Soon, the body of the people in the car froze, looking at the old and the young in sight, hesitated for a while, not knowing what to do.

"This old man seems to be with Ye Qiongyu's woman, and he got into Madam Ye's car."

The man knew very well what kind of existence Ye Qiongyu was. If someone accidentally injured this woman, Ye Qiongyu would not let him go.

"Follow them and take advantage of the opportunity."

The man in the headset almost roared, leaving no room for escape.

So, the man in the peaked cap turned the steering wheel and slowly drove behind the car in front, keeping a short distance.

"I'm mostly worried that if this woman finds out something's wrong, we're going to get in trouble."

When it comes to Ye Qiongyu, no matter how powerful he is, he will feel a little guilty in his heart.

It's just that the crazy superior didn't seem to take this issue seriously at all.

"You talk a lot of nonsense. It's not just a woman. I don't believe that women can cause so much trouble. You must seize the opportunity this time. The people above are very angry if you didn't kill the old guy last time. It doesn’t matter how much money you have to complete the task.”

As soon as he heard money, the peaked cap immediately regained his spirits. After all, it is only natural that people make money and birds die for food.

"As long as the money is in place, we can talk about anything. Don't worry!"

After hanging up the phone, the man's stubble-covered mouth showed a terrifying smile, his eyes were fixed on the car in front of him, and he wished he could step on the accelerator and hit it directly.

An Yuqi's car didn't drive very fast, it was relatively steady. Zhong Yukang, who was sitting in the seat, held the kraft paper bag, took out the photos one by one, and commented on them one by one.

"Needless to say, you and that kid Ye Qiongyu really match well. You look a bit like a husband and wife. Don't everyone say it? You have a good eye, Xiaoqi, but this face is not as good as the original. It’s not so interesting, that plastic surgeon doesn’t seem to be very skilled.”

Staring at the woman's cheek, Zhong Yukang touched his chin, and then carefully looked at the characters in the photo through the lenses of the reading glasses, and gave a pertinent evaluation.

Hearing this, An Yuqi almost turned her nose out of anger.

"Teacher, it's not meaningful for you to say that. If you are saying that, we will go back the same way and don't have to eat."

Upon hearing this, Zhong Yukang immediately expressed his inner resistance.

"No, do you have the heart to let me, an old man, go hungry? But you've seen a lot of your looks, so it's not bad."

Sure enough, Zhong Yukang couldn't change that old urchin's demeanor, there was really nothing he could do about him, An Yuqi shook her head helplessly.

The car slowly parked outside a Chinese restaurant, Zhong Yukang looked up, like an aggrieved child.
"Didn't you say that you want to cook for me yourself?"

The two looked at each other, An Yuqi's face was darkened, she didn't know what to say, and then rubbed her forehead helplessly. 
"Teacher, let's go here first today. The Chinese food there is much better than what I cook. As for my cooking skills, it's too late today."

The two got out of the car, and Zhong Yukang, who was addicted to cigarettes, fumbled in his clothes with a skinny hand, and quickly took out a pack of cigarettes.

"You go in first, I'm addicted to smoking, smoke a cigarette and then come in."

Regarding this, An Yuqi didn't know whether to laugh or cry, knowing that this old man had always been stubborn, and it was difficult for her to say anything, so she could only walk in first.

Under the dim street lamp, the flames danced like a beautiful flower.

Zhong Yukang lit a cigarette, took a puff beautifully, and then slowly exhaled a smoke ring into the air.

It's just that he didn't expect that, just a few meters away, in a car, a man wearing a peaked cap was staring at him excitedly, his eyeballs were about to fly out.

"Boss, the old man is the only one left now."

He couldn't hide his inner excitement. Although he lowered his voice, the hoarseness between his voices revealed his ecstasy.

"What are you waiting for, kill him immediately!"

With an order, the man stepped on the gas pedal, staring greedily at the old figure under the street lamp, as long as the car rushed past, it was guaranteed that the old guy would be smashed to pieces.
"Hello, please show your membership card."

The welcoming lady at the door nodded politely, An Yuqi fumbled into her pocket and took out a thin card, but the next second she realized that she seemed to have forgotten her mobile phone in the car.

"Sorry, I seem to have forgotten my phone outside."

At this moment, Zhong Yukang snuffed out the cigarette butt in his hand contentedly, then threw it directly into the trash can behind him, then clapped his hands comfortably, and was about to walk towards the door, without noticing that a black car looked like a ghost , rushing straight towards him.

When he turned around and saw An Yuqi approaching, he smiled and waved his hands.

"You little girl, didn't I just come here? Do you need to come out again?"

But in the next second, two dazzling high beams were like two sharp swords, piercing into the eyes of the two people quickly, and the front of them suddenly became completely white, only the huge roar of the engine could be heard!

Oops!In the midst of danger, An Yuqi's reflexes were exceptionally sensitive, and she quickly ran towards Zhong Yukang.

