Why do you feel that there seems to be a little bit of non-speculation between the words?
Liu Shuang was wearing a simple sky blue shirt, with neat short hair, sharp edges and corners, and a pair of cold eyes with inherent loneliness.

If such a girl is a boy, those young girls in the hospital must abandon Jiang Chenxi and chase her directly, right?

Thinking of these things in her mind, An Yuqi couldn't help but have an intriguing smile on her lips.

"Doctor An, why are you smiling so weirdly?"

A non-salty question quickly brought An Yuqi back to reality, she cleared her throat, and habitually put on an awkward yet polite smile.

"Well, I seem to have heard that when you and the professor went for a drive last time, Ye Qiongyu called you away. There shouldn't be anything going on between you, right?"

To be able to be called away by Ye Qiongyu.An Yuqi instinctively felt that there was nothing good, at least Ye Qiongyu's methods were obvious to all.

Regarding this, Liu Shuang was very calm, nodded, and replied calmly.

"It is true that he called me to discuss something, but I'm sorry, Dr. An, I can't tell you."

A series of greetings from black people came to mind, and An Yuqi looked directly at the young girl in front of her.

"Why? Is there anything else I shouldn't know?"

At this time, Liu Shuang was almost in a state of avoidance, and while walking to the ward next to him, he left a word indifferently.

"Since Dr. An asked me, it means that your husband didn't tell you about it. Since he didn't even tell you? Then I shouldn't!"

An Yuqi froze for a moment in her clear eyes, and within a few seconds, Liu Shuang had opened the door and approached the ward, and her voice could be faintly heard from inside. 
"how do you feel today?"

Why do I have a strange feeling?That is, many people who have dealt with Ye Qiongyu seem to be indirectly assimilated by him?

Shaking her head, An Yuqi still didn't want to think about these messy things anymore, so she walked into the office and waited for someone to pick her up after get off work.

At the same time, the office of the President of Ye Group.

The extremely delicate electronic alarm clock on the table began to beep a few times. Ye Qiongyu looked up and saw that it was already the hospital's off-duty time.

Get up and turn off the computer, put on the coat on the hanger by the way, and while adjusting the tie, glanced at the phone.

Ye Qiongyu was about to get off work and leave, but he had just left his seat, put his hand on the doorknob and was about to open the door and go out.

A man in a dark blue suit rushed in, the two looked at each other, the other couldn't control himself and slammed into Ye Qiongyu's body.

The man frowned slightly, then scolded.

"Han Cheng, what are you doing in such a panic?"

I saw that the pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of Han Cheng's nose almost fell to the ground, and now one leg was hanging on the ear, looking a bit embarrassed.

Soon, he stood up straight and adjusted his glasses by the way.

"Boss, I'm sorry, I was reckless, but something big happened now!"

Where can it go if something big happens, it's already bad enough.

"Boss, the chairman wants you to go to the office. I have something to say. I don't dare to interrupt too much about specific matters, but one thing is, I think the chairman's face is ugly."

It seemed that my father was about to act, so quickly.

Ye Qiongyu tugged on the collar, and a layer of frost quickly climbed up between the pupils at a speed visible to the naked eye. The sharpness in the brown pupils almost pierced Han Cheng's body at once, making the other party retreat involuntarily.

At this moment, Ye Ting's personal secretary also rushed over, blocking the door with a cold voice.

"Mr. Ye, I'm sorry that the chairman has something to ask you."

"what's up?"

Raising the voice by one decibel, the secretary felt a thump in his heart, then lowered his posture, and stammered.

"That. The chairman didn't say anything specifically. How dare we people ask, didn't you know it in the past?"

Seeing this, Han Cheng immediately looked at Ye Qiongyu nervously, and then spoke worriedly.

"Boss, you"

At this moment, Ye Qiongyu's lips suddenly curled into a sneer.
"In this case, it seems that I must go."

Office of the Chairman.

As soon as he opened the door and walked in, the whole room was filled with smoke, and it was hard to see clearly Ye Ting who was sitting behind the desk, leisurely and contentedly in the crystal ashtray, knocking the ashes naturally.

Seeing Ye Qiongyu's arrival, he naturally pressed the cigarette butt in his hand into the ashtray, then raised his head and looked at his son.

The moment the father and son looked at each other, everyone sensed something in each other's eyes.

In the next second, Ye Ting looked calm, leaned his whole body on the back of the chair, and then slowly spoke.

