She seemed to be taken aback by this old voice, but felt that cold sweat was gradually oozing from her back, as if she had nails growing on the soles of her feet, she couldn't move at the same place.

Although he turned his back to the old man behind him, he seemed to be able to feel that pair of eagle-like sharp eyes staring at him, calling her like a light on his back.

Clenching his fists unconsciously, Liu Shuang took a deep breath and found himself a little at a loss.

Soon, she regained her usual composure, as if nothing had happened.

"What Professor Zhong is saying, I'm sorry I don't understand."

The short sentence still revealed the slight anxiety in the girl's heart. Although she always looked so difficult to get along with, but she was still young, and it was the first time that she was seen through by an irrelevant person. Liu Shuang couldn't help being a little nervous about the secrets in his heart.

Zhong Yukang has never been an easy character to deal with. To a certain extent, it can be said that he is scheming. How could he fail to see the behavior of a little girl, so he stepped forward and confirmed again in a very relaxed tone.

"No, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Girl, you must know what kind of person this old man is. We've been together so many times. There's no need to cover up like this. Otherwise, you won't It was fun."

The cold sweat on the back kept coming out, and Liu Shuang almost felt like he was going to faint under the hot sun.

"Professor Zhong, we don't have any overly intimate relationship. Besides, I'm just a little doctor's assistant. Why are you kidding me?"

However, Zhong Yukang obviously didn't believe everything she said, but walked in step by step with an unpredictable smile on the corner of his mouth.

Liu Shuang never looked back, but heard the sound of footsteps rubbing against the ground behind him getting closer, with a strong familiar smell of tobacco, it was obvious that Zhong Yukang was approaching step by step.

"Girl, let me make a bold guess. Your enemy should not be An Yuqi, so Ye Qiongyu is the only one left by her side. Am I right? Girl?"

Hearing this, Liu Shuang clenched her fist, and for a moment she regretted that she had just rescued the old man. She concealed the panic in her eyes, and her eyes fell on the building opposite.

The sun was bright and cloudless, as if all the dark and shady things were about to be exposed.

After a long time, she chuckled.

"Professor Zhong, I really have some doubts. Are you suffering from persecution delusions? If I remember correctly, Vice President Jiang specializes in psychology. I'll ask him to take a good look at it when I go back."

It seemed that Liu Shuang had made up his mind not to let him know anything. Zhong Yukang didn't need to beat around the bush to persuade him, so he rolled up the documents in his hand and put them in the pocket of his white coat. He spoke unhurriedly.

"Girl, let me tell you, you can fool others, but you can't fool the old man. I have many years of life experience, old man, can't I see the murderous look in your eyes, why don't I tell you the truth, I noticed it from the first day I came to the hospital You, old man, I also worked hard when I was young, and I can't be more clear about your small thoughts."

Sometimes experience is more accurate than any evidence. After all, experience is a skill that comes from practice, and it is often possible to discover the clues of things in advance.

But how could Liu Shuang admit it so easily?
No one would confide in a stranger, let alone someone who would thwart his plan, so Liu Shuang's voice was filled with anger and a little impatience.

"Professor Zhong, I hope you don't put such a big crime on me, a little girl. I can't bear such a crime."

Between words, she walked forward quickly, trying to escape from this extremely depressing scene.

However, before she could take a few steps, Zhong Yukang's next words almost broke her defenses.

"Don't think that what you do is perfect and no one will know. I still say the same thing. If you want people to know, you have to do nothing. Do you think I don't know that you installed surveillance cameras on Ye Qiongyu's car!"

Zhong Yukang naturally didn't have a good look at this kind of person who was still insensitive to persuasion. Almost instantly, the fundus of his eyes became unfathomable, as if there was sharp ice inside, exuding a strong chill, which made people feel a little bit guilty.

Although he usually looked like an old urchin, joking and not serious at all, but at this moment Zhong Yukang only gave people a horrible feeling, and his tone was almost like an interrogation.

No matter what Liu Shuang said, she was just a girl in her early twenties, so she was inevitably a little nervous.I could only hear my heart beating non-stop in my chest, as if it could jump out of my throat at any time.

No matter how she thought about it, she didn't know which link went wrong. She clearly remembered that she was very careful during the whole process, and no one saw her behavior.

At this moment, she turned her head suddenly, and Zhong Yukang could clearly see the unconcealable fear in her big beautiful eyes with eyelashes erected.

The two looked at each other, both of them were a little unpredictable in each other's heart.

The wrinkled old man suddenly smiled.The smile looks weird and scary, the wrinkles on the face are piled up one after another, the corners of the eyes are densely packed with gullies, and the eye sockets are deeply sunken into the skin, making the whole person look even sharper.

