After a few seconds of embarrassment, the man grabbed her slender hand with a smile on his lips.

"Look, haven't I already stood in front of you? How could something happen?"

Seeing this, An Yuqi stepped back for a second, her face was solemn, she folded her arms and looked suspiciously, but she still felt distrustful.

"Don't lie to me. I'm a serious doctor. If you lie to me, it's no different from playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong."

After finishing speaking, she raised her hand to feel the other person's pulse. Not long after, she frowned, and An Yuqi's voice became more severe.

"You hurt? I'm sure, so you better tell me the truth, or?"

As she spoke, she glanced at the door with a hint of threat.

Seeing this, the man raised his eyebrows, he really couldn't fool his lovely wife.

So he burst out laughing, and opened his arms with a relaxed face.

"It seems that I have no way to deceive Dr. An, but I only suffered a small injury, it's nothing serious."

"Small injury? Are you sure?"

An Yuqi seemed to have completely lost her trust in him, even the ending sound was a little bit up.

Trust is like a piece of white paper, if it is torn up, it will be gone.

Seeing the man nodding, An Yuqi got up and locked the door with a click, then rolled up her sleeves and extended her "devil claws" over.

"Take off your clothes, quick."

Regarding this, the man hesitantly placed one hand on the first button of his coat, and there was no movement for a long time. There was a half-smile in his narrow eyes, revealing a strange atmosphere.

He glanced left and right, then stared at the slightly annoyed woman with her hips akimbo in front of him, and spoke in an ambiguous voice.

"Why, is Madam so impatient? Isn't this a bit bad, after all, it's a public place?"


An Yuqi pointed at his head with her right index finger, she couldn't find any words to refute for a while, she could only put down her hands together, and then spoke with a smile on her face.

"Mr. Ye, please don't be so unsuitable for young children, okay?"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly stretched out his hand, grabbed the woman's slender waist and pulled her into his arms.

"Go back at night and tell you to take a look at it slowly and see enough at once."

He narrowed his eyes slightly and whispered in the woman's ear.

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous, An Yuqi's face flushed red, and she stared at him charmingly.

"What are you thinking in your mind? This is a hospital, and the influence is not good."

As she spoke, she pushed the man away, stood aside by the way, and looked at the information on the computer solemnly.

"We have now obtained foreign information about Guo Xue's condition, and it seems not optimistic at the moment. Not only is she suffering from a serious congenital disease, but she also has panda blood. I am a little worried."

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu frowned, straightened the neckline of his suit, then walked over and bent down to look at the computer screen.

He saw the very obvious heart transplant operation and the sign of panda blood at a glance.

He is familiar with it because An Yuqi has RH negative blood.

There was a thump in her heart, as if she had thought of something, An Yuqi was currently browsing through the above information with the mouse.

The next second, the man suddenly stretched out his hand to grab it, and the woman's soft body was embraced by him in an instant. The mouse in his hand fell to the ground with a bang, and the battery rolled on the white floor with a rumble.

"What are you doing?"

She didn't know why, her watery eyes were full of disbelief.

"You don't want to exchange your heart for Guo Xue, do you?"

He held each other's hands tightly, his eyes flickered, his voice was low and tense. 
After a few seconds of stalemate, An Yuqi blinked her big flickering eyes a few times, then looked at the opponent's face as if facing a formidable enemy, burst out laughing. 
"How can you ask such a mentally retarded question? How can I, you..."

Her face was covered with black lines, and she was even more speechless.

In this regard, the man relaxed his mind, and the vigilant gaze was particularly obvious in his narrowed eyes.

"So, let me warn you one more thing, you can't make any claims in the future, you must tell me!"

Turning her eyes, An Yuqi took a plan, wrapped her arms around the man's neck, and spoke in a coquettish voice.

"Then, if I really give her my heart, after all, a doctor's bounden duty is to save lives and heal the wounded."

Seeing how nervous he was, An Yuqi wanted to tease him, to see how he would react.

In the next second, she was pressed on the table. The man bent down, his warm breath fell on the girl's delicate skin, and then he spoke every word.

"You can try it!"

After saying a low and forceful sentence, An Yuqi felt that the zipper on the back of her dress was suddenly opened, and a big warm hand penetrated into the clothes, approaching the plumpness on her chest.


Without waiting for him to continue messing around, An Yuqi grabbed the restless hand, then raised her eyes to blame.

"What do you say?"

There was another flurry of groping, and the sound of chaotic footsteps came from outside the corridor. An Yuqi felt flustered, and hurriedly pushed him aside, and then zipped up her clothes by herself.

"I'm just joking with you. The main reason is that this matter is really complicated. We need a heart donor who also meets the blood type requirements, so..."

She looked embarrassed, raised her hand and stroked her forehead, shaking her head helplessly, and said with self-blame.

