The man lowered his eyes and glanced at the time.

"Don't worry about it, I've sent someone to find him."

Everyone didn't seem to notice anything, but he secretly ordered someone to finish all this. Ji Chenglin had nothing to say, and shook his head in a super ostrich style.

"Well, anyway, the rest of us are not as good as Young Master Ye in doing things. I will sell all the shares of Wang's when I go back."

Waving lazily and opening the door of his Audi, Ji Chenglin seemed to have thought of something.

"By the way, Guo Yu, the newcomer from An's Group, has a really amazing job. It seems that Young Master Ye really has a vision."

After finishing speaking, the Audi car started and drove away with a whoosh.

Seeing this, Wang Xinguo came over at once.

"Young Master Ye, do you have any other orders?"

Ye Qiongyu rolled up his sleeves calmly, with a look of complete indifference.

"Why, your niece should be lying in the hospital now. Your uncle should go to give condolences and see if anything happened."

Wang Xinguo seemed a little dissatisfied with this, and instinctively took a step back to show resistance.

"I, I don't want to go!"

However, a certain person glanced over with a slightly sharp look, so that he couldn't resist at all, so he nodded.

"Okay, what Young Master Ye says is what he says, and I'll just follow suit."

After speaking, he shook the car key in his hand, and then prepared to leave the scene.

Just when he was about to step on the accelerator and leave the spot, Ye Qiongyu suddenly called out to stop him.

"Wang Xinguo."

Three short words, without even a little bit of emotion, Wang Xinguo instinctively shivered, and then said with nothing to love.

"Master Ye, visiting her is my last resort. You don't want me to take care of her, do you? There's no possibility at all."

Before he finished speaking, he saw the indifferent expression on the other party's face, and then he spoke calmly.

"I didn't mean that, I just wanted to say something, after you leave the hospital, go to the prison to see your daughter!"

Hearing this sentence, Wang Xinguo clenched the car keys in his hand, feeling a bit at a loss for a while, after a long time, he nodded, with a little sadness and sadness in his voice.

"Thank you Young Master Ye for your concern."

Then the man nodded and told him to leave.

Looking at Ye Qiongyu in a complicated mood, Wang Xinguo took a deep breath and let the car drive away.

Watching Wang Xinguo's car leave from a distance, Ye Qiongyu turned around, played with the car keys in his hand with deep eyes, then turned to look at Han Cheng on the side. 
"As you said last time, Wang Xinguo arranged his own staff in Ye's?"

Han Cheng nodded immediately, and spoke with a worried face.

"That's true, boss, there can be no mistake in my news. It may be that Wang Xinguo wants to know the current financial situation of our group, and the eyeliner he planted already knows who it is. Boss, should I give that person to the police?" Get it out?"

The man lowered his eyes and thought for a moment, and he didn't seem to be angry at all. This incident didn't seem strange on the surface, but
"Don't worry about him, I don't think Wang will do anything secretly, let's go back to the company."

"Okay, boss."

Han Cheng was about to start the car and leave when he suddenly thought of something, and asked for instructions anxiously.

"One more thing, I guess even if An Zhimi was taken away by the police, with her personality, she probably wouldn't say anything beneficial. I think Brother Qi wouldn't tell a complete business about it. A woman who doesn't know the bottom line."

Even if that person wasn't An Zhimi, he would naturally not tell anyone about this kind of extremely cunning and suspicious man, which is not surprising at all.

Thinking of this, Ye Qiongyu acted very neatly, his thin lips showed his speechlessness towards Brother Qi's tricks, and a faint and warm smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, but the smile didn't even have any warmth, but he looked Going up makes people feel like falling into an ice cave.
"Do you think it's important for An Zhimi to know what's important? The important thing is what our people want her to become and what we want her to confess. Then she will be a witness. No matter how strong Brother Qi's psychological quality is, he won't be able to sit still." living."

Not only can't sit still, but also try to get rid of those who betrayed him.

Hearing this, although Han Cheng was still a little confused, he said with a sudden realization.

"Boss means that there is no need for An Zhimi to admit anything, as long as public opinion is generated, saying that Miss An has already confessed, right?"

The man nodded, a smile appeared on his handsome face.

So Han Cheng praised again and again, and sure enough, this was the gap between others and his own president.

After getting the specific address, Jiang Lan here drove her sports car slowly into the underground parking lot. After this farce, she managed to escape from the house.

The top floor of the hotel?I really don't know how mentally handicapped Ye Fan is, he was able to be deceived so easily!
She quickly entered the elevator, and watched the numbers on the display screen go up one by one, feeling a little uneasy in her heart, after all, it was the first time in her life to do such a thing, and she was as sneaky as a special agent .

The corridor was very quiet, and when Jiang Lan was carefully judging which room the person was in, there was a sudden sound of footsteps, and she hurriedly dodged and hid in a corner beside her.

Carefully looking out, I just happened to see a few men in black coming out of a room, it should be here.

