"An Yuqi!"

Ye Qiongyu walked into the clinic calmly and angrily, his eyes were extremely cold.

"Cough cough!"

Frightened, An Yuqi choked on a mouthful of water, her frenzied cough brought on morning sickness, her whole body was full of tears.

Seeing this, the anger in Ye Qiongyu's heart disappeared, and he quickly stepped forward to hold her in his arms, and patted her on the back distressedly.

"What are you doing here?"

An Yuqi, who had regained her composure, pushed him away, limped to a safe distance, covered her mouth and stared at him angrily.

"Why didn't you answer the phone?"

Suffering a cold stare, Ye Qiongyu's eyes also turned cold.

"You don't care." An Yuqi cleaned herself up, turned around and looked at him ironically.

"Young Master Ye, if you don't accompany your little lover to the birth checkup, what are you doing here in my poor place?"

Looking at An Yuqi's bloody right foot with a frown, Ye Qiongyu picked up the medicine box on the table with a cold face.

"Your feet need dressing."

Seeing him like this, An Yuqi immediately jumped on tiptoe and reached out to stop him, grabbing Ye Qiongyu's wrist with cold eyes.

"Put things down."

Ye Qiongyu raised his eyes to look at her, a hint of puzzlement flashed in his eyes.

"You don't need to pretend to be kind, my feet can't be broken." Seeing Ye Qiongyu's face getting colder and colder, An Yuqi felt a surge of joy in her heart.

"A poor life is not as precious as your little lover who is pregnant with dragonborn."

Ye Qiongyu was furious when he heard the words, he gave up communicating, and forced him down on the chair.

Seeing An Yuqi struggling, she threatened with a livid face: "If you want me to use other means, just piss me off."

Seeing him threatening her again, An Yuqi was furious, but she didn't dare to refute, she just glared at him angrily.

Seeing that she finally calmed down, Ye Qiongyu took out the medicine and bandages from the medicine box.Gently untied the dirty gauze on An Yuqi's ankle.

"Does it hurt?"

Although the technique was not professional, she didn't feel much pain under Ye Qiongyu's careful bandaging.

However, seeing Ye Qiongyu's gentle movements, An Yuqi only felt desolate in her heart.

She still doesn't understand what Ye Qiongyu is going to do.

Why do you have to play tricks on others so hypocritically after hurting her all over her body?

Always so capricious, she was really tired.

"Ye Qiongyu, let's get a divorce."

The hand that was cutting the gauze stopped, and Ye Qiongyu's face turned cold.

"I just pretend I didn't hear that."

After finishing speaking, he put away the medicine box with an ugly expression, and turned to leave.

Seeing him like this, An Yuqi became anxious, jumped up on the chair, and directly grabbed his arm.

"What on earth are you willing to divorce me!" Not wanting to entangle with him any longer, An Yuqi refused to give up an inch: "This marriage is a disaster for us, it's better to end it as soon as possible!"

Enraged by the woman in front of him again, Ye Qiongyu was about to speak, but suddenly felt dizzy, and the medicine that had been suppressed many times came more rapidly this time.

"I said no more!"

With red eyes, Ye Qiongyu suddenly rushed towards An Yuqi.

Seeing that the situation was not right, An Yuqi panicked, and immediately tried to escape with her stomach protected, but was slipped by the water stains on the ground and fell heavily to the ground.


An Yuqi suddenly screamed, and the shards of the glass on the ground instantly cut her legs dripping with blood.

Then, Ye Qiongyu, who was completely out of control at this time, was like a demon, completely ignoring An Yuqi's pain, and seized the opportunity to pounce on An Yuqi.


An Yuqi screamed in her heart, and immediately curled up to protect the child.

In the next second, "Tear" her clothes were torn to pieces.

"you wanna die!"

Ye Qiongyu's eyes were bloodshot, like a beast, tearing at the few clothes on An Yuqi's body. Seeing that the fabric on her body was getting less and less, when Ye Qiongyu's hand landed on her slightly protruding belly, An Yuqi couldn't bear it anymore.

"Ye Qiongyu!"

Following her mournful cry, two lines of tears burst down the embankment in an instant.

Those crystal clear tears, like a clear spring, woke Ye Qiongyu up completely, and then he stood up suddenly, looking at An Yuqi curled up and trembling, with an annoyed look on his face.

What has he done! !

Realizing that he finally stopped, An Yuqi immediately dragged her naked and broken body to the distance.

Seeing the long bloodstains on the ground, Ye Qiongyu's heart felt like a knife.

The scene just now is vivid in his mind, how tyrannical he was, how An Yuqi screamed and cried with scars all over her, they were all ruthlessly gouging out Ye Qiongyu's heart.

With a trembling voice, he called out cautiously.

"Don't come here!!"

Hearing his voice, An Yuqi screamed in horror.

"Don't be afraid, I won't touch you, Yu Qi," Ye Qiongyu's heart was bleeding, and he approached cautiously, "You need to stop the bleeding, you are bleeding"

Before he could finish his sentence, a crisp slap hit him on the face.


An Yuqi covered her belly with her hands, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked at him with hatred.

"Yu Qi," Ye Qiongyu's voice was stained with pleading, "You need to stop the bleeding."

"Don't worry about it!" An Yuqi struggled to stand up furiously, pointing at the door, "Get out! Get out!"

