in the chairman's office.

Ye Ting has always had that kind of superior attitude, even towards Xu Long, an old friend, he didn't have a good attitude, so he just sat down on the chair with a big thorn.

The first time Xu Long entered such an office, his eyes were straightened. He only listened to the rumors outside, but he didn't expect that the appearance inside the company was even more awe-inspiring.

With a snap, a folder was thrown in front of Xu Long. Ye Ting waved his hand to signal Secretary Mu to make tea, then crossed his fingers and looked at Xu Long in front of him with a serious face.

"This is the main business of the company. Take a closer look and familiarize yourself with it. I hope you can get started with related businesses within three days."

"Also, please remember that my company is not a place where you can come whenever you want. If you have the same attitude as you used to take care of the Xu family, I will kick you out at any time."

At this moment, Xu Long was too happy to be happy, so he immediately took the document with a smile on his face, and flipped through it.

"We have been brothers for so many years, can you still not believe me? Besides, Xiaoxuan may marry Zifan in the future, so our two families are a family, so I will definitely take care of it." .”

When he said the latter sentence, Xu Long deliberately lowered his voice.

Soon, a discordant voice came out.

"Uncle Xu, let's give up early, I won't marry your daughter."

When he said this, Ye Zifan looked at Xu Long as if he was looking at a piece of garbage.

"Father, is he in a daze? This doesn't seem to be of any benefit to our company!"

Seeing this, Ye Ting's eyes turned to his son's face, and then he took out another document and threw it to him.

"Don't interrupt me about things you don't know. From today onwards, your brother's job will be replaced by you!"

When Ye Ting said this, his expression was as calm as when he was talking about what he ate today. He was so indifferent to a matter that everyone thought was very important.

"Father, my brother just went on a business trip and didn't violate the company's regulations. Why do you want me to take over? It's not appropriate for you to do so, and you also know that I'm an idler, and I don't manage the company at all. material!"

Sure enough, it seems that my brother thought of this matter early in the morning, that's why his expression was so strange that day.

Seeing his son's intense emotions, Ye Ting dropped the pen in his hand instead, and went to the back chair, placing his hands between his waist and abdomen.

"Since you say you can't do it, then find me someone who can take over the job."

At that time, Ye Ting didn't have the loving eyes that a father should have on his face. On the contrary, Ye Ting only felt that he was full of scheming and conspiracy.

He is not reconciled, at least he is not willing to take his brother's position.

"Father, it's not like you can't see the contribution that brother has made to the company over the years. He is also your son. You can't do this!"

his son?The sneer on the corner of Ye Ting's lips suddenly made Ye Zifan's heart tremble.

"Are you questioning my ability to employ people? Zifan, you have been with your brother for several years. I don't believe you haven't learned anything. I will ask Secretary Mu to help you. That's the decision. The company The business is busy, you should get back to work as soon as possible!"

Looking at his father in astonishment, Ye Zifan seemed to feel a strong sense of strangeness for the first time. He had always vowed to emphasize in front of his brother that he would not be the one who snatched his position.

But now it seems that everything he feared has become a reality, and he has no other choice.

City B.

There are many places that are different from City A. City B is mountainous, with layers of dense greenery, which is actually a bit pleasing to the eye at first glance. Maybe places outside the power center will make people instinctively feel beautiful!
The person in charge of the Greentown project had been waiting at the airport early in the morning, and now he stepped forward respectfully, trying to take the luggage from Ye Qiongyu's hand.

"Mr. Ye, we have received the news a long time ago, and now we have brought you back."

Although these people looked polite, they always had that kind of deliberate flattery in their expressions, which caused a burst of physical discomfort in people's hearts.

Compared with city A, the development of city B is not so advanced, but the advantage is that the environment is very good, and the sky is cloudless and can't be seen at a glance.

Ye Qiongyu glanced over these people indifferently, and immediately asked calmly and forcefully.

"How is the matter in Greentown? Is there still no progress?"

The person in charge was a little confused by the straightforward question. He seemed to have never seen a leader who talked about work directly when he came up, so he hesitated for a while, and then he opened his mouth with a look of embarrassment.

"In the middle of the situation, the chairman must have told you that the government is now on the opposite side of us, and we are also very embarrassed! So I sent you here this time, and I hope to solve this problem for us. The project cannot Otherwise, the cost and loss will be very high.”

Is it easy to deal with the government?If so, the project would not have been delayed for three months.
Nodding his head slightly, Ye Qiongyu sat in the last row of the luxury car, with his hands naturally on his lap.

"In this case, I need you to provide relevant documents, as well as the heads and contact information of various relevant government departments."

Such a speed?It was the first time for the receptionists to see them. After staring again, a person who didn't seem to have a very high position spoke up.

"Mr. Ye, let's start making these tomorrow, and guarantee that they will be handed over to you as soon as possible?"

In this regard, Ye Qiongyu's voice quickly raised a degree.

"I mean, I want it now!"

