Immediately, several people came up and began to tie up her whole body tightly in a big character shape, the rope almost strangled her flesh.

Huang Mao looked down at the frail woman triumphantly, the corner of his mouth curled.

"Bitch, you really take yourself seriously. If it weren't for your usefulness, our boss would have killed you a long time ago. Brother Qi could have robbed An's family, and he could have destroyed your Jiang family. You can think it over for me."

"Fuck you, let me go, do you hear me?"

Jiang Lan cursed and spit on Huangmao's eyes.

The people around fell silent, Huang Mao wiped the sticky saliva from his eyes, gritted his teeth and stared at the woman fiercely for a few seconds.

Suddenly, he laughed like a lunatic, and then raised his hand to pick up the woman's chin.

"I will ask you to experience it today, what is life better than death!"

However, his words had no deterrent effect at all. In the dim light, the woman smiled like a ghost, which made his skin crawl.

"You are a watchdog next to Brother Qi. If you help the bad guys, you will be punished!"

In the next second, the veins on the man's forehead bulged, and he grasped the woman's slender neck with his iron-like hands, and then exerted force little by little.

"I want you to know, who is the one who is dominated now!"

"Cough cough."

Oxygen disappeared from the breathing port little by little, Jiang Lan was panting hard, her beautiful eyes shone fearlessly, and she said in a hoarse voice.

"You have the ability to kill me, you kill me!"

"Do you think I dare not?"

The masculine blushed with a thick neck, and tightly wrapped his hands around the woman's neck, gnashing his teeth and roaring.

"You fucking seek death!"

A few minutes later, the woman's eyes slowly bulged out, her voice gradually became weaker and weaker, Jiang Lan's mind gradually became blank, and her heart suddenly became cold, as if she had seen death before turning to herself. wave.

Jiang Lan didn't know whether to cry or laugh at such a useless death at the hands of a group of kidnappers.

Soon, Huang Mao's eyes lit up, as if he had discovered some new continent, he let go of his hand suddenly.

"No, I won't let you die like this, let's have some fun."

In the next second, eyes were dazzled, and the sound of cloth being torn rang out in the narrow cabin. Jiang Lan, who had just caught her breath, saw the obscene gaze in front of her yellow hairy eyes, almost looking at her with a sigh The white skin is exposed to the air.

Seeing this, Jiang Lan took a breath, then smiled, and opened her mouth with a crazy smile.

"You only have this ability. In front of your boss, you are not even worthy of carrying shoes."

"To shut up!"

A slap was thrown on the face, the man couldn't wait to pull off the belt, and then pressed hard on the woman's thin body.

The stinky smell permeated the air, and the disgusting face almost made Jiang Lan spit out the whole night meal.

Something suddenly came to mind, and Jiang Lan suddenly spoke, with a hint of charm in her beautiful red lips, and her voice was soft.

"Aren't you willing to work under Brother Qi all the time? Don't you want to be the boss and have a lot of money and women? Don't you feel tempted?"

Hearing this, Huang Mao's movements paused for a moment, and then a strange expression appeared on his face. For people like them, it is naturally more cost-effective to seek more benefits. It is obvious that the woman in front of him proposed The conditions were too tempting, so he relaxed his vigilance, lowered his head and leaned into the woman's ear.

Jiang Lan's seemingly lifeless face suddenly became full of strength at this moment, and she bit the man's ear without hesitation.

"Fuck me, let me go!"

Accompanied by heart-piercing screams, the man slammed his elbow on the woman's cheek, and then hopped on the spot while covering his bloody ears.

At this time, due to the violent movement, the rope on Jiang Lan's body broke free all of a sudden, and with the help of the weak light, she quickly pulled away the pistol that was pinned to the man's waist.

She had discovered this pistol a long time ago, and had been thinking about it for a long time.

Immediately, she broke free from the rope and stood up, pointing the black muzzle of the gun at the men in front of her.

"Whoever dares to make a move, don't blame me for not showing mercy!"

The woman's long hair was disheveled, but her eyes looked extraordinarily bright, staring at everyone with a burning gaze.

So everyone felt uneasy, no one dared to come up to stop her, and Huang Mao, who was so angry just now, lay on the ground, not even daring to move.

However, the scene in front of him was all an illusion. In just a few seconds, people in the cabin took out their pistols one after another, and aimed at the woman standing in the middle unceremoniously.

fuck it!

It was so unlucky today, Jiang Lan vomited a mouthful of blood.

"In this case, how can I die so easily, you all die with me!"

At this moment, there was a huge rumbling sound from outside the ship, and then the whole ship began to shake violently. The sound of the chains on the ship's docking was particularly eye-catching in the silent night.

Obviously, someone is coming.

Huang Mao stood up, triumphantly walked to the cowboy man's side, and then slapped him backhand.

"How the hell do you do things? How can you ask people to come over? Everyone listens to me and leaves immediately. I can't ask this little bitch to escape for me!"