"Teacher be careful!"

In this short moment, Zhong Yukang turned his head, only to see that the ghostly car didn't even intend to brake at all, and bumped straight ahead.

When it was over, his mind went blank for a while.

I am afraid that this old fate will be explained here today.

After that, he didn't have time to react, he just felt as if his whole body was thrown out, turned around, and fell hard into the tree pit next to him.

After he regained his senses, he realized that he was sitting on the side of the road completely, without any scars on his body, it was a false alarm!
"Xiaoqi, you."

Only then did he realize that he must have been pushed away by An Yuqi, or else the car would have hit him, and it would have been more ominous.
Before he could continue to speak, An Yuqi rushed over and stuffed a card-shaped object in his hand, then turned her head suddenly, her delicate eyes were burning with fire.

The car turned a corner and fled quickly along a side road.

"Teacher, you go in first, I'll go and have a look!"

After finishing speaking, she skillfully opened the door and quickly jumped into the car.

Watching An Yuqi leave helplessly, Zhong Yukang's mind still hasn't fully turned around.

Hurrying to do it under her nose, probably because she didn't want to live anymore.

With a kick of the accelerator, the white sports car swished out, made a sharp turn, and caught up with the black car in front.

The wind blew up Zhong Yukang's clothes, he looked down at the membership card in his hand, and looked up again only in time to see the flowing white car disappear around the corner.

After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and withdrew his stunned expression. Is this still the An Yuqi he knew?
A frail little girl doesn't have such explosive power.

The black car was obviously very smart, and quickly merged into the evening rush hour traffic, but even if the car was burned to ashes, An Yuqi could still recognize it at a glance.

Dare to murder the teacher in front of oneself, or in such a tragic way, how much hatred is there?

No matter what the reason is, I must find out about this matter.

Thinking of this, An Yuqi quickly accelerated the speed of the car, catching up bit by bit.

Just when the two cars were driving side by side, An Yuqi saw the driver, wearing a peaked cap with the brim pressed down very low, and the mask covering his face, only his eyes could be seen.

At the moment when the two looked at each other, the other party quickly turned the steering wheel and quickly turned towards a road on the right.

At this moment, the straight-line traffic was dense, and his actions directly caused a series of braking sounds from the cars behind, accompanied by the shouting and cursing of several drivers.

"You're fucking looking for death, don't you know you can't turn around here?"

"I want to die outside!"

Is it a turn or an early interception?

If she intercepted in front, she might be lost. Thinking of this, An Yuqi gritted her teeth and quickly turned the steering wheel. The wheels of the car rubbed against the ground and screamed harshly. Such a move naturally aroused a lot of scolding.

"If you don't know how to drive, don't drive. Get lost!"

"Damn racing is on the road, you must be sick!"

His sports car is obviously better than the ordinary black car in terms of speed and performance, so he will soon catch up with the black car.

At this moment, the road ahead suddenly turned red.

Instinctively stepped on the brakes, only to hear the creaking sound of cars rubbing against the ground all around, but the black car that looked like a ghost rushed out directly and quickly disappeared into the night.

"damn it!"

After slapping the steering wheel hard, An Yuqi couldn't help but swear, her delicate little face was flushed red with anger.

After dozens of seconds, when the green light came on again, the black car had long since disappeared.

Not long after driving along the main road, the road ahead forked, one leading to the bustling urban area, and the other a suburban road.

Presumably that person would not have fled into the bustling urban area, or else the evening rush hour traffic would have blocked him directly on the road. Thinking of this, An Yuqi turned the steering wheel, and the white sports car swished out.

In the night, the high beam lights illuminated the road ahead, and the white body was driving nimbly and fast on the road. An Yuqi focused her attention and searched for the figure of the car.

The sports car is like a white sharp sword, splitting the city in half along this road.

An Yuqi couldn't imagine that anyone could so openly try to kill a person in the urban area, and she couldn't figure out what the motive of this person's murder was!
Not long after, a black car in front was parked on the side of the road shining, and that car was parked there so blatantly.

Although the car was still there, it was empty for a long time. Obviously, the murderer abandoned the car and fled.

The surrounding area was eerily quiet, except for the headlights of her own sports car, there was not even a single street light. An Yuqi turned on the flashlight of her phone and approached the car step by step.

In the wilderness, only her own breathing could be heard, An Yuqi approached the car step by step, and looked around in confusion.

This place seems to be an old construction site, there are ruins everywhere, and it makes a humming sound when the wind blows, which sounds extraordinarily desolate.

At this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she quickly caught a black figure a few meters away, fleeing unusually through the night.


Reflexively chased him out, but the man's speed was very fast, he climbed over the half-person high fence, and immediately lost sight of him.

An Yuqi stopped, she had already run several hundred meters, the moment she turned her head she couldn't help but feel terrified, in this wilderness, if that man did something to her, the consequences would be completely unimaginable!

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