In Huaxia Hospital.

[A well-known actress had a tragic divorce and quit the entertainment industry in tears, suspected of encountering a mistress]

After that, the news hot search was straightforward and explosive.

In the video, the woman is wearing a white dress, which is not as flamboyant as usual.She faced the camera with tears in her eyes, and talked about whether the divorce was due to the intervention of the mistress, tears fell like amber, and her manager stepped forward to block the camera.

Although I didn't personally say that I have a mistress, but this behavior has basically been acquiesced.

Click into the comments, and it really exploded.

"There must be a mistress!"

"Sure enough, men are unreliable, even if they have such a beautiful fiancée, they still have to cheat."

"Have you found out who the mistress is? Let her try what cyber violence is."

After flipping through two more casually, Jiang Zilin absent-mindedly put the phone aside.

"He retired"

Is it for his ex-wife?
Thinking of this, she frowned, feeling restless.

"Forget it, don't think about it." Jiang Zilin patted his face to cheer up, "Don't think about Ye Qiongyu anymore."

Immediately afterwards, just as she took out the folder and was about to check the patient's medical records, there was a knock on the door.

"Please come in."

As soon as the voice fell, the office door was opened, and a woman in elegant and luxurious clothes stood at the door.

Recognizing this woman as Ye Qiongyu's mother at a glance, Jiang Zilin was annoyed, but still asked politely: "What's the matter with you?"

Hearing this, Li Yuehua pointed at Jiang Zilin directly, and asked, "Are you obstructing the matter of Qiongyu and Yajun!"

The door of the office is still wide open, and many people have already looked inside.

Seeing her like this, Jiang Zilin was also annoyed, and replied with a sullen face, "Be more respectful, you must speak with evidence!"

Seeing her rebuttal, the domineering Li Yuehua couldn't bear it. He stepped forward and slapped her on the face, cursing and saying: "Little bitch! You still want to enter our Ye family, and don't even check whether you are worthy or not!" .”

The one who was beaten came back to his senses, Jiang Zilin sternly replied: "Get out! I don't care much about your Ye family."

After hearing this, Li Yuehua slapped again.

Seeing this, Jiang Zilin, who suffered a loss once, dodged backwards and quickly dodged.

There were more and more people around the door, Li Yuehua cursed: "Shameless bitch, you dare to seduce my son, just because you still want to enter my Ye family's door! Dreaming!"

When the crowd heard this, they really got into a commotion. The news of Wang Yajun's divorce is a hot topic right now, and almost everyone knows about it.

After a while, there was a bigger commotion, and the crowd at the door automatically divided a passage, and Wang Yajun ran in seemingly anxiously.

After she came in, she took Li Yuehua's arm and said sadly: "Auntie, why are you here, come back with me."

After speaking, he bowed again and again to Jiang Zilin, and said, "I'm sorry Miss Jiang, Auntie is too impulsive, I apologize to you on her behalf."

Seeing this, Jiang Zilin was completely stunned, not knowing which of these two people sang.

"Yajun, don't apologize to this bitch, if she didn't interfere, why would Qiongyu want to divorce her!" Li Yuehua pulled Wang Yajun up.

"It's not Miss Jiang's fault." Wang Yajun burst into tears, "Blame myself, I can't keep Brother Ye's heart."

Hearing this, Li Yuehua hated iron for being weak and said: "You are just too kind!"

The two of them sang together, but it was completely confirmed that Jiang Zilin was the mistress.

"Tell you! Don't think about playing tricks again!"

Immediately afterwards, after saying these words, Li Yuehua walked away proudly.

Rubbing his brows, Jiang Zilin looked at the excitement on the faces of the crowd and knew that this was a big trouble.

Sure enough, in less than two hours, the Internet was full of remarks pointing to Jiang Zilin as Xiaosan.

All her personal information has been stripped away, and the mobile phone has received hundreds of calls at this moment alone, and all kinds of insulting messages have poured in.

Unable to stand the harassment, Jiang Zilin threw the phone in the office.

After checking the room, she was waiting for the elevator when someone kicked her from behind and fell to the ground.

The pain was unbearable, Jiang Zilin turned around and saw a group of young people he didn't know standing behind him, and he spoke angrily.

"You are my goddess' mistress!"

The hall was crowded with people, but now everyone gathered around to watch the excitement.

"What's going on? Is the doctor making trouble? Why don't the security guards care about it?"

"Whatever it is, this is the mistress of the actress, I guess the fans have come to him."

"Just this kind of mistress, there's more than enough to die for!"

Hearing this, Jiang Zilin frowned, tried to get up with his arms propped up, but the person behind him kicked again, it hurt so badly, she gasped.

"Bitch! You look like a vixen, how dare you bully my goddess." After finishing speaking, the young girl knelt down, as if wanting to pull her hair.

How could she succeed, Jiang Zilin grabbed the girl's raised arm and slapped her back very quickly.

The girl was stunned, Jiang Zilin got up and ran away, she was outnumbered, staying was waiting to die.

There are security guards on the first floor, just run there, she thought, taking off her high heels faster.

The young man behind him had already reacted and chased after him mightily.

After finally running to the security room, I could still see the security guard sitting inside.

Seeing this, Jiang Zilin slapped the glass window vigorously, unexpectedly the security guard turned his face away when he saw her.

In this moment's free time, the boy behind him kicked Jiang Zilin's back hard.

Combined with the lack of strength from running before and the strength of this kick, Jiang Zilin lost all strength and fell to the ground.

"Hit her! Damn, you still dare to hit me!"

