What is the relationship between the dead person and the other people in the photo, and why some people want to kill people in the street in a bright and aboveboard manner, is really a big mystery.

There are three lonely people in the photo, except for Zhong Yukang and Qi Sheng, the dead person looks a bit lonely in the photo, he is lazily facing the camera, and there is no gleam in his eyes.

What kind of past such a person will have, Ye Qiongyu has no way of knowing.

However, there is a kind of power and intuition that seems to remind me that this person probably has something to do with me and even Zhong Yukang.

The weather outside was still very bad, and the thunder kept exploding in the sky, like cannonballs, which wounded people all over in the era of war.

Then the lightning pierced the sky, and the entire dark city seemed to shake violently, and then a large white secret was directly illuminated.

Bean-sized raindrops crackled on the glass window, and then slowly flowed down several small rivers along the window.

It really seemed to be a sign of something, the man stood facing the window, his thin lips were slightly pursed, and his eyes looked extraordinarily unpredictable.

Seeing this, Han Cheng couldn't help but feel a little strange, so he spoke out of worry.

"Boss, you seem to have something to do."

As he spoke, he squeezed the documents in his hands tightly, looking a little embarrassed.

After Han Cheng's words, the man regained his senses in an instant, as if nothing had happened, he just continued to sit behind the desk, raised his fingers and asked.
"Are the members of the board of directors going to organize a meeting again?"

Han Cheng nodded hesitantly. The president is the president after all, and he could tell at a glance that the board meeting was about to take place.

However, facing Ye Qiongyu's current state, he was more or less worried, so he couldn't help but speak with concern.

"Boss, I'll ask them to postpone the meeting, would you like to take a longer rest?"

However, Ye Qiongyu shook his head, massaged his temples with his slender fingers for a while, then turned his gaze to the computer on the table, and simply put it together and handed it to Han Cheng.

"This computer is a bit old. Inform the technical department and ask them to replace it with a high-end one."

Nodding his head, Han Cheng immediately left the CEO's office with his computer in his arms.

As a result, Ye Qiongyu was left alone in the office again, and the surrounding environment quickly quieted down.

Judging from his keen intuition, there was something wrong with this matter, and if he wanted to pursue it, the only way was to go to Zhong Yukang.

Soon, the young female secretary pushed the door open and put a list of participants on her desk.

The list was very long, but Ye Qiongyu still keenly captured the three striking words: Ye Zifan.

My father really knows how to choose people, in order to weaken his own strength, and then let his biological brother compete together, until now I don't understand what he means?
The two sons will fight hard in the future. Could it be that his father sits on the mountain and watches the tigers fight, reaping the benefits of the fisherman?

It seems that the father saw that he couldn't control himself, so he wanted Ye Zifan to restrain his power, so what will happen in the end?

Or, what the father wants more in his heart is the younger brother!
Thinking of this, he smiled indifferently.He picked up a pen and signed his name under the participants.

Gloomy rainy day.

The old man who was sitting on the sofa drinking tea lazily opened his mouth so wide that he could almost stuff an apple into it the moment today's news came out.

"Professor? Professor Song?"

The young female nurse came in and shouted many times but the old man didn't get a response, so she had to spread her five fingers and gesture in front of him.

Therefore, Zhong Yukang withdrew his gaze from staring at the TV.

Seeing this, the female secretary glanced at the TV screen curiously. The victim's appearance on the screen was very clear. There was nothing interesting about this, but it was just a simple murder case.

"But in any city, it's normal for such things to happen. When I was abroad, the professor should have seen more serious things than this. There are endless shooting incidents."

Zhong Yukang picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip, and then resumed his normal expression before speaking.

"You girl, I don't know why you sneaked in here."

Hearing this, the female nurse immediately complained and opened her mouth.

"Professor, I've been calling you for a long time, but you just focus on watching the dead on TV. Can you find a girl cuter than me in the hospital?"

Nurse Zhang said half-jokingly, and immediately looked at the expression on Zhong Yukang's face with great interest.

However, there was clearly something wrong with Zhong Yukang today, he was unexpectedly not angry, and he didn't come back angrily like before.

He simply fiddled with the long gown on his body, and after confirming that the whole person was neat and tidy without even a single wrinkle, he shook his arms and left with confidence.

A series of changes took Nurse Zhang by surprise. She looked at the TV screen in bewilderment. The ID photo of the man on it looked a little lazy and tired. In stark contrast.

Seeing this, Nurse Zhang shook her head and complained in confusion.

"The professor is also a person who has seen life and death. How could he react like this all of a sudden?"

Thinking of this, Nurse Zhang felt a little bored, and was about to leave, but before she took a few steps, she heard a loud cracking sound from the glass behind her.

It turned out that the window was not closed properly, and the strong wind blew it open.

