In front of An Yuqi, Li Yuehua couldn't directly explain that Ye Qiongyu was not Ye Ting's biological son. Ye Ting was selfish and indifferent, completely accepting the cuckold his wife unexpectedly put on him, which was almost a great shame.

So, she could only speak tactfully.

"You also know that Qiongyu's current ability has far surpassed your father's, so your father tried to kick him out of the company. Because he has affected your father's position in the company, your father has no respect for Qiongyu. You must have seen the suppression."

Hearing this, An Yuqi also understood a little bit. 
"What the hell do you mean, let me do something?"

In the current situation, anyone with a discerning eye can see that there must be something they want from themselves.

Although what Ye Ting did was not something that could be seen in the light, could it be that she, Li Yuehua, was that kind of upright person?As the saying goes, if you are not a family, you will not enter a family.

Seeing that An Yuqi's attitude was so straightforward, Li Yuehua stopped being secretive, and spoke directly.

"You must find a way to get Zifan to help him. Ye Qiongyu can't just lose his inheritance rights. You know, I have only two sons, each of whom is my heart, but Zifan usually doesn't care much about it. Listen to me."

Hearing this, An Yuqi suddenly spoke in confusion.

"But isn't Zifan also your son? I think it doesn't matter who is the heir between the two of them, it's the same, right?"

Regarding this, Li Yuehua sighed and spoke slowly.

"Zifan is not the type to do business at all. As a mother, I certainly hope that my son will live a happier life. Qiongyu is a natural candidate for president. Zifan is more suitable to pursue what he wants. If he Inheriting the company, I always worry that the company will encounter big trouble one day."

It turned out that everything became clear at once. Although he didn't understand Ye Ting's actions very well, as a mother, Li Yuehua was still very conscientious.

But Ye Qiongyu has become a chess piece. To that insidious and cunning Ye Ting, isn't Ye Zifan also a chess piece?

It is very likely that Ye Ting's approach is to firmly control the company by himself, and absolutely cannot fall into anyone's hands, just like the ancient emperors' approach, even his own son must be on guard.

"As long as you agree, it will be fine, An Yuqi. I think my greatest happiness now is that Ye Qiongyu has found such a good wife as you."

Li Yuehua burst into tears with excitement, and then grabbed An Yuqi's hand, vividly expressing the image of a mother who bears the burden of humiliation.

Seeing this, An Yuqi didn't say a single unnecessary word.

"After all, I am Ye Qiongyu's wife, these are what I should do."

Obviously, as a wife, it's all a matter of course.

After Li Yuehua finished talking about these things, he left directly without any affection for him, and he was completely thinking of his son.

When sending Li Yuehua away, An Yuqi leaned behind the door, finally heaving a sigh of relief.

At this moment, her mobile phone on the table rang suddenly.

Looking down at the caller ID, it was actually Li Jie calling, which made An Yuqi a little confused.

As soon as he pressed the answer button, he heard a chaotic voice over there. Li Jie seemed to be rummaging for something, and at the same time there was the crisp sound of a glass water glass falling to the ground.

"Miss Li, what do you want from me?"

An Yuqi thought for a second, but decided to ask first.

Soon, Li Jie's panicked voice was heard.

"Doctor An is not well, please help quickly! Jiang Chenxi suddenly had a fever half an hour ago, and the situation is very serious now. I really have no other way, so I contacted you. Come to my house first, okay?" ?I'm really sorry!"

Isn't Jiang Chenxi always alive and kicking?Why is it like this all of a sudden?An Yuqi's heart tightened, her voice became hurried.

"Well, tell me your home address first, and what's Jiang Chenxi's temperature now, and do you have any other symptoms?"

Hearing this, Li Jie immediately put her hand on the forehead of the man with closed eyes, and then glanced at the thermometer.

"39.5 degrees, Dr. An, I don't think it's that serious, it's just the half-dead look he's showing now, isn't it 42 degrees high on TV?"

This time, An Yuqi was completely speechless, she had never seen someone say that about her boyfriend before.

"Miss Li, if it's really that high, what you want to call is an ambulance, okay? Now put ice on him first, and I'll see the other situation when I come over."

After hanging up the phone, An Yuqi basically understood a little bit, based on the messy voice in Li Jie's house, coupled with the mess of basic medical knowledge, naturally she didn't know anything.

So, she quickly found her medicine box and drove to Li Jie's house.

Inside the city garden complex.

Looking at the apartment in front of her, An Yuqi suddenly took a deep breath. With such a luxurious decoration, the lot cost tens of thousands of square meters. This is not something that an ordinary policeman can afford. If it is renting, it is also indispensable Tens of thousands a month, with the salary of the police, it is basically daunting.

From this point of view, Li Jie's family background should be very good.

Seeing An Yuqi's arrival, Li Jie's eyes lit up, like a tiger that has been hungry for a long time seeing meat, she jumped up and grabbed An Yuqi's hand.

