in the restaurant.

When An Yuqi walked over while unbuttoning her apron, the man suddenly hugged her soft body from behind.

"Mr. Ye, don't tempt people to commit crimes early in the morning, okay?"

After hearing these words, Ye Qiongyu was even more useless to let go of her, the smell of flowers on his body was still in the air, he lowered his head slightly.

"What? You are my wife, I don't want to talk to you, should I find someone else?"

Turning around impatiently, An Yuqi met those eyes that seemed to be smiling but not smiling, and the next second she was pressed on her chest by the man.

The other party's eyes turned thousands of times, shining with a warm light, which almost made her fall into those lake-like eyes all at once.

Soon, she blinked and opened her mouth half-threateningly.

"Have a meal!"

However, the man was indifferent, but his eyes fell on the small lips, and then he pecked lightly with lightning speed.

"En. I have eaten it, and it seems to taste very good."

Regarding this, An Yuqi pointed her index finger at him, but felt dumbfounded.

"Is it appropriate for you to tease me early in the morning?"

Soon, Ye Qiongyu let go of her, then pulled her to sit down in front of the dining table, and finally helped her spread the napkin thoughtfully, before speaking in a hurry.

"I may face a war, and you are my backing."

Such a strange sentence suddenly appeared, and An Yuqi's hand holding the spoon paused slightly.


"It's a matter between men!"

Hearing this, An Yuqi smiled brightly.

"Then of course you have to win the battle and come back. I will help you in the rear."

After breakfast, Ye Qiongyu began to change out of his sports attire, and then reminded him.

"By the way, the new computer is ready for you and it is in the study. After you make a note of it, you are not allowed to work in the living room or bedroom. If I catch you, be careful."

An Yuqi drank the remaining seaweed and egg drop soup in the bowl spoon by spoon, and when she heard his instructions, she gave a casual hum.

"Then where did you arrange for me?"

"Of course it's next to me, otherwise where else do you want to go?"

Someone rolled his eyes, showing a little disdain in his heart. If An Yuqi remembers correctly, it should be on his left.

Today's hot news search is extremely lively, since that wedding, it seems that it has not been so lively.

The newspaper almost used two pages to report on this big event. There were negative comments from the Wang Group everywhere, such as defaulting on debts, liquidated damages, and even high fines for illegal projects. Tax evasion was even more serious. .

Wang Linchang couldn't sit still anymore, and he and his daughter had already started holding a shareholders' meeting to discuss the sale of the company.

Everything is going well so far, at least from the looks of it now, there is no difference from Ye Qiongyu's expectation, on the contrary, it is smooth sailing.

If there is no mistake in his judgment, at Wang's current speed, he will face complete bankruptcy within a week.

At that time, shareholders will sell a large number of stocks, and Wang will definitely sell them to repay high debts.

In other words, there may be another possibility, perhaps the Wang family has already started looking for a suitable buyer.

Seeing this, the corners of Ye Qiongyu's lips curved slightly, and then he made a call.

Soon, the phone was connected, and Guo Yu's voice came.

"Mr. Ye, do you have any orders?"

Leaning lazily on the soft back of the chair, Ye Qiongyu's eyes fell on an extra fish tank that appeared on the table at some point, and he spoke word by word.

"The Wang Group is facing a crisis now. I suspect that Wang Linchang is transferring personal property. Go and investigate the accounts of him and his daughter Wang Yajun."

"Okay, I'll do it asap."

Guo Yu agreed, while typing on the keyboard quickly.

"If you have any news, let me know as soon as possible."

After putting down the phone, the man looked at the square fish tank in front of him. The colorful fish in it were swimming fast. His fingers tapped slightly on the fish tank. Scared to run around.

He raised his wrist and looked at his watch. The stock market was about to open. He wanted to see how Wang's performance was today.

At this moment, the door was suddenly pushed open, and a majestic Ye Ting appeared in the office, wearing a simple black jacket, looking at his son with his hands behind his back.

"The preparations for what I asked you to do will start tomorrow, so you should hurry up, and the projects over there will not be affected."

"it is good."

Ye Qiongyu agreed blankly, without even saying a single extra word.

So Ye Ting snorted in his nose, and was about to walk outside.

At this moment, Ye Qiongyu suddenly walked over and walked beside Ye Ting silently until he was sent to the elevator door.

"Father walk slowly."

Ye Ting seemed a little confused by this sudden move, but he didn't say anything.

The elevator door gradually closed, and the father and son looked at each other, as if they could strike sparks.

This scene was watched by the employees who had just finished the meeting, and everyone started talking about it soon.

