Amid everyone's dignified expressions, Ye Qiongyu's phone rang suddenly.

He picked up the phone and pressed the answer keypad with a serious expression.

"How about it?"

It was obviously Han Cheng's voice over there, he said in a low voice.

"Boss, the matter is almost ready. The forensic doctor just conducted an autopsy on the corpse. We found a highly poisonous drug in the body of the deceased, and the weight is also very heavy."

At this moment, An Yuqi who was lying on the bed also heard the forensic doctor's explanation clearly.

"Someone replaced the infusion fluid after the patient's operation with a poison, which would not be detected in a short period of time, even without basic signs of poisoning, but after one night, the poison could induce myocardial infarction and lead to the patient's death. "

This person's methods are so vicious, An Yuqi can't even imagine how the patient faced death little by little while lying on his bed after returning home.

She lowered her head and bit her lip, her eyes showed anger and sarcasm in addition to pain.

"Sure enough, someone wanted to frame me, and he didn't hesitate to exchange his life for it!"

Afterwards, Han Cheng continued to talk about the remaining things.

"Boss, I just asked the police to check the hospital's monitoring, but there is one thing that is very strange. In the monitoring that day, a section was cut off by someone. If this is the case, someone may have planned it for a long time, but it is still It is uncertain whether this person is now in the hospital or outside the hospital."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly dropped a few points, and then Ye Qiongyu's cold voice sounded, and now he can't wait to catch this murderer with his own hands and tear him to pieces.

"Release the news to the media first, and then don't worry about the rest."

Someone started plotting against his wife, and he was really very courageous.

So, Jiang Chenxi nodded, and spoke thoughtfully.

"If you put it this way, it can be explained. Moreover, the medicine that Yuqi used at that time was formulated by the cardiovascular department. It was specially used for the recovery of patients after heart surgery, so this person must be very aware of this. , and it is very likely that they are people from the hospital."

To this, Ye Qiongyu echoed.

"It can also be said that now that the police have intervened in the investigation, I believe it won't take long for this matter to come to light. By then, I will definitely not let this person go easily."

It's really a wave of ups and downs.All kinds of things are happening one after another. Who would have thought that Dr. Wang had already left, and there was still a cancer lying in the hospital, which would give you such a fatal blow.

"I really didn't expect that as a doctor, someone would be so disregarding professional ethics, what a crime!"

Jiang Chenxi sighed again and again, unable to understand such behavior.

As soon as he finished speaking, a person suddenly appeared in An Yuqi's mind, a female nurse in the cardiovascular department, she should be considered an older nurse.

That nurse had a very good relationship with Dr. Wang before, and this incident must have something to do with Nurse Lin!

If someone dares to do things behind her back like Dr. Wang did, An Yuqi guarantees that her end will only be worse than Dr. Wang's!

Looking down at the time, Jiang Chenxi picked up the thermos next to him.

"Let's do this first, I'll get busy first, Yuqi, you can cultivate at ease!"

There were only two people left in the room, and Ye Qiongyu looked at the time with their eyes facing each other.

"You stay here first, I'll go to the police to have a look."

After finishing speaking, the man walked out of the ward and closed the door carefully, but when he reached the stairs after taking a few steps, he was suddenly blocked by two people in front of him.

The middle-aged man was wearing a simple gray suit, and next to him was a young girl in her early twenties. Her skin was as beautiful as snow, set off by a bright red skirt.

The middle-aged man froze for a moment, then raised the tonic in his hand with a smile, and then spoke.

"Oh, isn't this Qiongyu? I was just going to see your wife, and I didn't expect to meet you here."

Ye Qiongyu looked up indifferently, and immediately recognized the two people in front of him, they turned out to be Uncle Xu and his daughter Xu Xiaoxuan.

Seeing this, he lowered his head and spit out a few words from his thin lips.

"Why did Uncle Xu come here suddenly? I don't seem to have told you about it, have I?"

Hearing this, Uncle Xu smiled, adjusted his tie by the way, and then spoke.

"Of course you didn't say anything. You didn't tell us about such a big matter. If you didn't visit your house two days ago, you wouldn't know about it? No, it's too late!"

Turning his gaze away, like a sharp knife, Ye Qiongyu spoke again.

"Uncle Xu, you are being polite. The attending doctor has already explained that my wife needs to rest, and it is really inconvenient to see so many guests. I appreciate your kindness, please come back!"

This was something the father and daughter of the Xu family had never imagined, so Uncle Xu's face became very embarrassed for a while, and the things he was carrying in his hand were also seen because the owner didn't welcome them at all. It becomes a bit cheaper to go up.

In the awkward atmosphere, Uncle Xu immediately winked at his daughter.

Xu Xiaoxuan understood her father's intentions and smiled gently, looking generous and decent.

"Brother Qiongyu is really polite. I came to visit my sister-in-law with my father on purpose today. We can't let us return without success, right? By the way, I heard that my sister-in-law likes pink roses very much, so I went to pick them out. I bought some good quality ones, I don’t know if she likes them or not.”

Ye Qiongyu's eyes fell on the large bouquet of pink roses in her hand, and then he spoke indifferently.

"The doctor said that putting flowers is not conducive to the self-cultivation of patients, and we usually don't put flowers in the ward!"

