He never thought that his father would be such a person, but when the truth of the matter was revealed, he only felt a chill that went deep into his bones.

"Why, you look very angry, but what can you do?"

Father Ye lit a cigarette and held it in his hands, spreading his hands nonchalantly, as if conveying the shrewdness and cruelty of a businessman.

After thinking for a long time, Ye Qiongyu raised his head, and stared straight at his father like an arrow.

"I won't be like you, father. Man is doing what God is watching. If you do this kind of thing for temporary benefit, there will be retribution sooner or later."

A few seconds later, Father Ye raised his head, looked up to the sky and laughed, as if mocking his son's overreach and kindness, then he shook his head and looked at his son playfully.

"You really haven't experienced the beatings of the society. It doesn't matter. There will be a long time to come. One day you will see whether your father will be punished."

Grabbing the documents scattered on the table, Ye Qiongyu clenched his fists angrily, but finally loosened them slowly.

He strode towards the door in stride, but the moment he pushed the door open, he stopped slightly and turned his head slowly.

"I won't be like you!"

With a loud bang, the man in front of him slammed the door and left without the slightest compromise.

Pressing the cigarette in his hand into the crystal ashtray to extinguish it, quietly watching the rising smoke, Father Ye's expression became serious and dignified for a while.

"Chairman, this..."

The assistant ran in in a hurry, looked up at Father Ye's cloudy face tremblingly, he hesitated for a while and couldn't even finish his sentence.

A few minutes later, a deep middle-aged man's voice sounded.

"It's really my son, he's getting more and more promising! He's really going to turn the world upside down in the future."

Hearing this, the assistant was even more disturbed, so he immediately asked. 
"What do you mean, chairman?"

"Take one step at a time, and one day, he will come to beg me."

in the cafe.

An Yuqi looked at Jiang Lan who looked anxious in front of her in bewilderment, and she had a premonition in her heart that something might happen. Sure enough, Jiang Lan looked very unnatural, and seemed to struggle for a long time before she was willing to say the purpose of calling her out today .

"Goddess, I found out another thing. It might not be good. It's about your mother. I don't know if I should say it."

Seeing Jiang Lan's eyes flicker, An Yuqi became more sure that there was something wrong, so she asked again.

"Hurry up and tell me, there is something I can't accept now, isn't it that I have experienced enough?"

Seeing this, Jiang Lan bit her lip, as if she had made up her mind, before speaking.

"That is, your mother's car accident is inseparable from your stepmother and sister."

What?She only knew that her father and stepmother had bad intentions, but she never thought that their mother's death was actually caused by them. No, there must be some misunderstanding in the middle, it can't be like this.

Seeing the disbelief on her face, Jiang Lan softened her tone a little, and then pushed over a few transfer records and details.

"This is a conjecture. What I accidentally discovered in An's is that your stepmother and sister bought some insurance the day before your mother's car accident, and that An's paid a large sum of money to One person, and there is no news about this person in Huaxia at present, he should have gone abroad, and your mother's car was repaired in his shop before the accident."

After the mother and father got married, the Anshi Group had been fully managed by the father, and the stepmother and younger sister happened to be the company's finances at the time, all of which pointed to a result that everyone thought was impossible.

The revelation of the truth actually makes people feel extremely heartbroken and painful.

One side is her biological father, and the other is her biological sister. Could it be that she really wants to attack her own sister for revenge?
"I think your father probably didn't know about this, because the payment didn't have your father's signature at all, it's obviously a private account, because what I found out was an internal account of the company, it's impossible fake."

Seeing that she was embarrassed, Jiang Lan immediately understood and added another sentence.

An Zhimi's distorted face seemed to appear in front of her, with a broken smile on her face, and she screamed in a high-pitched way.

"An Yuqi, who do you think you are? You are just like your dead mother, you deserve to be a short-lived ghost!" 
"All of us are still alive and well. Only your mother is dead. She should have died a long time ago. It would be best if she couldn't give birth to a bastard like you."

The events of so many years flooded into her mind one by one, and An Yuqi's hands on the table began to tremble continuously, and she grabbed those yellowed old documents into a ball of waste paper.

How could she not hate such a person, such a sister!

Seeing that something was wrong, Jiang Lan immediately got up and grabbed her hand, then called softly.

"Goddess, are you okay? What's wrong with you?"

After a shock came back to her senses, An Yuqi showed a pale and feeble smile, holding Jiang Lan's cold hand, and shook her head disappointedly.

"I'm fine. It's just that my mother should have lived a good life, but she gave her life for nothing. It's really not worth it for her to marry such a man."

After a long silence, Jiang Lan's eyes were firm, and she held her hand tightly.

"Yuqi, listen to me. This time, you can't be soft-hearted. You must find a way to avenge your mother. You can't let this mother and daughter go!"