After they all left, Jiang Lan immediately looked around for a long time, then moved over and knocked on the door carefully.

She knocked several times, but there was no sound at all, and she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, isn't it here?But looking at the clothes of those people, it seems that they are indeed here.

At the same time, in this duplex suite, Ye Zifan was tied to a chair with an aggrieved face, his mouth was blocked, and he couldn't even utter a word. The moment he heard the knock on the door, , He felt that the heartbeat of the whole body was about to speed up.

Damn it, these grandchildren dared to tie themselves here. If he goes out, he will be killed.

Only now, he can't do anything or even make a sound.

Jiang Lan here didn't hear any movement inside for a long time, so she put her ear on the door and called again tentatively.

"Master Ye Er, are you there?"

At this second, Ye Zifan suddenly felt his body stiffen, and the blood in his whole body seemed to rush to his head. He definitely knew this familiar voice and this woman.

It was Jiang Lan. In a flash, he completely remembered.

Finally someone came to rescue him, Ye Zifan began to struggle on the chair, trying to make a sound, but unfortunately his mouth was tightly blocked and he couldn't utter a word.

After struggling for a long time, his heart was overwhelmed, and he simply exerted force, and the whole person, including the huge carved wooden chair, fell heavily on the floor.

After a loud "bang", he was in such pain that he instantly felt as if he was about to be thrown to death.

Is Jiang Lan outside the door just about to leave at this moment, just heard the movement inside, it seems that this is here.

Ye Zifan, so you can have today, it seems that everything is retribution!
While thinking in her heart, Jiang Lan began to think about how to open the door.

The security system of this hotel is very good, ordinary people really have nothing to do, Jiang Lan shook her head, and immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Qiongyu's number.

"Boss Ye, I've already found the second young master, but it's just in the hotel, the security system is relatively good, so I can't get in."

There was no hesitation at all, and he spoke directly.
"You wait at the door of the room, someone will come to open the door for you."

Jiang Lan listened to the man's voice on the phone, but before she could reply, the busy tone turned into beeping.

Soon, the room manager of the hotel swiped open the door and spoke politely.

"Miss Jiang, I'm sorry to have encountered such a thing. We apologize to Mr. Ye. You'd better go in quickly!"

Nodding his head, Jiang Lan waved his hand to signal him to leave.

"Okay, you can go, there is nothing else for you."

She walked into the room and locked the door behind her.

At the moment when she turned around, Jiang Lan saw Ye Zifan who was tied up with a chair like a rice dumpling and fell to the ground, almost grinning!
"Second Master Ye, why are you here to play SM in such a high-end hotel? The appearance is still very unique!"

With her long legs dangling, she sat down on the sofa slowly, ignoring the angry expression on someone's face.

You should let me go first, damn woman, Ye Zifan thought in his heart, but he couldn't move, so he could only warn her with his eyes.

Seeing this, Jiang Lan shook her head.

"Tsk tsk tsk, look at this attitude, how can I say that I am also your savior today, is this how you treat your savior?"

Then, she walked over and tore off the towel stuffed in the man's mouth.

A large amount of fresh air poured in in an instant, Ye Zifan panted heavily, and then opened his mouth.

"Untie it for me!"

However, Jiang Lan was indifferent, but squatted down with a sly expression.

"It turns out that the mighty second young master of the Ye family will also be in such a mess. You said that if I send out the photo, let's see where your second young master Ye's face will be placed."

Hearing this, the man gritted his teeth, why did his brother find such a heartless woman to save him, so he stared at Jiang Lan's half-smile face, and then opened his mouth bit by bit through his teeth. 
"you dare!"

"Look at the old lady, dare you!"

Not to be outdone, Jiang Lan spoke, and after the two looked at each other for a few seconds, Jiang Lan quickly untied the rope on the other side.

"You need to have an attitude when asking for help. If it is someone else, I am afraid that the second young master Ye will have to confess himself here today. Don't think too much about it. The reason why I saved you was just what happened on the boat last time. I don't want to owe you money." your."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to leave, but was pulled back by Ye Zifan.

"Do you know that if you provoke me over and over again like this, you will be very dangerous!"

Ye Zifan's face was still covered with dust from the ground, but he looked handsome and handsome when he smiled, with such a different feeling that people couldn't look away for a while.

Jiang Lan took a step back helplessly, but ended up leaning her back against the cold wall. There was no way out for a while, so she stared closely at the man in front of her.

"What on earth do you want to do? Let me tell you, my old lady has never been a woman to be messed with."

Seeing her fierce face, Ye Zifan suddenly became interested, propped his right hand on the wall behind her, and then spoke unhurriedly.

"Why, Miss Jiang is also afraid sometimes, but I always think that you are the kind of woman who is not afraid of anything!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and lifted the woman's chin.

In the next second, Jiang Lan unceremoniously knocked off his hand.

"Paws off!"

At this moment, there was suddenly the sound of chaotic footsteps outside the door. The two looked at each other, and they could see the tension in each other's eyes.

No, someone is back!

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