The next day, in the living room of the branch office, Brother Qi sat in a good rattan chair with his legs crossed, and across the table was Lawyer Wang in a suit.

Bowing his head and taking a sip of tea, Lawyer Wang had a smile on his face, and immediately praised him when he raised his head.

"This is the best Biluochun, Brother Qi seems to be getting better and better."

Thinking of what happened last night, I always felt a fire in my chest, and the next second Brother Qi put the cup in his hand heavily on the table.

So Lawyer Wang's face immediately changed, and he seemed to understand something when he thought of finding him here.

"Who is so short-sighted and offended our Brother Qi?"

Regarding this, a younger brother standing next to Brother Qi immediately spoke up.

"It wasn't yesterday that the people from the Industry and Commerce Bureau came to check our branch company, and the An's Group, the former heir who was short-sighted wanted to take the group back, and he didn't sleep well all night. , I called you here before dawn, my barrister, you can think of a way for the boss as soon as possible."

For so many years, Lawyer Wang was more or less clear about what business Brother Qi was doing, so he spoke after a little thought.

"Brother Qi, it's your fault. Since they want to go back to An's, let's pay them back. We can also take the opportunity to dump all those unclear things to An's. Let them deal with the mess."

Lawyer Wang put down the cup in his hand calmly, so Brother Qi's eyes lit up.

The next second, the assistant rushed in in a panic, glanced at everyone present, and broke another shocking news.

"Brother Qi, our factory in the south of the city was investigated, and the supervisory agency found heroin in the factory."


Things happened one after another, and he really didn't even give him a chance to breathe. Brother Qi raised his hand and threw the cup on the table to the ground.

"Check, let me find out who did it, I must have skinned him!"

The drugs that arrived that time were robbed at the pier. How could there be drugs in the factory again? This is because someone is behind the scenes.

After the assistant left, Brother Qi slumped on the chair all of a sudden, and didn't recover for a long time.

Rolling his eyes, Lawyer Wang seemed to realize something.

"It seems that Brother Qi has encountered big troubles recently, but this matter is too coincidental. I think it is probably the person who wants to take back An's. Otherwise, who has nothing to do to oppose you?"

After finishing speaking, he put down his teacup and left with a half smile.

This sentence awakened Brother Qi all of a sudden, he slowly sat up straight, and carefully thought about what happened recently.

It seemed that An Zhimi's situation was constant at first, and later on when An Yuqi wanted to return to An's, things followed one after another.

He didn't believe that a woman could have such superb skills, so it must be Mr. Ye.

"Contact Ye Qiongyu immediately, I want to see him!"

During the long waiting time, Brother Qi was alone in the small living room, anxiously turning around like ants on a hot pot.

Soon, the little follower came in and spoke hesitantly.

"Brother Qi, that Mr. Ye said that he is very busy recently and has no time to see customers."

"If not, keep in touch until he sees me!"

After the little follower left, he stood alone in the empty living room. A sense of panic invaded from all directions and gradually penetrated into his heart. Facing the huge French windows, Brother Qi sighed slowly.

A few days later, the Ye Group met in the living room.

The tall man was facing the glass window, and the aroma of hand-ground coffee permeated every corner of the room. The man quietly looked at the rough sea in the distance, with a faint smile on his lips.

Without any effort, he took down a local snake who was fearless and could only beg for mercy.

"Boss, people have arrived."

Han Cheng's voice sounded behind him, Ye Qiongyu turned around expressionlessly, walked over and sat down in front of the small coffee table.

At this moment, Brother Qi was no different from the eggplant beaten by Shuang. He walked in dejectedly, and as soon as he came in, he met the chill in the eyes of the man opposite him.

Unable to shudder, he sat down, without going around the bush, and straight to the point.

"Boss Ye is really boring. He has a big family and a big business, and he has spare time to make trouble with me. What do you really want?"

Ye Qiongyu crossed his hands, looking extraordinarily calm, when a cold voice sounded. 
"Brother Qi should know what I want to do."

Hearing this, Brother Qi sneered, and the long scar on his face moved accordingly, making him look a little more hideous. He sat up and spoke every word.

"I'm alone, and I haven't seen any scenes, but you, the petite and lovely beauty next to you, but everyone loves it! I don't mind, I call her over one day to play, that white coat is really cute It’s mind-boggling!”

He dared to use An Yuqi to threaten him, the man in front of him was committing suicide step by step, Ye Qiongyu smiled calmly.

"You can try it, can you move a single hair of her?"

There was silence in the living room, and suddenly, Brother Qi raised his head and laughed like a madman.

The more this kind of person, the desperado, will naturally be desperate if he is in a hurry.

"Ye Qiongyu, don't be so complacent. It's good for both of us if you see a good one. Otherwise, I will bet all my wealth and life, and I will let you and that woman go to see Hades together."

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu stretched out a hand, and Han Cheng immediately handed over a document knowingly.

"Okay, as long as you sign this document, I can consider letting you go."