"I'll go, I'll go, don't move around." Ye Qiongyu hurriedly backed away, finally took a deep look at him, turned and left.

As the door closed, An Yuqi instantly collapsed into blood stains, weeping in despair.

Across the door, Ye Qiongyu leaned against the door, and when he heard the cries inside the room, his heart felt like a sharp knife, and the pain was extremely painful. At this moment, he wanted to rush in, how much he wanted to comfort her,
However, most of these injuries were caused by him.

When Ye Qiongyu thought of this, his heart was as desolate as a desert, and then he clenched his fists and clenched it several times, then picked up the phone and said: "Find someone to deliver a size L women's dress, and then find a doctor to come to the 102 consultation room, by the way Find a psychiatrist and counsel her..."

Once things were arranged, Lu Lin responded one after another, and then when Ye Qiongyu quickly hung up the phone, he persuaded in a low voice: "Young Master Ye, you can go to country m to detoxify, you can't delay any longer."

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu frowned, thinking about what he did today, and finally compromised: "You can arrange it."

A week later, the obstetrics and gynecology department of the hospital.

"Doctor An, the patient gave birth abnormally, the uterine contraction force is weak, and the labor force is insufficient!"

An Yuqi calmly directed the midwifery and nurses, issuing orders one after another.

"Glucose shot, oxytocin ready."

At this moment, the mother was clutching the bed sheet with both hands, and cried out in pain.

"Hemorrhage in the lower body! The blood pressure dropped sharply, and the vital signs of the fetus became weaker!"

A nurse's voice panicked.

"Prepare for blood transfusion." An Yuqi's forehead was beaded with fine beads of sweat, and she stared at the patient's condition with good eyesight. "If you can't give birth in another 10 minutes, prepare for laparotomy."

The midwife adjusted the mother's breathing and kept encouraging her.

"Doctor An, it still doesn't work!"

An Yuqi unfolded the tool box and quickly made preoperative preparations.

"Notify the family members to sign and prepare for the operation."

Half an hour later, accompanied by a faint cry, the mother and child were finally pushed out of the delivery room safely.

Immediately seeing the family members with anxious eyes, An Yuqi walked over immediately.

"Chen Yuanyuan's family members, the mother and child are safe and sound, and the boy is a mess."

"Thank you, Doctor An!"

The honest, flat-headed man burst into tears when he heard that the mother and child were safe.

An Yuqi understood his mood at the moment, "This is what we should do."

The man excitedly held An Yuqi's hand, his face flushed red: "You saved the lives of my wife and children, you are my reborn parents!"

An Yuqi's hands hurt from being held, and when he finished talking excitedly, she smiled and said, "Congratulations, the baby is very cute, go and have a look."

Seeing the flat-headed man leave with gratitude, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, and gently touched her stomach with her hand.

Her baby stayed quietly in her womb, just...

Looking at the family of three through the glass window, An Yuqi had mixed feelings.

It's just that her child is destined not to have such a scene of fatherly kindness and filial piety.

Half an hour later, the high-level meeting room of Ye's company.

A ringtone interrupted the sales director's speech, and the company's senior management immediately looked at each other in blank dismay.

Ye Qiongyu, the leader, glanced at the caller ID, immediately made a gesture of silence, and quickly answered the phone.

"Hello." Ye Qiongyu said, his deep magnetic voice was exceptionally gentle.

After silently confirming the contact person, An Yuqi asked bluntly.

"Ye Qiongyu, do you really think that I am Wang Yajun's servant?"

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu quickly questioned the person in charge on the Internet with his fingers, and after confirming that it was correct, he said, "What do you mean?"

An Yuqi sneered, "You asked me to serve her 24 hours a day, and you asked me to sign this ridiculous document, what a beautiful idea you have!"

"What?" Ye Qiongyu frowned slightly, and a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"Ye Qiongyu, stop pretending, I know exactly who you are." An Yuqi insisted, her tone full of impatience.

"Tell your little lover who loves to serve and serve, and this girl will not accompany you anymore!"

Hearing this, the veins on Ye Qiongyu's forehead twitched, and he suppressed the anger rising in his heart, "An Yuqi, what are you talking about?"

Seeing that he didn't admit it, An Yuqi sneered, "Be more honest, that's it, hang up."

There was a beeping busy tone from the other end of the phone, and Ye Qiongyu was so angry that he slammed the phone on the table.

The audience was silent, and after more than ten seconds, Ye Qiongyu said calmly: "The meeting continues."

A layer of sweat broke out on the foreheads of the high-level officials.

"5.00% of the market share in area A has been encroached on, and the marketing department spent half a month making this kind of rubbish plan."

Ye Qiongyu's face was gloomy, and he looked at everyone with sharp eyes, "All departments can't come up with a decent plan after three days, so you pack up and get out."

Ye Qiongyu felt unhappy, took a sip of coffee, and the coffee cup was thrown directly on the table.

The assistant at the side instantly stood up in fear.

"Next time you bring this kind of thing, you can just get out."

Ye Qiongyu gave him a cold look, got up and left the office.

After a while, the assistant put his hands together and prayed to the sky calmly, and said in his mouth: "God bless President Ye to reconcile with his wife soon, President Ye who is dissatisfied with desire is too scary..."

Seeing him like this, all the high-level people around him also silently worshiped the gods and Buddhas in their hearts.

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