"I doubted your motives early in the morning. You must have noticed it yourself, but you didn't take it as a warning, but acted recklessly. Xiaoxue and I accidentally walked into the office that day and broke your original perfect plan. You should be very disappointed, right? The things on your computer screen were betrayed by the glass window behind, it seems that I was lucky, only once."

Zhong Yukang seemed to be getting calmer and calmer, and the conflict between the two seemed to be rising in a straight line.

Now that I have reached this point, what else can I say?Liu Shuang smiled, and then approached Zhong Yukang step by step. The smile in his eyes made it impossible to see what was going on in his heart.

"What can you do if you know, if you can't produce evidence, even if you call the police or tell An Yuqi, no one will believe the one-sided words of an old man like you. You can't help me, even if they believe it, I can only say that I am a little curious about the rumored and famous Ye family, and if it is more serious, I like Mr. Ye."

"I think, even if I monitored him, but I like him, it's not a very serious mistake, right? Professor Zhong, I advise you to save your mind and leave things that you shouldn't care about, lest you get burned!"

As he spoke, the woman's eyes, which seemed to be quite warm at first, instantly became more murderous.

Regarding this, Zhong Yukang looked very calm and shook the document in his hand, and seemed to be a little dismissive of her threat.

"You'd better not threaten me here, old man, I have lived for so many years, what kind of people and things have I never experienced, you said that if I directly told Ye Qiongyu what was put in his car, you said What will he do then?"

"For the sake of saving my life, I don't want to ruin the matter. What exactly did you put in, you'd better take it out yourself, otherwise, you can think about the consequences yourself!"

Liu Shuang swallowed her saliva, only then did she realize that she was already in a cold sweat. She actually underestimated the ordinary-looking old man in front of her.

Her lips trembled slightly, she opened her mouth, but in the end she didn't say a word.

At the same time, Zhong Yukang walked up to her with steady steps, sighed and patted the girl on the shoulder.

"Girl, you still have a long way to go! There is no need to ruin your life. If you must feel that you cannot let go of your hatred, you can come to this old man!"

After finishing speaking, Zhong Yukang passed by without looking back.

Liu Shuang, who was trembling all over, turned around and looked at the gown fluttering in the wind in front of him, but he didn't realize that he had already burst into tears.

"What do you outsiders know? You can only stand and talk without back pain! When something really happened, who would stand up and help me?"

She yelled hoarsely, and finally broke down in tears on the street with people coming and going.

Huaxia Hospital.

An Yuqi was busy with the case in her hand, and when she was about to visit the patient, she almost bumped into Zhong Yukang who also opened the door and came in.

"Professor, are you all right?"

Zhong Yukang looked in good spirits, his eyes glowed, and he stared straight at An Yuqi, making the other party embarrassed, wondering if he was wearing the wrong clothes today.

"Professor, why are you looking at me like that? Is there something wrong? Or is there something wrong with my outfit today?"

Hearing this, Zhong Yukang waved his hands, shook his head and spoke.

"No, no, it's just that the old man heard that Ye Qiongyu recently drove a limited edition Rolls-Royce? That?"

Having said this, Zhong Yukang rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and then continued to talk under An Yuqi's surprised gaze with an embarrassed expression on his face.

"Well, the old man has never been in such a car, can you take me for a ride, just to fulfill one of my wishes?"

For the first time, An Yuqi felt baffled by such a request. Zhong Yukang usually didn't seem like a person who was very fascinated by this kind of luxury brand. Why did he suddenly propose such a condition that was completely different from his own?

To be honest, it really made her a little dumbfounded.

"Professor, are you kidding me?"

Seeing this, Zhong Yukang immediately straightened his face, looking puzzled, and spoke like a child.

"Xiaoqi, doesn't that person stay the same? Come here quickly and let me have a look."

Even An Yuqi wasn't that familiar with this kind of thing, but she soon discovered something was wrong, so her face quickly changed, and her tone became serious. 
"Professor, is there something you're hiding from me? Are you still interested in Ye Qiongyu's car? I can discuss it with him. I can give it to you directly!"

After hearing these words, Zhong Yukang's face turned pale with anxiety, and he waved his hands frantically again.

"Don't you, I don't want it? Don't you know what kind of person I am, Zhong Yukang, as my student? Oh, I just want to have fun."

At this time, Liu Shuang, who had sorted out his emotions, had already returned, and the two of them looked at each other through the huge gap in the door.

In the next second, Liu Shuang quickly shifted his gaze to the other side, and couldn't help feeling a little annoyed in his heart. Why does this old man feel like he will ruin his good deeds all the time?
At the moment when the four eyes met, only Zhong Yukang still had that calm expression on his face, as if nothing had happened.

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