After he finished speaking, the whole ship began to bump violently again, and everyone almost fell into the cabin.

Outside at this moment, Ye Zifan looked at the huge waves on the sea with an astonished expression, and couldn't help shouting.

"Brother, you are too awesome, why did you come up with such two big guys?"

Ye Qiongyu stood on the coast, quietly watching the ships he aimed at, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Go, the one on the far side."

After finishing speaking, he jumped on the boat directly, not even giving his brother any time to react. 
"Fuck, brother, wait for me!"

Ye Zifan hurriedly followed the sharp figure, and jumped onto the big dark boat on the far side.

"Brother, how did you know it was this ship?"

Glancing at his younger brother like an idiot, Ye Qiongyu explained helplessly impatiently.

"I think your book is read into the dog's belly. Didn't you see that the people on the boat next to you ran out? The boat didn't move at all!"

After hearing this sentence, Ye Zifan glanced subconsciously, and sure enough, he saw shadowy figures rushing towards the shore.

But on the ship they were on, the lights could be seen vaguely, but there was no reaction at all. If something went wrong, there must be a monster. He touched the pistol and was about to jump in.


The man raised his hand to block his younger brother who was eager to try. At this moment, the huge sea wind blew the two of them tottering, and the man's sharp eyes looked at the ship in the dark. 
"I probably estimate that there are at least a dozen people on board, so we must be careful. Brother Qi's people are also carrying guns, so don't kill yourself!"

The entire sea became silent again, as if nothing had happened.

The two of them climbed up the spiral staircase carefully, pricking up their ears vigilantly to listen to the movement around them as they walked.

The current situation is that if the two of them are not careful, not only will they not be able to save Jiang Lan, but they may also confess themselves to it.

Ye Zifan became more and more anxious, and said.

"Brother, it seems too dangerous for us to do this, in case..."

Before he could finish his words, the other party stopped him and signaled with his eyes that there was movement in the cabin.

Seeing this, Ye Zifan immediately closed his mouth, put his ear on it, held his breath and listened carefully.

"I heard a man's voice, and it should be inside without accident."

Just as the two were guessing, a woman's sharp cry pierced the night sky.

"If you don't want to die, you can let me go. Otherwise, it doesn't matter if I die alone, but I don't think everyone here will die with this so-called watchdog and be buried with me in this place, right?"

This is a familiar voice, it is Jiang Lan!
Ye Zifan's eyes were filled with surprise for a moment, and then his body leaned against the cabin and slowly groped to the door.

As the commotion inside grew louder, Ye Zifan turned his head sharply to look at his brother.

"Brother, hurry up."

In the next second, Ye Qiongyu stepped on the railing and leaped into the air, skillfully jumping aside. 
"Bang!" A violent gunshot broke the calm of the sea, and Ye Qiongyu's black windbreaker flew up and down, looking at it in the night, he really looked like a god of death who harvested life.

The movement inside the boat stopped abruptly, and someone tentatively spoke.

"Oops, brother, someone seems to have boarded our boat."

"Go out and see, who the hell is so short-sighted, and dares to act wildly on my territory."

Soon, more than a dozen black shadows came out, walking lightly on the boat, each with a black muzzle in their hands, and they looked around vigilantly.

Apparently, Brother Qi's name as a local snake is not for nothing. These people have followed him to pick quarrels and troubles since very early on. They haven't learned anything else, but fighting is very good!
The sound of gunfire was mixed with the sound of noisy footsteps, and a fierce gun battle began.

Ye Qiongyu, who was hiding in the dark, carefully counted the number of people. With the bullets in his gun, even if he hit a hundred shots, he still couldn't catch them all.

At this moment, he turned over, quickly jumped into the cabin, and then skillfully locked the door.

It's just that this ship is quite old, such a simple action directly caused a piece of wood on the side of the ship to fall off, and fell into the bottomless sea with a plop.

The voice quickly led everyone over, and a dozen figures rushed over at the same time, and someone pointed at the cabin and shouted loudly.

"It's not good, someone has gone in, hurry up!"

So next, there was an earth-shattering sound of slamming the door, which became more and more violent.

Seeing that the thin wooden board could not withstand the heavy blow for so long, Ye Zifan, who was in the blind spot in the corner, gritted his teeth, dodged, aimed at a person, and shot him neatly.


The man's head exploded in an instant, and the white and red thing threw the others in the face. Everyone screamed and took a step back, looking at the yellow hair in the middle tacitly.

"Brother, there is more than one person, what should we do?"

Huang Mao wiped the unknown liquid off his face angrily, and almost leaned on the railing to vomit, and glanced behind him with sharp eyes.

"You guys, go search over there, I don't believe they brought a lot of people with them, they are sneaky!"

Then, his gaze fell on the door panel again, grabbed an iron rod next to it, and smashed it hard a few times.

The wooden door finally broke, creaking and cracking in two, and a terrible smile appeared on the corner of Huangmao's mouth.

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