"Because, Director Wang was taken away by the police. Everyone knows about it. Then, the position of Director Wang is vacant. What should we do? Ladies and gentlemen, do you have any better suggestions?"

At the morning meeting, all the doctors are there.And this seemingly serious meeting was actually to elect a new director to replace Director Wang.

Everyone was whispering for a while, but no matter how low the voice was, no matter how confused it was.

An Yuqi still heard some voices about her.

"An Yuqi doesn't have a good relationship with Director Wang, but her medical skills are much better than him, and she is Mrs. Ye's wife. Tell me, if the position of director is not hers, who else can it be?"

"That's right, it's just a formality. Is there any need to call everyone together?"

"We didn't have anything to do, and they called us over. I was really full and panicked."

When An Yuqi's eyes fell in front of them, she pretended nothing happened and said nothing.

Such a scene looks very embarrassing.

However, the cutscenes that should be gone still have to go.

An Yuqi herself also thought that even if she was appointed to take over from Director Wang's class.

But her medical skills can also support this position, and it can be said that she is well-deserved.

So, it doesn't matter whether it is decided by default or elected.

Is it important?
After the meeting, An Yuqi packed her things slowly, and slowly left the meeting room under the complimenting and envious eyes of everyone.

But before he had gone far, he was stopped by the dean.

"Dean, are you okay?"

In memory, the dean is not a person who likes to deal with her.Moreover, even if he had contact with her in normal times, he would be severely reprimanded, or deducted money for no trouble, and put it in his own pocket instead.

Such a person suddenly came to her with a smile on his face today.

Obviously something is wrong.

"Of course there is something, but it's not a big deal." The dean said with a pile of smiles, "I know that you and Mr. Ye are husband and wife. They have a very good relationship and love each other very much. So, can you, Mrs. Ye, help me in this matter? Mr. Ye said a few kind words to me, how about more sponsorship and investment?"

An Yuqi's footsteps involuntarily stopped, and she looked at the dean with contempt and disdain in her eyes.

She felt that there must be something wrong with coming to find herself today.

Sure enough, if there is nothing to show courteousness, it is either rape or robbery.

"Don't worry! As long as you can help me with a few good words, I can get investment and sponsorship. I promise, you won't be the only director!"

The dean added another sentence before An Yuqi could speak.

However, this sentence will only make An Yuqi more disgusted.

"I'm sorry, Dean, I might not be able to help you." An Yuqi said after thinking for a while, "Don't look at the love between our husband and wife, it's just a show for outsiders to gain fame. What is it like inside? Yes, only I know. If I have some status at home, I can say a few words to you. But, I can’t talk at home. So, I can’t help you with this favor. "

After finishing speaking, An Yuqi didn't give the director any room to discuss, so she turned around and walked to the patient's ward for a routine examination.

Seeing An Yuqi leaving without mercy, the dean's angry face became very ugly.

"Really, I really think of myself as someone if I give you a chicken feather as an arrow!" The dean waved his sleeves and said angrily, "It's your honor to give you a chance to help! You don't take it seriously! I Let's see how long you, the director, can sit, and if you can sit still!"

After speaking, the dean left very angrily.

And it's not like An Yuqi who was in the ward didn't notice the dean who left angrily outside.

The little nurse on the side didn't quite understand, and asked quietly: "Now it's time to call you Director An, but why don't you want to say a few more good words for the dean! Just say a few good words casually, you But the future is endless!"

An Yuqi walked out while recording the case, and said without raising her head: "My future is won by strength, not by words. At that time, if the patient has a problem, who will be responsible? No This diamond, don't do porcelain work. I don't want to be the second Director Wang, understand?"

The nurses on the side and the people who heard what An Yuqi said all gave their thumbs up.

Alas, if the previous Director Wang was half as enlightened as An Yuqi is now.

Then, the hospital will not have a lot of messy doctor-patient disputes every year.

An Yuqi's words spread quickly in the hospital.

With the fastest speed and time, the newly appointed Director An was sought after in the hospital.

Everyone in the hospital who was still tense can finally relax a little bit now.

During the lunch break, An Yuqi wanted to take this opportunity to take a nap, but before she could close her eyes, she was shaken by her colleagues.

"Look, this is the live news that just came out today."

An Yuqi took the phone in doubt, and clicked on the live broadcast page.I saw that the person who appeared in the mobile phone video was none other than Wang Yajun, who was confirmed to have nothing to do with the kidnapping of An Yuqi, and was interviewed after he was released.

"Ms. Wang Yajun, I heard that a member who was involved in the kidnapping case with a scar on his face died in the unknown. The police ruled that he committed suicide, but do you think he committed suicide in fear of crime or died to protect the real criminal? ?”

