Watching the chattering couple gradually walk away, An Yuqi's eyes became more sly, and she took the man's arm and began to walk back.

"Prince William's girlfriend, I'm afraid her face will be distorted in anger?"

She seemed to be in a good mood, her big eyes looked at the blue sky, and her whole body was filled with a relaxed and happy feeling.

Why do you suddenly feel that the little white rabbit has turned into a big bad wolf?The more silly something looks, the easier it is to fight back.

Along the way, An Yuqi's surprises for him were no longer limited to the previous situation, but more and more, which caught him off guard.

There was a big bag of wigs in her hand, An Yuqi frowned with difficulty, and then thought of the operation a few days later, she couldn't help but feel a little sad.

She suddenly stopped her step, and spoke suddenly after a while.

"Can I not have this operation?"

At least for so long now, she hasn't felt any signs of headache or dizziness, and the whole situation still looks pretty good.


Without too many words, someone stopped and stared at her delicate face as big as a palm with complicated eyes.

Puckering her lips, An Yuqi looked at the wig in her hand.

"Because I think I should be a benign blood clot. You see, I haven't shown any obvious symptoms in the past few days. There is no need for surgery for benign blood clots, and they can be dissolved directly by drugs."

She said, shaking her head to show that she is very healthy now.

The man lowered his eyes to think for a moment, then suddenly stopped, his black pupils looked directly at her water-like pupils.

"Afraid of surgery?"

Regarding this, An Yuqi nodded helplessly.

She is a doctor, so she naturally understands the consequences of the operation. Craniotomy, especially the brain, no matter how good a doctor's skills are, it is impossible to recover as well as before. Only one part of it goes wrong. , then may leave a lifetime of sequelae.

For so many years in the operating room, she has seen all kinds of life and death.

"In any case, as long as the operation is performed, it will not be exactly the same as before, and the consequences of the operation are likely to be more serious."

If she was not careful, she might not be able to pick up a scalpel to save more people in her life.

This is the most important one among other reasons.

Thinking of those patients, she still felt a little regretful.

Seeing this, the man carefully pinched her hand in his broad palm, and comforted her softly.

"Don't be afraid, no matter what happens after the operation, I will be with you and will never leave you. If you can no longer be a doctor in the future, you can be my wife with peace of mind. How many children will we have? !right?"

His fingers slid across the woman's smooth skin, and his hands were smooth.

He spoke very naturally and smoothly, An Yuqi subconsciously touched her lower abdomen, if that child was still alive, she might already be able to call mom and dad by now, thinking of this, she couldn't help feeling sad.

However, she didn't even think about the matter that Ye Qiongyu mentioned later, but now that it is brought up, she actually feels a little bit embarrassed.

"Well, I, I'm not suitable for pregnancy now!"

He sighed, and stretched out his hand to embrace her thin shoulders in his arms. His voice was so soft and soft, as if he had been soaked in a honey vat, which made people yearn for it.

"It doesn't matter what the child is, it's just you, when will you give me a full recovery?"

"Don't worry too much. What if you are in that situation? As you said, blood clots are benign and can be eliminated with medicine, so Yuqi, you must be optimistic. The experts here are very authoritative. You'll be fine, trust me."

Hearing this, An Yuqi's eyes were squinted under the sun, like two crescent moons, she looked gentle and playful, she stood on tiptoe slightly, and wrapped her hands around the man's solid waist.

"Ye Qiongyu, thank you, I feel very happy now, even if the blood clot can't be dealt with, I'm still very happy!"

Her eyes were shining brightly, as dazzling as the stars in the sky, and the people watching them were a little dazzled for a while.

"Please believe me, it will only get better and better in the future, and I will not let you face the same predicament as before."

Large private hospital.

"Mr. Ye, Mrs. Ye, please, our expert team has arrived."

The female nurse spoke fluent English and guided the two people into the examination room. An Yuqi saw that it was already filled with many top experts, and those green or blue pupils looked at the two people who walked in friendly. .

Before starting the operation, many items need to be inspected. Although An Yuqi has made preparations, she is still a little uneasy, but fortunately, Ye Qiongyu chose to guard her around every step of the way.

One look, one movement, and one sentence from him gave her great encouragement, and even the preoperative examination, which was a little scary, became less scary.

Soon, all the items were checked, and the two returned to the original outpatient clinic and began to wait for the test results.

Time passed by every minute and every second, An Yuqi looked down, and the hands holding the thin skirt fabric were already covered in cold sweat, even the top of the skirt was wet.

She was very nervous, and countless scenarios flashed through her mind.

Suddenly, a big hand reached out and held her hand tightly.

An Yuqi turned her head, and seeing the firm gaze in someone's eyes, she immediately felt a lot lighter.