Immediately afterwards, the leading girl covered half of her face and waved behind her.

Seeing this, Jiang Zilin huddled into a ball, trying to protect important parts.

The pain fell like a storm, Jiang Zilin looked at the passers-by, hoping that someone would stop and help her.

But everyone passed by with indifference, and some even looked at her with a little disdain.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Zilin closed his eyes in despair.


In the next second, the girl's scream pierced the air.

Those people seemed to stop, Jiang Zilin opened his eyes, and saw Ye Qiongyu running eagerly, hugging her in his arms.

The man's chest was warm and firm, as if it was the safest place in the world.

After reading this, tears fell, Jiang Zilin didn't want to cry, but the moment she saw him, she couldn't control her emotions anymore.

These two tears fell on Ye Qiongyu's body, scalding his heart almost to melt.

He looked at the group of people fiercely, except for the girl who was kicked to the ground, everyone else fell to their knees in fright.

"We were wrong, we were wrong." A boy who knew Ye Qiongyu was so scared that his face was as white as paper, and he slapped himself several times.

Seeing this, the others were also frightened and admitted their mistakes.

Ye Qiongyu squinted his cold eyes over the most arrogant girl.

"Take it away, and don't let me see her alive and kicking again."

As soon as the words fell, two bodyguards stepped forward and dragged the girl away.

"I was wrong! Wang Yajun bought me! I don't dare anymore!"

The girl's wailing resounded through the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the bodyguard dragged the trembling security guard out.

The security guard knew Ye Qiongyu, and repeatedly begged for mercy: "I, I said, Miss Wang gave me money to do this."

After finishing speaking, he took out a few big bills from his pocket and threw them on the ground, "Please forgive me, Mr. Ye!" 
Before the security guard finished speaking, he was dragged away.

After tidying them up, Ye Qiongyu picked up the person in his arms and walked into the hospital.

After entering the office, Jiang Zilin was gently placed on the sofa bed, and Ye Qiongyu squatted down to look at her, carefully observing the wound on her face.

"Why are you here?" Jiang Zilin didn't want him to see his ugly face, turned his face slightly, and asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, Ye Qiongyu tore open a pack of wet wipes, took her face, wiped the wound carefully, and said, "After reading the rumors on the Internet, I knew something was going to happen to you, so I rushed over here."

"Don't worry, I've asked someone to find the evidence, and I'll be able to clear your innocence soon."

"what have you done?"

After hearing what he said, Jiang Zilin asked curiously.

"You'll find out later."

Seeing the man's gentle eyes and careful handling, Jiang Zilin's heart felt warm and astringent.

She was afraid that he would regard herself as his ex-wife again.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zilin raised his hand to stop the man's arm, ignored his puzzled eyes and said, "Don't be too nice to me, I'm really not your ex-wife."

"It's none of her business, I think you are very similar, but I treat you well only because you are Jiang Zilin." Ye Qiongyu looked into her eyes and said seriously.

These are the most touching eyes that Jiang Zilin has ever seen. The firmness in the man's eyes is brighter than the stars in the sky.

Inside the royal mansion.

Not long after, a press release from a well-known domestic paparazzi appeared on the Internet.

The article pointed out how the former movie queen Wang Yajun framed her best friend, and after taking away her best friend's husband, how she paid someone to pretend to be a fan to beat up a famous female doctor.

As soon as the post was posted, it exploded, reaching the top of the list of trending No.1.

The paparazzi has exposed the inside story of many celebrities in China, and the article has pictures and the truth, and the timeline is accurate, so the people who eat melons naturally believe it.

Looking at the reporters who surrounded the door of the house tightly, Wang Yajun drew the curtains fiercely.

She didn't expect Ye Qiongyu to help that woman to such an extent, and now she has the heart to eat Jiang Zilin raw.

After finally walking into the house, and meeting Wang Yajun head-on, Wang Yanglin raised his hand and slapped him.

"Idiot! Why did I give birth to you, an idiot? No one can hide your tail!"

Wang Yajun, who was stunned by the beating, looked at his father in disbelief, "Dad! You hit me!"

"Hitting you is considered light!" Hearing this, Wang Yanglin threw the phone on Wang Yajun's face and said, "Look for yourself!"

The screen of the mobile phone flickered slightly. It turned out that netizens spontaneously put the boycott of the Wang Group on the top of the trending searches.

"Do you know how much the company has lost because of you! Get out and apologize!" Wang Linyang tugged on his tie and cursed.

Hearing his father's words, Wang Yajun turned his face away: "I won't go!"

"If you don't go, just wait for the company's stock to drop to the limit!"

There was no other way, and Wang Yajun also knew that his father was serious, so he finally walked outside the door.

She opened the door, and there were flashing lights overwhelming the sky, and everyone's faces were full of contempt and disgust.

After calming down, Wang Yajun pretended to be charming and pitiful, and said to the reporter: "I was jealous of Dr. Jiang for a while, and I did something wrong. I apologize to Dr. Jiang."

After speaking, he bowed deeply to the crowd.

Before she got up, a rotten egg was thrown from nowhere and hit her directly on the head.

There was booing all around, and more and more rotten eggs were thrown, covering Wang Yajun's whole body in no time.

She smelled the stench, opened her mouth and nearly vomited.

Upon seeing this, the reporters hurriedly captured the excellent material of this scene.

When Wang Yajun saw the picture of herself rolling her eyes and opening her mouth wide, and her body covered with egg liquid, it became a picture on the headlines.

It's already the next day.

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