"This is our Mr. Ye. Mr. Ye is really well-educated, gentle and filial! He actually sent the chairman to the elevator."

"Yeah, let me tell you that the rich and powerful families pay the most attention to the word education. They have been trained since childhood, which is naturally different from you and me."

"Oh, I think that the wife of the president must be living happily in such a good family atmosphere. God, I'm starting to envy you."

Immediately afterwards, Ye Ting's personal secretary, Mu Bin, came out of the meeting room with the company's top executives at the latest, and everyone walked forward while chatting about the content of the meeting just now.

"Secretary Mu."

Standing at the narrowest corner, Ye Qiongyu suddenly yelled without warning.

Afterwards, Mu Bin looked at Ye Qiongyu in surprise, then put the folder inside under his arm, and walked over in full view of everyone.

"Does Mr. Ye have any orders?"

"I recently noticed that my dad's complexion doesn't look very good, and I hope that Secretary Mu can remind him more and tell him to pay attention to his body."

Hearing this, Mu Bin nodded.

"Okay, I will pass it on to the chairman."

Mu Bin obviously felt that there was something wrong. Usually, it seemed that there was a big conflict between the father and son, and they always seemed not speculative, but there was no problem. You can't just because of others The son cared about his father, and doubted it?

Ye Qiongyu watched these people approach the elevator one after another, and the authorities were bewildered by the bystanders. Why did he feel like he was watching a completely tasteless drama at this time!
He shook his head, turned and walked towards the office.

Everyone moved very fast. When Ye Qiongyu just walked to the door of the office, several company executives were already waiting there, and the female secretary had already fully arranged the work tasks for the day.

He sat down in front of the large desk, and then slowly turned on the computer. Within a short time, the stock market opened.

Obviously, exactly as he expected, Wang's stock plummeted almost like Waterloo, and it was glowing green, which is really ridiculous.

At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Glancing at the caller ID above, the smile on Ye Qiongyu's lips seemed a little thicker.

"Mr. Wang, long time no see, why did you suddenly remember to call me?"

There was a brief silence on the other end of the phone. It seemed that Wang Linchang was thinking about a suitable wording. Ye Qiongyu was not in a hurry and waited patiently. Sure enough, Wang Linchang spoke.

"Mr. Ye, please help me. I am really desperate now. Everyone knows the situation of the Wang family. I can no longer get a loan, and I have called several cooperative groups. None of them People are willing to lend me money, but I need money to pay off the debt, Mr. Ye, you must save me!"

"Mr. Wang, I'm afraid you have found the wrong person? If I remember correctly, isn't Mr. Liu of the Shengyi Group your son-in-law? I heard that they are still flourishing now!"

Hearing this, Wang Linchang felt that his head was covered in cold sweat, and his entire face was almost wrinkled.

"Mr. Ye, how can you come to see my joke at such a critical juncture? I think you should know the situation of Mr. Liu, and I also know that I shouldn't lick my face for help, at least my daughter used to I have done many wrong things, but I still hope that you can give us a hand, now only you have this ability."

Things seemed to be smoother than expected, Ye Qiongyu took the small plates with fish food, and threw them into the fish tank one by one, watching the fish scramble for it as if their heads were squeezed out.

"I don't know what Mr. Wang means. How can I help you? If you want to borrow money, I'm sorry that I have a new project recently, and the funds will not be abundant."

As soon as the words fell, Wang Linzhang didn't know how to answer for a while, like an eggplant that had been frosted by frost. He gritted his teeth and continued to speak cheekily.

"Mr. Ye, you are wrong. If you can't afford the money in the whole of China, there will be no one who can."

Regarding this, Ye Qiongyu's voice suddenly changed from gentle to cold.

"I am rich, but I also said that there is a new project, and I am going to buy the entire Wang family. What do you think I have spare money to lend you?"

As soon as these words were uttered, there was an instant silence over there, so quiet that you could even hear a needle drop on the ground.

Wang Linchang never thought that this would be the result. In other words, Ye Qiongyu's purpose directly shattered all his delusions. At this time, no one would lend money to a company facing bankruptcy.

"Mr. Wang, you can think about what I just said, and if you think about it, just contact me anytime!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiongyu hung up the phone quickly.

There was a beeping busy tone from the mobile phone, and the stunned Wang Linchang slumped on the ground. He looked at the window of the office, and he could almost overlook the entire city A. At that time, Mrs. Wang was almost as good as Mrs. Ye Keeping pace with each other, but who would have imagined that one day they would be able to come to such a dead end today.

"Ye Qiongyu, you have done so well that you don't even give me a way out, so you are not afraid of retribution in the future!"

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