It was supposed to be a family of blood, but it turned out to be like this in the end. An Yuqi raised her head and looked at the thick night outside the window.

In addition to anger in her heart, in fact, she was more unwilling and sad.

Don't worry about this pair of mother and daughter, at least she will pay back everything she owes.

The hatred of killing one's mother is unshakable, and she must avenge this hatred.

"I will take revenge, Jiang Lan, I will not let the two of them go, if it weren't for them, how could my mother die so early and let the enemy enter the house!"

The next day, in the office of Huaxia Hospital.

Public opinion on the Internet has begun to fly everywhere, and there is a tendency for Wang Yajun to be released early without charge.

An Yuqi pinched the thin newspaper in her hand and almost tore it to pieces. Wang Linchang's movements were also a little too fast, a little faster than she expected, it was time to beat it.

When the phone rang, Wang Linzhang trembled and nearly fell off his chair.

Looking at the phone number on the screen, I resisted even more, and then I picked up the phone.

Walking to the window, An Yuqi looked at the people coming and going downstairs, with her right hand wrapped around her chest, she spoke calmly.

"Mr. Wang seems to be in a good mood recently. That's right, Wang Yajun is about to be released. As a father, you will inevitably feel a little better."

Hearing this, Wang Linchang's forehead was instantly covered with fine beads of sweat. He was really afraid that something happened in the middle, which would lead to the wastage of all previous efforts. .

Thinking of this, he dared not speak out, swallowed immediately, wiped the sweat from his forehead with his sleeve, and then tried to show a relaxed tone with a smile on his face.

"Mrs. Ye, what are you talking about? Yajun was released thanks to the contributions of you and Young Master Ye. I am naturally happy, and thank you for letting my little girl go."

An Yuqi, who was here, glanced at the succulents placed on the window sill, and she could almost imagine with her toes that Wang Linchang must have scolded herself a million times in her heart, so she simply spoke out.

"I don't mean anything else, just want to remind Mr. Wang a few words, don't treat us as blind for some things, we both turn a blind eye and close one eye, and this matter will pass slowly. If Mr. Wang holds back Can’t stop, if you think about it later, it’s just the same, then things may backfire.”

Hearing this, Wang Linchang was so frightened that he didn't dare to vent his anger. He was afraid that if she was unhappy, his daughter would have to go to work again, so he immediately apologized.

"Yes, yes, I understand Mrs. Ye's exhortations, and I will also pay attention to propriety. This kind of thing will never happen in the future."

Regarding this, An Yuqi was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, so she hung up the phone directly, and then stood silently by the window.

In the time to come, she will slowly settle these accounts one by one.

Looking down at her watch, it was already time for work in the afternoon. When she raised her hand to take off the white coat hanging on the hanger, she vaguely felt something was wrong.

A dull feeling came from the head, accompanied by subtle pain, which seemed to be absent. After covering her temples for a long time, An Yuqi gradually woke up and shook her head tiredly.

It seems that recent work is a bit too busy, she should also pay attention to her body and take more rest.

Thinking of this, she put on her white coat and reached for the medical record folder on the table.

The scene in front of him suddenly became blurred, the world began to shake, and the back of his head seemed to be hit hard.

"It seems that, as a doctor, Ah Bao is going to pass out in such a shameful manner?"

There was a self-deprecating smile on the corner of An Yuqi's mouth, and then she quickly supported a corner of the table.

It's just that the situation didn't improve in any way, instead, her whole body became weaker and weaker. She tried her best to reach out for her mobile phone on the table, but was surprised to find that it couldn't be done at all.

There was another strong dizziness. She shook her head hard, but she felt that her head was very heavy, and her eyelids began to feel sleepy. Could it be that she couldn't hold it? .

As soon as she had such a thought, her eyes turned into darkness.

First, the screen of the mobile phone on the table flickered, and it rang for a long time alone, and then the landline rang many times, but no one answered.

Soon, hurried footsteps stopped at the door of the office.

"Dr. An, are you there, Dr. An? The patient's appointment time is up, Dr. An?"

Seeing that no one answered for a long time, the nurse pushed open the door and walked in uneasily, then covered her mouth in fright at the scene in front of her.

There was a woman lying down beside the table, her face was pale and her eyes were closed.

"Doctor An, how are you doing, Doctor An?"

The little nurse had never seen such a scene before, and immediately put her trembling hand under An Yuqi's nose. After confirming it, she breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately ran to the door and started shouting.

"Come quickly, Dr. An has an accident, come quickly!"

Following her shout, there were noisy footsteps in the corridor, and a female doctor checked briefly.

"The situation is not very good now. It seems to be in shock. Hurry up and take him to the ward, and hurry up."

When Jiang Chenxi arrived, the scene had become chaotic. The woman lying on the stretcher was ashen-faced, and she was still wearing a white coat, but she was completely motionless, looking lifeless.

I hope nothing will happen to her!

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