It seems that things have passed for so long, and she still insists on killing him with one bite. She did it.

An Yuqi despised her behavior in her heart and couldn't help shaking her head.

"If the past is dug out, I think it will be bad for my sister. You and I know it well, don't force me to give you face!"


Standing up uncontrollably, her face turned pale with anger, An Zhimi hated her and gritted her teeth, but a few seconds later, a devilish smile appeared on her face.

"I think there's nothing to talk about between us. You're just a lowly son of a daughter, not even worthy to carry my shoes. Get the hell out of here before you're humiliated. You and your half-dead girl are going to die together." Like my old lady for half a year, her heart is higher than the sky, and her life is thinner than paper."

She never hesitated to use harsh words to ridicule her, the sadder An Yuqi was, the more excited she was.

Back then, An Guoming's first wife was An Yuqi's mother. It wasn't until later that An Yuqi knew that her father had been living with someone outside, and that she had lived together illegally and gave birth to a sister for herself. In the end, her mother found out the truth. I'm sorry, the mother and daughter moved into An's house grandly, and later had this younger sister.

They also really dare to do, really dare to say.

But today, she is trying to recover the property of An's family.

Thinking of this, An Yuqi calmly shrugged her shoulders.

"You're right. I have nothing to say. I don't have anything to do and I won't go to the Three Treasures Hall. I just have some things. I want to ask my good sister, who owns the current shares of An's Group?" ?”

She actually... Pale-faced An Zhimi grabbed the hem of her nightgown, her small movements were enough to reveal her anxiety.

She must have known something, so she dared to come to the door to accuse her, but how could she, An Zhimi, give in so easily?

"It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, does it? After all, you are the person my father hates the most. What right do you have to ask me?"

It's really overthinking one's abilities, she dared to be so arrogant when her death was imminent, An Yuqi said calmly.

"Yeah, I'm not qualified to say anything about you, but believe it or not, it's easier for me to kill you now than to kill an ant."

Skimming over the priceless ring in her hand, An Zhimi recalled the morning news, covered her mouth and smiled contemptuously.

"An Yuqi, you don't think you are very powerful now, do you? You're just a guy who relies on men to get ahead. Don't make yourself so arrogant. In the end, you are rare, and you are just playing for fun. That's all, don't get too deep into the drama."

Hearing this, An Yuqi smiled, lowered her head and fiddled with her ring. 
"At the very least, I have a man to rely on, and what about you, sister? The bruises on your arms and legs can't be covered up. It looks like it's worse than me?"

When she spoke, she was calm, confident and confident, and she didn't mean to be angry at all.

Soon, An Yuqi changed the subject and continued to ask questions.

"Will you say it or not."

Clenching her fists tightly, it was the first time in An Zhimi's life that someone grabbed her. The opponent was actually An Yuqi, whom she looked down upon no matter what. This made her feel a little humiliated.

"I do not know."

Bowing her head to blow away some tea leaves floating on the water surface, An Yuqi spoke quietly again.

"My sister really won't die if she doesn't see the Yellow River..."

Before she could finish speaking, An Zhimi in front of her suddenly became furious, slapped the table and stood up, pointing at her with trembling fingers.

"You don't want to push your feet?"

"Okay, when do you say, when will I go."

Leaning gracefully on the back of the sofa, An Yuqi put her left leg on top of her right leg, pressed her hands on her knees, and was ready for a protracted battle.

In the next second, An Zhimi's psychological defense line collapsed, and her whole body quickly collapsed like a deflated balloon.

"The equity is in Brother Qi's hands, but it has nothing to do with you. I am also my father's biological daughter."

Everything is clear, the equity of their An's Group has actually fallen into the hands of an outsider, and this outsider is still a person with evil intentions, which is really hateful.

"Do you still think of yourself as the An family's daughter? It's disgusting!"

Hearing this, An Zhimi raised her head and laughed loudly, she was out of breath from laughing.

"An Yuqi, this has nothing to do with you, you should leave earlier, you are not welcome here!"

She pointed at the door and issued an order to evict the guests. An investigation report from Hancheng a few days ago appeared in An Yuqi's mind, showing that during the two years when she left, Brother Qi had accumulated a large amount of property out of thin air. It seems that some illegal transaction is going on.

It is really unfortunate for the father to have such a daughter!

"Don't be too happy, I still say that, if I refuse to let you go one day, you won't even have a place to cry."

The smile gradually froze on her face, and An Zhimi took a step back, instinctively a little scared, but soon, she grabbed the servant's arm.

"Get this woman out of me, immediately, immediately!"

Picking up the bag on the table, An Yuqi walked towards the door without saying a word, suddenly remembered something, and turned her head to stare at An Zhimi who was out of breath.

"You take care of yourself. It's best to find a way to deal with the equity issue yourself. Don't force me to do it yourself. Also, take care of yourself!"

Coming out of the villa, the moment the door closed, An Yuqi clearly heard the harsh voices inside, as well as the loud noise of the teacup hitting the door.