"Doctor An, you are finally here, I don't care, you are my savior today, you should go and see Jiang Chenxi, I don't even know what I should do!"

She was chattering on the side to express her inner fear, and sometimes she showed her face full of expectations, the expression of seeing hope in a desperate situation, in front of An Yuqi, leaving the other party with only fear in his heart.

Regarding this, An Yuqi sighed helplessly, knelt down and opened her medicine box.

"Miss Li, can you calm down first? Fever is not a serious illness. Haven't you experienced it before? Also, he is a man, why are you yelling like this?"

Li Jie's face was dripping with cold sweat, and his small face was pitiful and full of guilt.

"I didn't know it would be like this. Even today when we were out on the job, he insisted on coming with him and even gave me clothes to wear. It turned out like this when we got home. It's all my fault."

A certain person who was directly awakened by the messy voice raised his eyelids to look at the scene in the house. The moment he saw An Yuqi, Jiang Chenxi frowned and struggled to sit up.

"Xiaojie, didn't I say not to call Dr. An over again? Why are you so disobedient? What time is it now?"

"Doctor Jiang, what is the relationship between us? You know very well. If you are polite to me, you don't treat me as a friend. Wait for me to reduce your fever."

An Yuqi skillfully took out the syringe, and then took out the transparent liquid that had been in the glass bottle from the box, and then cut down with one hand, the glass test tube opened in response, and Li Jie who was watching was shocked and disbelieved.

The syringe was full of liquid, An Yuqi's eyes fell on Jiang Chenxi's face, the old book was a bit awkward for the injection, and she needed to take off her pants.

This time, An Yuqi was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Seeing her not moving for a long time, Li Jie became anxious.

"Doctor An, isn't it an injection?"

How embarrassing, An Yuqi pointed to the man's lower body, and gave Li Jie a knowing expression. 
"This part, you know."

At this moment, for some unknown reason, Jiang Chenxi's face was as red as a ripe peach.

Li Jie thought briefly, then looked at the man on the bed, and made a decisive decision. She immediately rolled up the sleeves of the police T-shirt, and then exposed her white and tender arms.

Seeing this, An Yuqi instinctively felt that this girl had finally opened up, she should know how to move Jiang Chenxi a little, pull down her pants a little.

However, the next scene was completely unexpected. Li Jie skillfully took off her shoes and stood on the bed, then bent down, and turned the man on the bed face down!
There was a bang, although the sound was not very loud, but An Yuqi shuddered instinctively, as if she felt the same way Jiang Chenxi was thrown.

The corner of her mouth twitched, An Yuqi smiled dryly.

"Although Police Officer Li is a girl, she is still very strong."

I saw that Li Jie didn't look outside at all, but spoke triumphantly.
"Hey, it's not a big deal at all. When I was training in the army, I could directly carry sandbags heavier than him."

A man would weigh at least 100 catties. An Yuqi shrank her neck and gave Li Jie a thumbs up in her heart, but the pants were still on, so she smiled awkwardly.
"The pants."

Before she finished speaking, she saw the woman in front of her nod her head, then reached out and grabbed the man's home trousers on the bed, and pulled them down mercilessly!
In the next second, a round buttocks appeared in the line of sight of the two of them. It was covered by long trousers before. An Yuqi had never seen Jiang Chenxi's full buttocks. A pair of blue boxer panties tightly It sticks to the skin and outlines the lines perfectly.

The world seemed to be quiet for a few seconds, so quiet that someone could hear the low wail of someone lying on the pillow.

It is estimated that if Dr. Jiang is awake, he will dig a hole in the ground and get in. After all, all the famous names in his life have been ruined by this scene!
An Yuqi admired Li Jie's coquettish manipulation, so she pulled up the cup to cover half of it, revealing only the side of her underwear, then pulled it down a little, and injected the humiliated man with antipyretics.

Soon after the injection of the medicine was completed, An Yuqi pressed the needle hole with alcohol cotton to prevent bleeding. After all, the two men and women were different, so they could only shout.

"Miss Li, come here and help me press it."

However, it was obvious that she underestimated Li Jie's gender awareness, the other party just waved his hands carelessly, and then said indifferently.

"Just help me press it. You are a doctor. I don't understand anything. If it hurts him, I will have to think about it again."

Afterwards, she poured water for An Yuqi with a natural face.Only Jiang Chenxi and An Yuqi with confused faces were left, doubting life in this extremely quiet room.

At this moment, Li Jie's phone rang.

"Captain Zhang, will you treat me well if you don't bring it? What kind of overtime work is there at night, and my boyfriend is sick."

Officer Zhang's voice came from over there, with a bit of mystery.
"Xiao Li, you young people should practice hard, don't be so pushy, let me tell you, we found a very interesting thing, evidence from more than 20 years ago."

Hearing this, Li Jie's eyes lit up immediately.

"Damn it, really?"

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