My Beloved Wife Don't Run Away: Affectionate CEO Pampers Pets

Chapter 375 Miss Ma Please Respect Yourself

After a long time, Jiang Chenxi looked away in embarrassment, and then saw that the blanket covering An Yuqi's legs had slipped down a little.

He held his breath and approached her step by step, for fear of waking up the sweet dream of the woman in front of him.

Because of yesterday's fever, Jiang Chenxi clearly felt that he seemed to have a headache, but he still bent down slowly, picked up the corner blanket, and then slowly covered the woman's body.

She still slept well, it seems that she was tired last night, thinking of this, seeing her beautiful sleeping face, Jiang Chenxi felt a different kind of warmth unconsciously in his heart, so he smiled slightly.

No matter how slight Jiang Chenxi's movements were, the woman on the sofa frowned slightly, and then opened her eyes in the sunshine.

She seemed a little unable to adapt, first she rubbed her eyes, and then looked at Jiang Chenxi who was standing beside her in a daze.

"How did you get up? How do you feel now? Are you feeling better?"

There was that sandpaper-like feeling in his throat, Jiang Chenxi forced a smile, he still looked like the gentle and elegant man in the past.
"I'm much better now. I'm sorry for making you come here so late last night. Also, it's very uncomfortable to sleep on this sofa. Why don't you go to the second bedroom? Li Jie and I sleep separately, so There are two bedrooms."

All right, why did you bring up this topic all of a sudden.

An Yuqi was noncommittal about this, she shook her head with a smile, and then conveniently put the blanket in the big wardrobe.

"I said Vice President Jiang, you two have already established a relationship and live together, so what does it matter if you sleep together or not?"

Regarding this, Jiang Chenxi blushed, and directly skipped the topic without explaining too much, maybe it was a little too serious yesterday, but at this moment, he still felt that his footsteps seemed a little weak.

"Where's Xiaojie? Where did she go? Didn't she come back?"

"Yeah, it seems that I had some important case to deal with last night, and I haven't come back yet. It seems that our Vice President Jiang slept soundly, and he didn't even hear the last phone call I made with her."

The atmosphere was a bit awkward, Jiang Chenxi scratched his hair nonchalantly, then hurriedly walked into the kitchen.

"You should be hungry, right? I'll make you breakfast."

I have never seen such a handsome chef at a loss, An Yuqi immediately rolled up her sleeves and was ready to show her prowess.

There is a red dress hanging on the hanger, just enough to keep my clothes from getting dirty, An Yuqi said.

"What else do you cook as a patient? Let me cook today!"

Regarding this kind of matter, for the first time, Jiang Chenxi did not directly refuse at all, but answered. 
"it is good."

I don't know what's going on, seeing her wearing a red T-shirt worn by Li Jie and busying herself nervously in the kitchen separated by a transparent glass plate, Jiang Chenxi felt a small expectation from the bottom of her heart. hope.

If, from the very beginning, An Yuqi was his wife, would he commute to and from get off work on time every day, and watch his wife cook and do laundry for him, how happy he would be!

A girl with ingenuity and ingenuity, thought that the two of them would be biting each other's ghosts, and each insisted on their own opinions, but unexpectedly they reached a united front!

The two were silent. The fried egg on the plate looked extraordinarily beautiful, which made people feel a little affectionate, and they resisted it immediately. After taking a small bite, it was really delicious!
The weather in City B is still the same, and it hasn't changed much. At this moment, a strong wind is blowing, and the man is looking at the scene outside through the glass window.

Behind the dense clouds, there is a bright sun, which seems to want to break through the clouds directly, but because of some other reasons, it can only struggle inside.

Ye Qiongyu was sitting on the sofa in the center, wearing a simple household bathrobe.

The bathrobe wrapped around his body reflected the man's strong muscles. At this moment, he was supporting his head with one hand and reading the newspaper, showing a feeling of fatigue.

This kind of weather makes people feel sleepy all over.

Waking up from her sleep with a dizzy head, Ma Shuyao didn't understand what happened, as if she was drinking, and then she didn't remember anything.

I looked around.Why did she come to the hotel suddenly? When she saw that the clothes on her body were intact, she was still shocked.

Fortunately, it's okay, Ma Shuyao patted her chest, finally heaving a sigh of relief!
At this moment, she finally noticed the man half lying on the sofa in the living room, and the worry in her eyes was instantly wiped away.

This man is so outstanding, at this moment, I feel that all the beauties in the world are inferior to her alone.

It seemed that even the dreary air seemed to have become much more false!

"Ye Qiongyu, what are you doing?"

Ma Shuyao's consciousness didn't seem to fully react, but she continued to ask in a dazed manner.

Seeing this, the man put down a few newspapers in his hand, and walked to the woman.

"how do you feel?"

"How about what?
Ma Shuyao asked back and felt that something was wrong, but she quickly pressed her head with one hand, and gradually began to recall what happened last night.

