The next day, An Yuqi, who was gradually waking up in the warm sunshine, was stunned for a moment, she didn't know when she was in bed.

She was still covered with a thin blanket, and she sat up with a dazed face and rubbed her sleepy eyes, as if she remembered that she was still revising the thesis last night, and then she didn't know how to go to bed.

She didn't know when there was no one around her, she subconsciously grabbed the electronic alarm clock on the table, it was already seven o'clock in the morning.

"Ma'am, are you awake?"

The servant with a glass of honey water stood at the door and greeted him with a smile as usual.

An Yuqi nodded, and lifted the quilt to get out of bed.

"What about sir?"

The servant put down the cup in his hand, glanced at the study upstairs, and then spoke in a low voice.

"Mr. got up very early, and he should be working in the study by now."

Is there any mistake? Isn't there something wrong with this person?It stands to reason that he should not have gone to bed early last night, so why did he wake up so early.

An Yuqi muttered a few words in her mind while putting on her slippers, and then put on a simple little cape.

Open the window, the morning sun is still beautiful, and today looks like a warm weather, but the feeling of being a little stuffy is very serious.

There were a few black clouds floating in the sky, and it looked like it was going to rain.

At this moment, the movements in her hands suddenly stopped, and soon thought of an extremely serious problem, she seemed to have forgotten something.

"Oh, the thesis hasn't been revised yet!"

Annoyed, An Yuqi scratched her long hair, and ran upstairs while stepping on her slippers.

When the door was pushed open, a certain person happened to be sitting upright facing the desk with a thick stack of folders under his hands. He looked energetic and showed no signs of staying up late last night.

Seeing An Yuqi's flustered expression, she noticed that the straps on both sides of her nightdress seemed to be of different lengths. Although she wore a small cape casually on the outside, the material of the cape was clear tulle, and the inside The clothes can't cover it at all, but it has a hazy feeling.

"what happened to you?"

An Yuqi ran to his side, turned on the computer in a hurry, and searched for the files from last night.

"I really wanted to fall asleep, and then I didn't save the file. You didn't even say that you woke me up. All the hard work of the night was wasted."

"Don't tell me, just for this matter?"

A certain person folded his arms, hanging up his clothes as if he had nothing to do with him, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

Early in the morning, standing and talking without pain in the back, An Yuqi gave him an annoyed look.

"It took me all night. If I didn't save it, I would have to redo it. Naturally, I was very anxious."

At this moment, someone breathed a sigh of relief, took a sip of Liang Baikai next to him, and opened his mouth in a leisurely manner.

"I said you don't need to worry, because you saved it for you last night?"


An Yuqi's eyes were full of confusion, she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, and a few seconds later, she patted her chest like a survivor.

"You didn't know how to say it earlier, you almost scared me to death."

Soon, she tugged at the man's sleeve and made her request.

"I want to use the computer, can you go to the sofa to read files? There is a small coffee table there."

She seemed to take it for granted, pointed to the small sofa next to her, and moved the documents on the table to the small coffee table by the way.

Could this be an aboveboard scramble for territory?

"Yuqi, you are the only one who dares to raise conditions with me so righteously."

She is the only one, no matter how unscrupulous she is, she will accept everything unconditionally, and she still feels happy.

An Yuqi sat on a chair, staring at the computer screen motionlessly, with a natural look on her face.

"Otherwise, what else do you want, I'm your wife!"

Her speed was very fast, it was really different from the night, at least she could concentrate in the morning, so An Yuqi finally breathed a sigh of relief before turning off the computer.At this time, the big problem of the dissertation is finally done.

Exactly as An Yuqi expected, the sky changed very quickly, and she watched helplessly as the dark cloud drifted over little by little, quickly occupying the entire sky in a short period of time.

Not long after, there was a strong wind outside, the branches were shaken, a large number of branches broke directly, and the windows in the room crackled non-stop.

Ye Qiongyu had already changed into his suit a long time ago, looking at the weather, he couldn't help frowning.

"It looks like it's going to rain heavily, I'll take you there today!"

An Yuqi glanced out of the window, only to feel the cold wind blowing, how cool it would be to stay at home in this weather without going out at all!
Curling her lips, An Yuqi picked up the key from the shoe cabinet at the entrance.

"No need, I'll drive by myself. Have you forgotten that I went to the racing track with Zifan last time? My skills are very good."

race track?There was a vague impression in the man's mind, only remembering that someone's technique was so poor that he almost ran into someone else.

"Just your three-legged cat's racing skills? You won't be afraid of being laughed at if you say it!"

A look of disdain came over, the man first took the key and threw it on the shoe cabinet, then grabbed her arm and walked out without any explanation.

