles and could kill a few mosquitoes, and raised his eyes.

In such an instant, his cloudy eyes suddenly shone brightly, and the two gray eyeballs stared at An Yuqi without blinking.

"Next, let me introduce you. This is my wife An Yuqi. I heard that Master Wu's youngest son is full moon, so I came here to congratulate you. Master Wu, you don't mind?"

Being asked such a question, Wu Yan, who was staring at An Yuqi eagerly, suddenly laughed, the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes became more obvious, he looked at An Yuqi with great interest, and nodded repeatedly.

"How could it be? I have long hoped to have the opportunity to meet this Mrs. Ye!"

An Yuqi stepped forward and extended her hand generously.

"Hello Mr. Wu, I'm sorry I'm late today. Congratulations to you and Mrs. Wu."

A white and tender arm like a lotus root was placed in front of him, coupled with the faint scent of roses, which formed a sharp contrast with the strong perfume smell of these women present.

For so many years, Wu Yan had many women around him who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity, but he had never seen such a woman before, so he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then rubbed his hands on his clothes twice.

His sinister eyes rested on An Yuqi's pretty face, and then he looked down at her plump figure and slender waist. There must be a pair of slender and straight legs under that floor-length dress!
Trying to make the desire in his eyes not so obvious, Wu Yan slowly stretched out his hands, watching helplessly as the white and slender hand approached bit by bit.

Under the light, his smooth skin shone with a seductive luster, which was enough to make him lose all his sanity in an instant.

However, at this moment, a pair of big hands suddenly grabbed the slender hand without mercy, and pulled An Yuqi aside.

Obviously, what kind of calculations Wu Yan had in mind did not escape Ye Qiongyu's eyes!

At such an age, it is really disgusting to be so disrespectful and shameless, and not restrain your desire in the eyes of so many people.

Ye Qiongyu's movements were a little sudden, but in the eyes of others, it was not a big problem, after all, protecting one's wife is a very normal thing.

It’s just that it’s hard for Wu Yan, seeing that soft and boneless little hand can be grasped, it makes him feel like being scratched by a cat’s paw, feeling uncomfortable all over, so he can only withdraw his hands in embarrassment, and then touch He smiled dryly at his slick crutches.

"Master Ye, are you a little too stingy?"

The man put his arms around the woman in his arms, looked at him vigilantly, and then pulled out a chair at a place far away from Wu Yan.

"I'm sorry, as a man, you should all understand what I have to do. In some things, it is right not to be generous."

After finishing speaking, his arrow-like gaze landed on Wu Yan's face.

If he wants to touch his wife, there is no way!

"I didn't expect that our young master Ye is still a wife-protecting madman, but everyone is here? Just shake hands, don't think too much, young master Ye!"

A discordant voice sounded, with a bit of banter.

Ye Qiongyu sat down calmly, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

"Everyone, since today's protagonist is the young master, let's take it out and let us take a good look at it!"

Wu Yan's long beard trembled a few times, and it took a lot of effort to control the anger in his heart, almost embarrassing in front of everyone.

He didn't know what was going on with him, but he suddenly became obsessed with ghosts. After living for so many years, he had never seen what kind of woman he had.

Although An Yuqi was indeed beautiful, she didn't reach this level, right?
"Come here, go and bring me the young master!"

Wu Yan's gaze became gloomy, and then he lowered his eyebrows and stroked the green gemstone on the crutch, unable to see clearly what he was thinking in his heart.

Ye Qiongyu's big hand was stroking the woman's white and tender fingers one by one under the table, and he couldn't help but feel a little distressed in his heart.

"You're coming, why didn't you tell me in advance."

Although the man's voice was not very loud, it was still clearly heard by everyone at the table, especially Ma Shuyao.

Ma Shuyao gritted her teeth, staring straight at the cup of dessert in front of her, almost trying to see through the dessert!

At the same time, Lin Hui, who was sitting next to Wu Yan, was chatting with other female relatives with a smile on her face, while glaring at An Yuqi fiercely with resentful eyes.

How can such a woman occupy such an excellent man? It's really enviable!

"Miss Ma, your skirt."

A rich lady pointed at Ma Shuyao's skirt, hesitated to speak.

Hearing this, Ma Shuyao lowered her head, only then did she see the stains of wine on her skirt, which looked like big bright red flowers, which looked shocking.

She took a napkin and slowly wiped the wine on her skirt. Her thick, wavy hair covered her delicately made-up face, making it difficult to see what was going on in her heart.

At this moment, An Yuqi struggled restlessly in that big hand, and then slightly covered her pretty cheek with the other hand, her voice was soft and comfortable.

"Why, do you feel very surprised, very surprised?"

She squinted her eyes, and the pride in her eyes was clear at a glance.

Someone remained calm and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"If you do this again next time, you'd better be more careful."

"Okay, I got it, there will never be a next time in the future, I swear!"

The intimacy between the two fell into Ma Shuyao's eyes, and she clenched the tissue tightly in her hand. Didn't he say before that he wanted to be with her?

Now he actually shows his affection openly, this is a complete liar!Ma Shuyao gritted her teeth angrily.

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