Wang Yajun did not think of such a sharp question.

"I'm not sure about this. After all, the person is gone. If we judge randomly, it will only disturb the peace of the deceased."

After Wang Yajun was silent for a while, she replied calmly.

It doesn't look like there is a flaw, but the people watching are always itchy with anger.

"Then, Ms. Wang Yajun, since you don't think he wants to protect the real criminal. Then, can it be understood that he chose to commit suicide in fear of crime in order to put the blame on you?"

This question is a bit interesting, Wang Yajun smiled calmly and said: "It's not worth it if I say it alone. After all, I was also implicated in this case. The truth of the matter, we still have to wait." After the police investigation is over, wait for the announcement!"

After finishing speaking, Wang Yajun, along with his father Wang Linchang and bodyguards, hurried to the direction of parking.

"Wait a minute!" The reporters followed up again and kept asking, "Was it because of An Yuqi that Wang Yajun was abandoned by Ye Qiongyu? Otherwise, why would Ye Qiongyu choose to be with her?" How about An Yuqi, who can't be compared?"

What he said made Wang Yajun, who was about to open the car door and get in, stop in place.

This is the truth that she has never been willing to face. She is obviously better than An Yuqi, and she is the one who is so small that everyone loves her!
But why, when she grows up, the person she loves the most doesn't love her?

Instead, she fell in love with An Yuqi who was not as good as her!
Thinking of this, Wang Yajun's face instantly became extremely ugly.

I wanted to explode, but was held down by Wang Linchang.

After a hint of winking, Wang Yajun sat in the car swallowing his anger, and let the reporters next to his ears say all kinds of mocking words about her inferiority to An Yuqi without saying a word.

No matter how ugly his face was, he could only endure it.

Because, she must cherish this hard-won freedom.

When An Yuqi and Jiang Chenxi watched this video and the explanation next to it in the office, their eyes were full of smiles.

From beginning to end, the laughter never stopped.

"Tell me, why am I so happy when I see Wang Yajun's deflated look?"

Jiang Chenxi peeled an orange, and while eating it, he kept looking at Wang Yajun's ugly face in the video, speechless.

"You know, she used to be as arrogant as she wanted to be, but now? She can't wait to be a scumbag, but none of the reporters who came to interview her cared about her thoughts as the client, but asked a bunch of irrelevant but everywhere It hits the nail on the head. It's really, really cool!"

An Yuqi couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't expect this to happen either, I only know that Ye Qiongyu told me before that when Wang Yajun was acquitted and released, he would send a big gift. But, no It was a surprise to think that this would be the case.”

At this time, colleagues in the office, and even colleagues in the next-door department outside, all sent gifts one after another.

There are fruit baskets, flowers, chocolates that girls like, and dolls as tall as a person.

These are the benefits that Director Wang never had when he took office.

However, today she actually enjoyed it.

"This, what is this?" An Yuqi looked at the things brought by the two little nurses, and asked suspiciously, "Okay, why are you giving me gifts, one or two?"

The little nurse opened the box in her hand and said, "This is a bracelet that the two of us pooled our money to buy. It's not a very good brand, and it's only 500 yuan. Don't be disgusted, it's just a little thought."

An Yuqi knew that no matter how high a nurse's monthly salary was, it couldn't be higher than that of a doctor, and these two were still intern nurses.

The intern nurse has no salary for a year, and she was even given gifts, which made An Yuqi even more embarrassed.

"You guys should take it back, I just became the director, how can I accept gifts properly?"

However, when the two nurses heard that An Yuqi was unwilling to accept the gift, they were so anxious that they were about to cry.

"Director An, you should accept it! The hospital was made into a mess by Director Wang before, but now that you are here, you can preside over the overall situation for us. Of course we want to send some gifts to express our congratulations!"

"That's right! If you don't accept it, then you will accept all the other people's gifts. The bracelet given by the two of us, you don't think it's too cheap..."

As a result, An Yuqi had no choice but to accept it.

However, after An Yuqi received the gift, she sent a long WeChat message to the work group.

It roughly means that I was very uneasy when I just took the position of director, and hoped to get guidance from the seniors.As for the gift, I have already received it, please colleagues who haven't given it yet don't give it again.Otherwise, all the gifts received will be returned in full.

Originally, An Yuqi wanted to return all the presents.

However, when I thought of the pitiful look in the eyes of the two little nurses just now, I couldn't bear it.

I had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, and the "receipt of gifts" ended here.

"Oh, I felt so much enthusiasm when I first became the director." An Yuqi glanced at the piles of presents on the desk, she was quite helpless, but she was very touched and said, "I'm really not old Got used to it!"

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