The documents and papers in the entire office were directly blown everywhere by the strong wind, which made people shiver a little.

Nurse Zhang finally picked up these things, raised her head, and there was another flash of lightning, illuminating the sky extraordinarily brightly.

The rain, of course, is getting heavier and heavier. It seems to be pouring water from a big basin, and it keeps making noises.

At this moment, a corner on the stairs at the back entrance of the hospital.

Zhong Yukang sat there quietly, watching the pouring rain outside through the door frame in front of him.

After a long time, he fumbled out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket.

Fumbled to take out the lighter, faced the strong wind, lit it several times, and when the flame of the lighter became smaller and smaller, it was finally lit.

Zhong Yukang who usually looks like an old urchin.At this moment, it is more in line with his status as an old man who has experienced many vicissitudes. His eyes reveal a kind of profound loneliness. He tremblingly brings the cigarette to his mouth, takes a deep breath, and immediately spits out a huge smoke ring, and the whole person sighs. in one breath.

That photo was in a pocket of his inner clothes, on his chest. He sighed and groped to find out that photo that was a bit old.

Feeling complicated, he stroked the photo back and forth several times. Zhong Yukang felt so sad in his heart. He didn't expect that in just a few years, everyone passed away one after another. Only himself, the old man, was left alive and well. in the world.

If it wasn't for Liu Shuang's reason that day, maybe he would have died like that!
Thinking of this, Zhong Yukang's mood became more complicated. Holding the photos, he smoked one after another. Soon, the surrounding was surrounded by a scene of smoke.

Not long after, the pockets began to become empty. Zhong Yukang touched it habitually, but only found an empty cigarette box, and the bottom of the steps was scattered with today's cigarette butts.

"It's been more than 20 years. When is the end? Could it be that everyone who knew about the matter had to die one by one? Can we keep those terrible secrets for you?"

At this juncture, Ye Qiongyu's shadow flashed through Zhong Yukang's mind.

So, after a few seconds, he seemed to have thought of something, and immediately slowly took out his mobile phone from under his clothes.

Pausing on a contact interface for a long time without moving, finally Zhong Yukang could only put the phone back, and then looked up to the sky and sighed.

"What a sin!"

Inside the meeting room of Ye Group.

The scene fell into a heavy silence, the first time there was such a meeting that made people feel a little scared.

Everyone shrank their heads in silence, only the middle-aged man sitting beside the long oval table, leaning lazily on the back of the chair, his majestic gaze swept over everyone.

"I think all of you here should be very clear about what this new project means. This year we won the bid with great difficulty, so now I suggest that everyone take out a part of the shares as an investment fund. Based on everyone's understanding of our Yip Group, Of course, this money is guaranteed to be earned.”

"You don't have to worry about unfairness. We each take out one-tenth of the shares we own. I don't think you will object very much, will you?"

Hearing this, everyone lowered their heads immediately. Compared with others, these people have been in the market for a long time, and they don't know what kind of situation is. Of course, the stocks are in their hands, and there will be unlimited room for appreciation.

And it is also related to the promotion of the position and the participation in major events.

Ye Fan seemed to be participating in this kind of meeting for the first time.Unavoidably, he seemed a little uncomfortable. Although he was the chief financial officer, Ye Ting would not allow him to intervene and intervene in the company's financial aspects, including investment decisions, etc., and he was not very active in adopting his proposals. scheme.

This is not much different from the puppet emperor.

Ye Ting scanned the audience, and no one stood up to object. Immediately, his proud eyes glanced at Ye Qiongyu, but the eyes in his eyes did not seem to be so kind.

Once upon a time, he was also a gentle father, but he didn't know when it started to change.

"Ye Qiongyu, I think, as the executive president of Ye's, you should set an example for everyone, and don't let my shareholders prove that we are harming the rights and interests of owners."

It was a perfect pot, Ye Qiongyu naturally had nothing to say.

"Of course I know what to do, and tomorrow I will disclose the equity in my hand to everyone for supervision."

Seeing that he had achieved his goal effortlessly, Ye Ting's expression suddenly became extremely relaxed. 
"Since everyone has no objections, let's adjourn the meeting today!"

As soon as they heard that the meeting was over, everyone rushed outside in a swarm. Obviously, few people were willing to do what Ye Ting did today.

"What does this mean? It's a bit of a waste of time to force us to give up our equity, isn't it?"

"I don't understand it at all. Why do I feel that the chairman seems to be targeting the president? I don't know if it's my illusion."

"Oh, this makes sense, but how can I say that he is my son, as for? But I always feel that the chairman seems to like the second young master a little bit more, so I will make a bold guess. In the future, it may be Ye The second young master will inherit the company!"

Everyone said one sentence to another, and soon disappeared without a trace.

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