He was clean and neat, without any ambiguity, and made it clear that he wanted to make people dare to leave without showing any sympathy. Uncle Xu's expression suddenly became ugly.

Repeated several times, let him put his face as an elder.

"Ye Qiongyu, your words are a bit too much, right? Uncle is here to see Yu Qi, how can you have such an attitude? This is really chilling!"

After all, no matter what the Xu family said, he and the Ye family have been friends of the family for many years, so he couldn't be insulted by a brat for no reason like this, so that his old face would be put on hold!

It's just that he made a mistake in his wishful thinking. As the future heir of the Ye family, Ye Qiongyu would never pay attention to such a family friend who plotted against others.

He, Ye Qiongyu, has never met anyone, never done anything, many people scold him, and many people are unhappy, so I don't mind having one more.

"Uncle Xu, does this mean that I am not polite?"

With a long ending, Uncle Xu couldn't help cursing a few words in his heart, why is this kid so hard to deal with. 
"No, no, you're thinking too much. Uncle is just worried about Yuqi, so he's a little anxious. You'd better not take it to heart."

After he finished speaking profusely in sweat, he immediately winked at the daughter next to him.

So Xu Xiaoxuan approached Ye Qiongyu with a smile on her face, a faint smell of perfume emanated from her body, her exquisite makeup looked beautiful and elegant, and her big eyes like a Barbie doll seemed to be able to talk, flickering , making it impossible to look away at once.

She pretended to accidentally sprain her foot, let out a delicate cry, and leaned on Ye Qiongyu's arm by the way.

Ye Qiongyu has never had a good impression of this kind of woman who threw herself into her arms, so he subconsciously stepped back.

There was a loud bang, and with the woman's scream, Xu Xiaoxuan fell down the stairs all of a sudden. 
"Miss Xu, are you okay?"

An extremely calm voice came from the top of her head, Xu Xiaoxuan raised her head tearfully, just in time to meet those frosty eyes.

He looked at her as if he was looking at a passer-by who didn't want to be locked up. If it wasn't for Uncle Xu's presence, he might not even save any face for her.

Cursing his daughter a few words in his heart, Uncle Xu hurriedly helped his daughter up, and then spoke with a smile on his face.

"I don't think Qiongyu has eaten, or should we go out for a light meal? I know there is a very good French restaurant nearby?"

These two people were so stubborn, and it was really impossible to find another person. Ye Qiongyu once wondered whether his attitude had caused a misunderstanding for the two of them, and felt that he was a very talkative person.

Thinking of this, the man put one hand in his trouser pocket, and his slender figure became even more impatient.

"Talk, I have something urgent to leave immediately."

After finishing speaking, he didn't even bother to say goodbye, and still left in a detour, completely disrespecting the two of them.

Standing at the stairs, the father and daughter looked at him in a daze, and the well-tailored clothes made him look more handsome and elegant, with a unique style.

Such a man, why did he fall in love with such a doctor? Xu Xiaoxuan came to her senses and tugged at the hem of her skirt a little bit unwillingly. There was something about Miss Xu's that was comparable to that dead woman!
Thinking of this, Xu Xiaoxuan's eyes fell on the large bouquet of flowers in her hand, the anger of being humiliated welled up in her heart, and she ruthlessly threw the flowers in her hand to the ground.

The petals fell one after another, covering the steps, and it looked like a beautiful carpet.

"Bitch, I don't know what kind of ecstasy drug I gave Brother Qiongyu to make him care so much about her. What kind of thing is An Yuqi? I'm obviously better than her by a thousand times!"

After a pause, she watched Ye Qiongyu's figure leave, and the unwillingness in her heart made her directly vent her anger on Ye Qiongyu.

"It's only been a few years since I've seen you, so I treat myself as someone else, even our Xu family doesn't pay attention to it, Ye Qiongyu, you are really good!"

Seeing his precious daughter getting angry, Uncle Xu naturally gritted his teeth. He knew that Ye Qiongyu was arrogant, but he never thought that he could be so arrogant that he completely ignored the two of them.

Back then, when he and Father Ye were discussing business and the two families were developing together, this kid was not even born yet. How many years ago did he know how to blow his beard and stare at his eyes.

"It's too much, even I don't respect it. I'm really blind. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't cooperate with him back then. Isn't it all because of marrying you into the Ye family?"

A look of resentment was revealed in Uncle Xu's eyes, it looked like a poisonous snake spitting out its own letter and trying to find its prey.

Xu Xiaoxuan glanced at the empty corridor, and her eyes fell on the house number of the ward at the end.

"Dad, I really want this bitch An Yuqi to disappear. You said why didn't she die under the cliff, so that Brother Qiongyu wouldn't be so indifferent to me. Ever since that bitch took over An's, even my aunt has treated me Attitudes have changed.”

After hearing what his daughter said, the unwilling Uncle Xu nodded thoughtfully.

"That's right, Dad can't let the Ye family and the An family join forces and then become the dominant family. Fortunately, my good friend hasn't given all the rights to this kid, otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous."

"In this way, we can only make a fuss with Uncle Ye?"


The jealousy and anger in Xu Xiaoxuan's eyes were intertwined, and she angrily followed her father down the steps.

Seeing this, Uncle Xu patted his daughter on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, Dad will find a way for you, that woman will not be your opponent."

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