Office of the President of Ye Group.

Han Cheng walked in with a solemn expression, and put a report on the desk.

"Boss, I found out. Just like your idea, Brother Qi is indeed engaging in illicit transactions. Most of his assets come from smuggled goods."

Smuggled goods?Sure enough, he was looking for his own death, Ye Qiongyu looked away from the report, he had doubts about Brother Qi's big money since the auction.

A small company, although it is black and white, but with so many assets, there must be tricks in it.

Touching his chin with his right hand, the man looked thoughtful.

A few minutes later, Han Cheng asked.

"Boss, what should we do next?"

Of course, it is a lesson. Brother Qi has been domineering in China for several years, and his hands are getting longer and longer. It's time to eradicate it.

"When are they going to do it?"

The man picked up a cup of coffee, got up and stood in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling glass windows, watching the people coming and going as insignificant as ants.

"If there is no accident, it will be the night after tomorrow. Our people have already ambushed and have been watching their every move."

"That's right, get your manpower ready, and when their things arrive, I'll take them down immediately. This matter must be foolproof."

Nodding his head, Han Cheng was about to leave with the report.

"Where's Zifan? Why didn't you come to the company today?"

What?Han Cheng raised his head and stammered.

"Well, the second young master seems to have said that there is something to do at school."

There is a ghostly thing, as far as he knows, the school has been on holiday for a long time, and Ye Zifan is not the kind of studious person at all.

"You tell him not to run around. When necessary, I have some things for him to do."

"Hey, our Mr. Ye seems to be living a good life. Why, didn't the stock drop affect you at all? I heard that the group of people on the board of directors are all mad."

Lin Zong, who was wearing casual attire, walked in swaggeringly, and immediately collapsed on the sofa, not treating himself as an outsider at all.

"What kind of person I am, you know in your heart."

Ye Qiongyu put down his coffee cup, looked deeply at the ocean on the horizon, the water waves gleamed dazzlingly in the sunlight.

"She's back, can't you just let it go? If she's still like before, not knowing what to do, won't you be upset again? Why bother?"

Hearing this, the pen in Ye Qiongyu's hand shook violently, drawing a long mark on the white paper, which looked like an ugly scar.

"This time, she won't."

"Are you that sure?"

Lin Zong's eyes were like two sharp swords, hitting the softest part of his heart.

"What to do, take some snacks by yourself, and don't think that the side effects of the medicine are gone, but I will temporarily control it for you, and you should avoid getting too emotional in the future, or..."

He hesitated to speak, and then changed to a lighter topic.

"I heard that you went to investigate Brother Qi? It should be something to do."

He reached out and patted Lin Zong's shoulder, Ye Qiongyu showed approval.

"Those who know me, Lin Zongye, of course, I will trouble you to run for me when the time comes."

When Lin Zong heard these words, Lin Zong's sloppy face turned his head as if he had been pricked by a needle.

"I reject."

"Rejection is invalid!"

Ye Qiongyu rolled his eyelids, he didn't even bother to lift his head.

An Yuqi's bachelor apartment.

Opening the door of the house, she immediately threw herself into the soft sofa. She was dizzy from the busy day, and she was about to fall apart. She even went to An Zhimi's place on the way, and then she was afraid of being stared at by some people who would not let her go. When the man found out, he rushed back quickly, and only came back after working overtime.

It was completely dark outside the window, and she slumped on the sofa and didn't want to move.

The unique aroma of food wafted from the kitchen, and soon, a man in an apron placed a plate of shredded potatoes on the table.

"Are you hungry?"

An Yuqi's eyes fell on the beautiful sheep and goat pattern on the apron, and she suddenly felt that it was a bit out of place on him. No matter how she looked at it, she felt like she was wearing it on the body of a big bad wolf.

There was steaming hot food in front of me, as well as a West Lake Beef Soup. Although there were a few mistakes in knife skills, the overall was still good.

An Yuqi rubbed her hands, picked up the spoon and carefully took a sip.

It melts in your mouth and is quite delicious.

What happened during the day is still vivid in her mind, and An Zhimi's expression like a dead fish is lingering in her mind.

It seems that An's equity has really been destroyed in other people's hands. Does she, as a daughter, have nothing to do?
Thinking of this, the food in front of her also lost its appeal. She put down the spoon and lay down facing the wall.

"I suddenly feel a little uncomfortable, why don't you eat first?"

Seeing this, the man's brows frowned into a word.

"Did something happen in the hospital? You were depressed when you came back."

After thinking for a long time, An Yuqi knew that she couldn't hide it from him, so she had to tell the truth. 
Unexpectedly, the man just smiled lightly after hearing this.

"It's just a small thing, don't worry about it so much."


The man's indifferent gaze completely angered her, An Yuqi simply sat aside and ignored him.

"You don't have to worry, the good news is coming later, just wait."

The man suddenly said such an inexplicable sentence in a neither salty nor light way.

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