The cold voice did not contain any emotion at all, but it made people completely unable to see the possibility of compromise. It was the first time everyone had seen such an aura, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward. The supervisor scratched his hair, which was already scarce, before speaking.

"Okay, I'll get someone to do it right away."

Bite the bullet and tell the people under him to do a good job, the supervisor continued with a smile.

"Boss Ye, the documents will be delivered to your residence before tonight."

The man closed his eyes and leaned against the back of the back seat, but said nothing, so the supervisor suddenly became flustered again.

Seeing that he hadn't spoken for a long time, he turned his head anxiously. At this moment, an indifferent voice almost pierced his heart like a small sword.

"I need to stay in a hotel, please arrange it as soon as possible!"

Ye Qiongyu didn't go to the arranged apartment?The supervisor couldn't help being a little suspicious, why is this different from what the chairman said!

Even though I thought so, I could only bite the bullet and make arrangements.

in the hotel.

In the living room of the high-end presidential suite, inside the gorgeous crystal chandelier, several main management personnel of the branch stood there tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

In the huge room, only the sound of flipping files could be heard.

The man's brows were tightly furrowed, and the expression on his face was indifferent, which almost caused the temperature in the entire room to drop.

After almost a century, Ye Qiongyu raised his head, his eyes fell on the supervisor, and he clicked on the document.

"I want to see them, you will arrange it right away?"

After taking a look at the documents, the supervisor almost burst into tears. Those people are all high-ranking officials in relevant government departments. This is not something that can be arranged casually!

Seeing that he was standing there without any reaction, Ye Qiongyu took a sip of his coffee and furrowed his long eyebrows.

"What do you mean? I can't order you?"

Seeing this, the supervisor felt that his legs were about to twitch uncontrollably, so he spoke in embarrassment.

"Mr. Ye, I definitely don't mean that, but these people are all directly subordinate to high-ranking officials, and it's too difficult to make appointments. We should visit them in person, so that we can be more sincere."

As the supervisor spoke, his voice became smaller and smaller when his eyes met the ice-like eyes of the other party, and finally he could only hang his head powerlessly.

There was deathly silence, eyes swept over everyone's faces, and after a long time, Ye Qiongyu spoke coldly.

"Why do I feel that some people are not suitable for this position? I will not force you. If anyone thinks that my requirements are too harsh, they can pack up and leave right away. I think there is no shortage of talented people in this world. people."

Everyone couldn't help but gasp, such a simple matter can be fired directly, it really is a vigorous and resolute leader!
Under this kind of pressure, the supervisor could only compromise, gritted his teeth with a smile and insisted on agreeing.

"Boss Ye, take a good rest first, I will take care of these things right away."

Immediately, he waved his hand, and a large group of people left quickly, leaving only Ye Qiongyu in the huge hotel.

Putting aside the documents in his hand, the man stood in front of the huge French windows, overlooking this strange city.

City B at night is not as prosperous as City A.The street looked deserted, and there was darkness everywhere, and almost all the eyes were covered with dark mountains, which made people breathless.

Although it doesn't look like much, the rumored and well-known brother Qi was originally named Bai Qi, and the Bai family rose in this place.

Although Bai Qi has collapsed, his father still manages the entire city B well. Presumably, the Bai family, who eats black and white, should be like covering the sky with one hand in city B.

In this case, this so-called old man of the Bai family still needs to find a chance to meet for a while.

The Yip Group here.

Sitting in that very familiar office, all Ye Fan could feel was cramped and a sense of guilt that he didn't know how to make up for something wrong.

The phone in my hand was soaked in sweat because of holding it for a long time.

He didn't know how to explain this matter to his brother, although this was not his original intention.

Facing his father's mandatory requirements, the self who advocates freedom unexpectedly finds himself so cowardly for the first time, that he doesn't even have the courage to openly confront his father.

The call was dialed quickly, and every second of waiting for the other party to connect was a huge torment for Ye Zifan, not long after, Ye Qiongyu picked up the phone.

"Zifan, what's wrong?"

When the words came to his lips, they seemed to be blocked by something for a while, Ye Zifan bit his lips, but he could only ask guiltily.

"Well, I want to ask if my brother has already arrived in City B, are you still used to it?"

Hearing Ye Zifan's hesitant words, Ye Qiongyu simply left the computer in front of him.

"Speak straight."

Anyway, it was already like this, Ye Qiongyu would know in the end whether he said it or not, Ye Zifan gritted his teeth and said it all at once.

"That's right, father wants me to take over your position during this time, but brother, I really don't want to steal anything from you. When you come back, I will return the position to you immediately. You must trust me."

Sure enough, my father was still.
Regarding this, Ye Qiongyu spoke calmly, completely unable to hear the slightest bit of anger.

"You don't have to be so nervous, you and I are brothers, there's no need to be like this."

Ye Zifan felt a little surprised by this attitude, so he spoke again.

"What's more, my father has handed over the marketing department to Uncle Xu to manage."

Hearing this, the man looked at the dim light in front of him, his eyes became sharper little by little.

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