In my impression, I felt like I was listening to a concert alone, feeling a little unhappy in my heart, and then I drank glass after glass of red wine, and then I felt dizzy in the head, and it was like this when I woke up.

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu brought over a cup of hot water, carefully helped her half up, and fed her little by little.

"You drank too much last night, why didn't you pay attention to your alcohol consumption?"

Hearing this, Ma Shuyao's face was red and looked very pretty.

"Then you, I didn't see you last night, that's why I drank so much wine, didn't you come at all, and left me there alone."

Angrily tugging at the bed sheet, someone looked unhappy.

Ye Qiongyu was smiling on the surface, but that kind of smile didn't reach his eyes, instead it made people feel a little cold and alienated.

"Okay, you drink hot water first, it's better for the stomach, I had a meeting yesterday, so I passed a little late, I saw you fell asleep in the concert hall, but I couldn't wake you up, so I put You brought it here."

After finishing speaking, for Ma Shuyao, who is not deeply involved in the world, the man in front of her now seems to be her everything.

"Then you, did you stay with me in the room last night?"

She replied with a smile, that kind of warm smile on her cheeks, she looked extraordinarily sunny and extraordinarily happy.

Seeing this, the look of contempt in the man's eyes increased a bit, and his voice seemed a little cold.

"You drank so much last night that I didn't even have time to care. How could I leave you alone?"

Although Ye Qiongyu's tone sounded indifferent to a certain extent, it was still very attractive to Ma Shuyao who had been single for a long time in the first half of her life.

She was pinching the cup of hot water in her hand, her eyebrows were long and drooping, which seemed to add a sense of innocence compared to usual.

It seems that this glass of water can transfer the boy's temperature to his body bit by bit.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong this time and I hope you can forgive me. I promise I will never drink so much alcohol again."

Whether this woman will drink or not in the future is a matter of Ye Qiongyu's half-money to a certain extent?
"As for drinking or not, it doesn't matter if you're hungry. As long as you're happy, you can come anyway. By the way, I've asked someone to prepare breakfast for you, and it will be delivered later. Things need to be dealt with immediately, remember to go back after breakfast!"

For a person you don't like, naturally there is no need to care about whether the other person's every move is appropriate.

It's just that in Ma Shuyao's eyes, this is where Ye Qiongyu treats her differently. She instinctively feels that Ye Qiongyu puts her first in all her mind, and she can completely let her own temper.

"Ye Qiongyu, of course I will listen to you in everything."

Do you listen to him?Is this woman really pitifully stupid, or has she been pretending to be innocent here to deceive others?
"You really mean what you say?"

Seeing Ye Qiongyu's question, the other party immediately nodded like a chicken pecking.

"Of course, after all, sooner or later, you will be my husband. Of course I will listen to you."

For a high-quality man like Ye Qiongyu, the most important thing he needs is all kinds of women who can't get rid of him.

As long as he is willing to simply express even a little bit of concern for a woman, the other party will wish to take out his heart and put it in front of him.

The current Ma Shuyao is basically a model of this type.

Ye Qiongyu is like a bottle of fine wine, the first entrance gives people the best and most fragrant taste and appearance, until you slowly deepen it, you can feel the mellowness in the wine, until in the end, it directly makes people greedy and drunk. self.

"Ye Qiongyu, do you know? You may be born a winner. I don't know why I became like this, but you have a lot of credit for this. Every woman you meet will fall in love with you willingly." , I believe, you must have met many women like this before me, right?"

Ma Shuyao took the cup of Ye Qiongyu's half-drunk coffee on the table, took a sip, and carefully tasted the taste.

There seemed to be no difference, but the bitterness of the coffee contained a trace of sweetness unexpectedly, which made her feel a little endless aftertaste.

Speaking of this scene with a panoramic view, Ye Qiongyu was still the same Ye Qiongyu back then, his home clothes perfectly outlined his sturdy figure, and the corner of his lips curled up.

"Oh? Doesn't Miss Ma think that moths flying into a flame are a very beautiful thing? If it's a human being, forget it. The value of life is higher than light and heat."

At this moment, Ma Shuyao threw off her quilt, she was still wearing the dress from last night, not only was it untouched, she almost didn't even take off her shoes, such a man should be very polite to women, right?

Otherwise, how could I lie here completely?
Putting down the coffee cup, Ma Shuyao stood up suddenly, wanting to hug the man in front of her, but before she had time to rush over, she saw the man turning around to get the documents, so she threw herself in vain and almost fell on the ground. on the ground.

After tidying up the neckline and cuffs, Ye Qiongyu spoke very seriously.

"Miss Ma, I hope you understand a truth, people need to have their own thoughts, not to be lost by others!"

If I waited until I got the unsightly evidence, I am afraid that this high-ranking Miss Ma will also experience the feeling of being reduced to a prisoner. At that time, I don't know if she will be able to say these words.

It's just, what a pity!

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