"I have something to say to you. For a company, how to develop stably is the premise. It doesn't mean that someone can fully grasp the absolute interests and the absolute right to speak. Our company can develop very well, so I hope you understand that the company is everyone's company, not yours alone, and it's not just our Ye family's."

There is nothing wrong with this passage, but when I speak it carefully, I still feel that some parts are very ironic.

"I don't think it's worth it for my father to come and call me for this matter. I don't have any objections."

Seeing this, Ye Ting didn't say anything, but handed him a small stack of documents under his arm.

"The reason why I came to you today is that we have just taken over a project in City B. It is in the high-tech development zone. The government's public bidding requires a landmark office building. For this matter, our company's technical staff participated in the design. But there seems to be a bit of a dispute with the local city government."

"As for where the dispute mainly arises, according to the regulations of City B, buildings are not allowed to exceed their upper limit, otherwise there will be safety hazards. This is also a big project. I am really worried that others will handle it, so I hope you handle it well. One thing to get our project started on time."

After taking the stack of documents and flipping through them for a while, Ye Qiongyu's eyes suddenly fell on Ye Ting's calm and prestige face.

"Isn't my father's request a bit too difficult? City B will never pass such a plan. This is not to make things difficult, but because the geographical location of City B is different. If it must be like this, our project will not be able to meet the schedule. Started."

After Ye Qiongyu finished speaking, the office was unusually quiet. Ye Ting watched the confusion in his son's eyes, and immediately snorted.

"Otherwise, why do you think I asked you to go? In other words, my son doesn't even have this basic ability. If it gets out, the Ye family will lose face!"

As Ye Ting said, a different kind of sarcasm appeared on his wrinkled face.

In the next second, Ye Qiongyu casually threw the document in his hand on the desk.

"I won't agree to your request. This is a dispute with the city government. Does father think that his rights can override the government? Even if it is done, it is useless!"

After finishing speaking, Ye Ting's face became very ugly, and the atmosphere suddenly became awkward.

So, the secretary who stood aside for a long time without speaking suddenly spoke at this moment.

"Master, if someone else can handle it, would the chairman still look for you? Now look at all the companies, which one is clean?"

After a long time, the expression on Ye Ting's face suddenly became gentle, and then he laughed, but the sharpness in his eyes did not change at all.

"Qiongyu, you were cultivated by me alone. You can do things that others cannot do. This project has a great impact on the Ye family. I hope you can go all out and don't let me down."

"As for the current business in your hands, I will let other people handle it for you, so you, go at ease!"

While speaking, Ye Ting stood up and patted his son's shoulder heavily with his generous palm.

Father really had a good plan and took this opportunity to weaken his power.

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu didn't continue to argue, but nodded calmly.

"it is good."

At this moment, a smell of cigarettes filled the desk. It turned out that unburned cigarette butts had ignited the papers in the ashtray. Ye Ting smiled lightly, and then said.

"It seems that the dead ashes can be revived one day, but I won't give it this chance."

Between words, he picked up the teacup and poured half a cup of tea on it.

As the landmark of City A, the Hongmeng Office Building, which is also the building of the Ye Group, is considered the most gorgeous place in City A, but at the moment it looks like a coffin that opens its mouth wide and waits to swallow people at any time. A breath of depression.

When Ye Qiongyu walked out of the company building, he felt a sigh of relief through his chest, and quickly opened the Bentley's door.

His face was expressionless and bloodless, and his entire face was covered with a thick layer of ice.

At this moment, the mobile phone under the clothes suddenly rang.

It was an international call, Ye Qiongyu quickly pressed the answer button.

"what's the result?"

He communicated proficiently in fluent English, and the people over there were a little hesitant.

"please wait a moment."

He casually threw the document in the car, and scattered it all over the rear compartment.

Ye Qiongyu held the steering wheel in his hand and looked ahead.

Soon, a man's slightly hoarse English rang again on the phone.

"It's like this. From the hair sample you gave me, it can be basically determined that these two people are not related by blood."

The world seemed to be quiet for a while, and everything started to be almost exactly as I expected!
Scenes of these years flashed through his mind, and his fingers tightly grasped the phone. 
"I see."

With a bang, the phone fell to a corner of the car.

Ye Ting's voice and appearance seem to be still in front of his eyes. From his childhood, until he successfully returned from studying abroad, and then served as the president of the company as the eldest son, his seemingly smooth life became disintegrated at the moment when the truth was revealed. .

His throat seemed to be firmly pinched by an invisible hand, and his breathing gradually became more and more difficult. Ye Qiongyu stared blankly at the people coming and going in front of him.

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