Sure enough, it was a heavy rain, and the sound of clattering almost ran through the entire road. People on the street were wearing raincoats, and walked through the intersections with difficulty. The water was like a flood, submerging people's ankles.

The car quickly stopped outside the gate of the hospital, and An Yuqi walked into the huge rain curtain holding an umbrella.

He could only hear the man behind him, uneasily ordering.

"Don't run around after get off work, I will come to pick you up, if I can't see you, I know the consequences in my heart."

An Yuqi rolled her eyes and spoke speechlessly.
"Are you mentally retarded? I can take a taxi back directly, which is much faster than waiting for you."

"No, you are not afraid of accidents in such a heavy rain."

A certain person directly rejected his request viciously, almost without leaving any leeway, and was extraordinarily tough.

Many men have a kind of masculinity, especially in Ye Qiongyu's body, it is particularly obvious. For some reason, An Yuqi actually feels a little happy in her heart for such masculinity.

"Okay, then I will reluctantly promise you."

She waved her hands with a smile, and then prepared to walk to the hospital, with high steps above.

When walking up the first step, there was a loud noise in the sky, with a thunderous momentum, half of the sky behind him seemed to emit an arrow-like light.

Huge gusts of wind mixed with raindrops slammed on people's bodies. In such weather, it seemed that there were still some very bad memories in my memory.

It was indeed a very bad memory. She froze for a moment. At this moment, the sky in front of her suddenly turned black, and a snake-like lightning streaked across the sky, as if the whole sky was about to be split in half.

People on the road immediately wrapped up their raincoats tightly and began to trot to dodge.

The next second, An Yuqi opened the co-pilot's door again.

Ye Qiongyu had just put his hands on the steering wheel, and was surprised by her sudden movement, so he looked back.

I saw that the woman was standing at the door of the car, behind her was a crazy storm, her hands were tightly clutching the door, her knuckles were even a little white, her beautiful face was pale, as if she had been greatly frightened Same.

"what happened to you?"

As soon as Ye Qiongyu finished speaking, the woman grabbed his hand with the breath of rain, and she held it so tightly, as if she was grabbing a life-saving straw.

Struggling to hug the man's waist tightly, An Yuqi couldn't see what she was thinking on her face, she just hugged the man in her arms, and it became tighter and tighter.

"Ye Qiongyu, I, I'm afraid."

The incident a few years ago seemed to reappear in front of my eyes. In the tropical forest, it was sultry and frightening.

In the empty mountain forest, I was frantically looking for a way out, and then it was the same as today, first there was thunder, and then there was a burst of heavy rain, and the soil on the mountain began to loosen.

There was heavy rain in the front, and pursuers behind. She staggered all the way and ran forward frantically on the bumpy mountain road, protecting her stomach.

I don't know how long I ran, but there seemed to be no one behind.

It was only then that she was surprised to find that she was standing next to an abyss, and when she looked down, the dark sea water seemed to swallow her whole body with waves.

Almost instantly, a heavy palm came from the back, and An Yuqi heard a piercing scream from a woman. She instinctively turned her head and grabbed it, but she didn't catch anything. She just saw it out of the corner of her eye. A pair of red high heels.

The wind in the abyss is very strong, and she can still feel the powerlessness of falling down after being soaked all over her body.

Today's rain almost reproduced the original scene.

After a short few minutes, the man suddenly reacted, and immediately held the woman's cold hands tightly.

"Did you remember that incident? Don't be afraid. Everything is over. Now that I'm by your side, you don't have to worry about anything."

After finishing speaking, Ye Qiongyu frowned distressedly, hugged the woman's body in his arms, and gently patted her back with his broad palm, his gentle voice formed the same tone as today's earth-shattering thunder. A stark contrast.

Today's An Yuqi is completely different from the strong and confident Dr. An in the past. She is more like a hurt animal, clutching the hem of the man's clothes, unwilling to let go no matter what.

Recalling the events of that year, even though it has been so long, Ye Qiongyu is still furious, almost under his own nose, these people pushed her into the cliff with incomparable madness.

If I could have been earlier and less hesitant, maybe I could have saved her and that lovely child without dying.

"Yuqi, let's go home directly today instead of going to work, okay? I'll greet the hospital."

The man's voice as gentle as jade came to her ears, which made An Yuqi relax a little. The storm outside has never stopped, but in the small carriage, Ye Qiongyu gave her the perfect Protect.

An Yuqi didn't speak the whole time, instead she put her head in his arms, and it took her a long time to adjust her emotions. Her fingers were still tightly grasping the corner of the other's suit, almost grabbing a corner of her suit. Wrinkled and refused to let go.

"I'm just a little scared, can you hug me a little longer?"

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