"What should I do? I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Guo Yu. If he gets out of prison and receives the news of his daughter's death, he will be very sad!"

Seeing the woman's self-reproach and guilt, Ye Qiongyu came over and sighed, and hugged her thin figure in his arms.

"I understand. In fact, you don't need to have such a lot of pressure. After all, you are a top expert in the world, so if you can't do anything, his daughter may not be able to save anyone."

Holding the man's solid waist, An Yuqi closed her eyes listening to the gentle voice, and Guo Yu's hopeful eyes under the disheveled hair in the dusty interrogation room seemed to appear in front of her.

She couldn't bear to see that one day it would turn into despair, which was the despair of a father.

"Why, I haven't had a failed patient in my hands. Why did I encounter Guo Xue's situation? I don't want him to be sad. I don't want him to face his daughter's cold corpse. But why is it so serious? What about the situation?"

The man pulled her long hair behind her ears, and she cried pear blossoms with rain, which made people feel a throbbing pain in their hearts.

"It's okay, it's me!"

She seldom cried, even when she learned that the child was gone, even when she was forced to leave by Li Yuehua, she never cried, but at this moment, all her strength collapsed.

But it didn't last long, she wiped the teardrops from her eyes with her fingers, and put on a smile that was uglier than crying.

"I feel better now, go to work quickly, I need to go to the doctor too."

After finishing speaking, she began to tidy up the thick folders on the table.

Seeing this, the man's expression was a little complicated. How could she tell him to leave with peace of mind when she divided the situation like this?
"Let me take a vacation for you, go out and relax for a few days? Don't put too much pressure on yourself?"

The man knelt down and wiped the corners of her eyes with his fingertips, the dark eyes were full of pity.

"You, you, tell me what to do, be good, be obedient, and don't put pressure on yourself."

Facing Ye Qiongyu, An Yuqi pulled out a silly smile.

"I'm fine, it's just that Guo Xue's matter is still a bit difficult."

The man took the inspection report on the table and shook it in his hand. 
"I will send someone to handle this matter. From now on, you are not allowed to think too much about it. Later, I will go to the dean to ask you to take a few days off and relax so that you can concentrate on the operation. "

Seeing the man's extremely firm gaze, An Yuqi subconsciously nodded.

At this moment, her mobile phone on the table suddenly rang without warning, and on the screen was a phone number that she hadn't seen for a long time.

This good sister of hers really contacted her in a timely manner. Yesterday, Jiang Lan just said that brother Qi would have something to do, and she couldn't wait to contact her.

It seemed that some people really couldn't hold back anymore, An Yuqi pressed the answer button.

Then she heard the crying girl on the opposite side, she couldn't help touching her ears, and took the receiver away.

"Sister, please help me, please?"

What's the situation, that An Zhimi who was once arrogant and aloof, actually cried and begged her.

In An Yuqi's eyes, this wave of coquettish operations really opened her eyes, and it really gave herself an unexpected surprise.

An Yuqi raised her head and met the man's confused gaze, so she put the phone aside and lowered her voice.

"It's An Zhimi."

In this regard, the man frowned and wanted to snatch the mobile phone from her hand.

An Yuqi was unmoved, but put her finger on her lips to make a gesture of silencing and then turned on the speakerphone.

An Zhimi's voice sounded particularly miserable on the phone, crying intermittently.

"Why are you crying? Can you speak well!"

The other party didn't seem to expect that she didn't have any sympathy at all. Instead, he threw out a sentence coldly, couldn't react for a while, and was stunned for a moment, and then turned on the crying mode.

"Sister, I know I was sorry for you before, but now I know I was wrong, brother Qi, brother Qi, he wants to kill me, please my good sister, please help me!"

that's all?An Yuqi sneered, and before she could speak, she saw someone next to her face downcast.

"An Zhimi, are you kidding me? The two of you, husband and wife, are so gluey that you are almost wearing a pair of pants. Why are you crying for me now? You chose the people and paths yourself. Tell me what I can do?"

Yeah, to put it simply, it's none of her business!
It's just that the woman on the opposite side has no intention of giving up at all. Instead, she sobbed and cried endlessly. People who didn't know her thought that she died while crying.

"Sister, you are my own elder sister, you can't just ignore death, I'm so scared, you know Brother Qi's power, if people like them want to kill a person, it's as easy as trampling an ant to death , Sister, I don't want to die, I'm still young..."

Too lazy to listen to a lot of rambling words behind her, An Yuqi folded her arms and interrupted the other person's words impatiently.

"You can go to your father. I don't think he'll leave him alone. He's more reliable than my sister, who can't hit eight poles."

After finishing speaking, she didn't give An Zhimi a chance to continue talking, but directly hung up the phone.

But, within a second, the phone started ringing again.

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