Not long after, a blond female doctor in a white coat came out with a stack of documents in her hand, with a relaxed expression on her face, but with a little surprise.

"Mrs. Ye, your condition seems to be fine. According to the results of our examination, there is no need for craniotomy for the 2 blood clots in the back of your brain. It seems that the blood clots have not compressed the main nerves, so they will not affect your health. Life, as long as the care is taken properly, headaches and fainting will not happen again."

An unexpected result, the two looked at each other, and An Yuqi took the list from the doctor's hand.

"Hi doctor, I was checked at the Huaxia hospital. The blood clot was oppressing the nerve at that time, so I considered coming to London for surgery."

The female doctor spread her arms and made an incredible gesture, her blue eyes were full of disbelief.

"But the current examination shows that the location is correct, and the blood clot and I are still in good condition. We will consider giving you medicine for treatment, but it will take a little longer, and there may be slight side effects, but not It will be very strong, Mrs. Ye, congratulations."

After listening to the doctor's explanation, An Yuqi felt that all this was unbelievable like a dream. The two held hands tightly, and Ye Qiongyu spoke calmly.

"Are there any side effects, can Dr. Susan have a brief chat with us?"

Pushing the pair of gold-rimmed glasses above the bridge of the nose, Dr. Susan looked down at the examination results.

"Drug treatment will affect women's fertility, so our suggestion here is that the two of you should not prepare for pregnancy in the near future, otherwise, if there is a problem with the fetus, it will be a very troublesome thing."

As soon as the female doctor finished speaking, An Yuqi became a little anxious.

"how long will it takes?"

Seeing An Yuqi's overly nervous appearance, Dr. Susan smiled and spoke easily.

"Don't worry, it won't last long, about half a year or so."

After hearing these words, An Yuqi patted her chest, and only then did she feel her heart stabilized.

This private hospital has gathered the top doctors in London. The treatment plan alone is a thick stack of documents, which makes An Yuqi, a doctor with a professional background, feel that she is beyond her reach.

As a result of the medicine and the plan, An Yuqi realized that just now she did not expect that she would be so nervous about the issue of pregnancy.

Taking a peek at the man next to him, he didn't seem to have much emotional ups and downs.

The two of them walked out of the hospital gate, and suddenly felt that breathing became easier. The man took the medicine in her hand and fondled the woman's long hair.

"It seems that my wife still cares about me. Otherwise, when Dr. Susan was talking about it, you were so anxious?"

Hearing this, an imperceptible blush appeared on An Yuqi's face, and then she turned back angrily.

"Where is it, I'm just afraid that if you can't have a child in the future, it's obviously your Ye Qiongyu's problem, and if you blame me, it will be bad."

She looked at the man who was waiting for me with black lines all over her face with her big naughty eyes, and then she yelled loudly.

It wasn't until this time that the two of them really felt what it meant to survive the catastrophe.

"As for the side effects of the drug, don't think too much about it. You have to trust the level of these experts and don't worry at all."

"Are you so sure?"

She asked back, her satin-like long hair was black and shiny in the sun, she touched a strand of soft long hair, and opened her mouth with emotion.

"It seems that the wigs I bought cost too much money."

She was wearing a thin dress, floating in the wind, as beautiful as an elf, as if she would fly away in the next moment, fleeting.

The man took a few steps forward, took the woman's slender and tender arm, raised his eyebrows slightly, and then bent down.

An Yuqi rolled her round eyeballs, staring at the facial features that suddenly enlarged in front of her without blinking.

He was still the same as before, with exquisite facial features that couldn't pick out any flaws, and everything felt just right, being watched by those deep eyes, An Yuqi felt that there was a bottomless black hole in front of her eyes .

The whole person is drawn in by a powerful attraction, there is no way to retreat, no way to avoid, and one can only follow the force to move forward.

A few seconds later, the familiar fresh taste wafted from the lips, permeating between the lips and teeth, it was surprisingly comfortable.

She just froze in place, watching him close his eyes slightly, his eyelashes trembling, absorbing her fragrance and beauty bit by bit.

It seemed that a century had passed, so long that An Yuqi could feel her whole body weakening, and she couldn't help but feel a little unstable.

In the next second, she reacted quickly, pushed away the man in front of her, wiped her lips, and hurriedly observed the pedestrians coming and going around her, before throwing down a word angrily.


The man didn't mind at all, but his pupils were filled with interest, and his delicate voice rang out.

"You are my wife. Isn't this a normal thing on the streets of London?"

"Get off your salty pig's hand!"

An Yuqi yelled dissatisfied, and when she turned her head, the man inadvertently caught a glimpse of the red blood dripping earlobe, and couldn't help but chuckle inwardly.

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