After finishing speaking, he leisurely picked up the coffee, with the appearance of being sure of winning.

It was a share transfer document of the An's Group. In the past two years, if he hadn't held the An's Group in his hands, Brother Qi would have been far from achieving what he is today.

If he wanted to go back to An's, it would be tantamount to gouging out a big piece of fat, how could he be willing.

"Let me tell you, no one can take Anshi away from me. You and that bitch, just wait for me to clean up! Let's wait and see."

After saying this, Brother Qi was about to leave as soon as he slapped the table.

Some people really did not shed tears when they saw the coffin, Ye Qiongyu shook his head regretfully, and took a sip of coffee by the way.

"The amount of drugs on the pier is not small. You can think about it clearly. After you leave this door, within an hour, the special police team will dispatch to arrest you. You have sold so many drugs. Think about when you will die."

Some people seek their own death, and he can't help it.

Drugs at the dock, Brother Qi suddenly collapsed on the ground. Once arrested, he will face the death penalty. This man can actually do things like this.

At this time, Han Cheng came over and challenged him again.

"Brother Qi, go slowly, we won't see you off."

No, he can't just die like this!Brother Qi raised his head and saw Ye Qiongyu's sharp-edged side face in the backlight, just like a judge, if he didn't pay attention, he ended his life directly.

Only then did he understand why the rumored Ye Qiongyu was so scary.

"Okay, I'll sign."

After a while, he squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

So Han Cheng immediately handed over the paper and pen, and watched the two flamboyant characters signed on the last page of the contract.Ye Qiongyu raised the corners of his lips slightly and waved his hands.

Immediately, another contract was placed in front of Brother Qi.

"I just changed my mind. I will take 10% of your future income."

What, Brother Qi looked incredulously at the eyes of the man across from him who seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

"You deceive people too much, don't even think about it!"

He almost shouted these words in a roar, the expression on his face twisted and out of control.

The man on the opposite side quietly played with the cup in his hand, as if playing with him in the palm of his hand.

"Why, are you reluctant?"

Of course he couldn't bear it, he lost a piece of assets, and got an extra shareholder who only paid dividends and didn't invest.

"Go ahead and dream, you are not a good thing like that bitch."

The man yelled cursing, his eyes were terrifying and ferocious.

The room was terribly quiet, Ye Qiongyu shook his head regretfully, since this is the case, there is nothing more to say.

"Han Cheng, call two security guards to come up. Let's send Brother Qi directly to the Public Security Bureau, so that the SWAT team won't be mobilized once."

When he said this, he calmly ended a person's life as easily as he was talking about what he ate today.

Nodding his head, Han Cheng walked up to Brother Qi.

"Don't worry, I will send the best car to take you there in a beautiful way."

No, he can't die, brother Qi's eyes showed great fear, as if an invisible big knife was on his neck, and he couldn't breathe under the pressure.

"I sign, I sign."

Seeing this, Ye Qiongyu waved his hand.

"Isn't it over if it's like this? Hurry up and help Brother Qi up, what does it look like?"

Trembling and signing the second agreement, Brother Qi watched Ye Qiongyu put away the documents in satisfaction, his eyes were filled with ashes for a while.

Huaxia Hospital.

"Doctor An, someone is looking for you outside."

A female nurse came in with a folder of medical records in her hand and reminded An Yuqi, and then went out.


Putting down the pen in her hand, An Yuqi was about to get up and go out.

The office door was suddenly pushed open, and a man in a silver-gray suit appeared at the door. He had a tall body, a head of blond hair that stood out, and two eyes full of exotic styles. He spoke with a smile.

"Hi, Miss Jiang."

It turned out to be Prince William, An Yuqi turned around calmly and continued to read the documents.

"What are you here for?"

Walking slowly around the small office with arms folded, Prince William smiled slightly.

"This condition is far worse than London. If you want to be a doctor, you have no future here."

Too lazy to talk to him, An Yuqi didn't even lift her eyelids.

"Medicine is to save patients, and it's not a profitable industry. Of course, it can't get into the eyes of the prince."

For her dissatisfaction, Prince William didn't care too much, but walked slowly in front of the woman.

"Do you hate me so much? When you were in the United States, you were not like this. You were very gentle at that time, and the way you recovered your memory now is really not good at all."

As he spoke, he reached out to touch her long hair.

An Yuqi stepped aside quickly, and issued a warning.

"Prince, this is a hospital and an office, let's be more self-respecting."

Withdrew his hand embarrassingly, Prince William didn't have any fluctuating expression on his face, and he spoke again as if nothing had happened.

"Well, you don't have to think too much. I'm going back to the United States tomorrow, so I came here to say goodbye to you today. Of course, I hope you will come to the airport to see me off tomorrow."

Hearing this, the movements in An Yuqi's hands froze instantly, and the idea of ​​resistance became stronger and stronger.

As if seeing something, the man slowly approached.

"Why, you look very unhappy?"

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